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Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, May 5, 2023

There is little evidence yet of changes occurring for the betterment of humanity but given time they will become apparent. Clearly major changes do not happen overnight yet in spite of the turmoil and uncertainty of the future, we can aassure you it is a preparation for a new way of living that does not include the dark Ones.


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Something’s Happening | Digger Barr

There are places I want to be. There are places I am in and there are places I want to go. Yes, the plural in this statement is correct. I can be in multiple places at one time. I stand at my stove and make coffee while recalling my dream. This puts me in 3 different places at once, Stove, bed, and dreamscape. These are just three aspects of myself that I am tracking. Other fractal existences that arise occasionally are not my focus for today’s inquiry. Today I am interested in exploring the scuttlebutt that we are not on Earth any more.
有些地方我想成為。有些地方我在,有些地方我想前往。是的,這句話中的複數是正確的。我可以同時出現在多個地方。我站在爐子前邊煮咖啡邊回憶我的夢。這讓我同時處於 3 個不同的地方,爐子、床和夢境。 這些只是我正在追踪的三個方面。其他偶爾出現的分形存在不是我今天探究的重點。今天,我有興趣探索我們不再在地球上的流言蜚語。


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Living Beyond our Limitations | Kenneth Schmitt

We have the choice of living in vibrations of enhancement of all life, including our own. When we do this, negativity disappears from our lives. In order for the chaos and life-diminishing energies of the world to affect us, we must give it our attention and engagement. When we fill our awareness with joy and love, we are in a higher energetic dimension beyond negativity, and we do not have negative thoughts, feelings and experiences.


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Earth Speaks: The Heart Center of the Earth | Pamela Kribbe

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Pamela Kribbe jeshua.net



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Conscious Light is Enveloping our Awareness | Kenneth Schmitt


The reality we recognize as humans is constantly stimulating our physical senses within the energetic band of polarities and frequencies of the dualistic world of empiricism. We are limited to this version of reality by self-imposed beliefs about ourselves. There is no reality for us beyond our beliefs, except for the intuition of our heart. This is where we are connected to consciousness beyond the ego-mind. It is the consciousness of constant creation of new life and experiences, shared by all conscious beings. To access our heart-consciousness, we must intentionally align with its feelings and sense of knowing by calming our thoughts and emotions and allowing the expressions of our heart to pervade us.


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Judith Kusel: We have Stepped into a New way of Life


We have stepped into a new way of life.


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The Golden Age is here | Divine Mother via Jennifer Crokaert


March 22, 2023



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Creating your own 5D Reality | Vidya Frasier

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Vidya Frazier



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Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self | March 17, 2023


By now you should have realised that what is happening upon Earth is a sign of major changes taking place that will continue to do so until it has been prepared for Ascension. What was acceptable during the last cycle is no longer appropriate at a time when changes are needed to lift you up, and these will continue as the years pass by. At present you may find it difficult to comprehend where they are leading as at times they seem to be random and without any real purpose. However, given time a pattern will emerge that reveals the elimination of old ways that will no longer be adequate to meet your needs. You are currently living in a changeover period that is hard going, but there will be a turning point for the better in the very near future. So hold fast and do not despair as your patience will be well rewarded.
到現在為止,你們應該已經意識到,地球上正在發生的事情是正在發生的重大變化的標誌,這種變化將繼續發生,直到它為揚升做好準備。在需要改變來提升你的時候,在上一個週期中可接受的東西不再合適,並且這些將隨著歲月的流逝而繼續。目前你可能會發現很難理解他們的領導方向,因為有時他們似乎是隨機的,沒有任何真正的目的。 然而,假以時日,將會出現一種模式,表明已淘汰不再足以滿足你需求的舊方法。你目前生活在一個艱難的轉變期,但在不久的將來會有一個更好的轉折點。所以堅持住,不要絕望,因為你的耐心會得到很好的回報。


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Realizing Unconditional Love | Kenneth Schmitt


Consciousness is the prime essence of everything, and everything arises from consciousness. It is universal. Quantum Physics has shown that there is only one consciousness, and within it arise an infinite number of fractals that all share the same consciousness. Each of us is one of these fractals of fractals of fractals. Each subatomic entity is one of these fractals. Every part of us is an aspect of the whole. Every part of each human has the same DNA. We are unified beings in a unified universe. All are held within the same consciousness. This is the consciousness of a supreme Being, who expresses us to realize infinite Self.


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Our Participation in Universal Consciousness | Kenneth Schmitt


If we can imagine the idea of universal consciousness, we may wonder what it feels like. It is something that becomes known for us as we are able to align with its vibratory presence. Every part of it contributes to the enhancement of the whole and all aspects of everything. The anomaly is the dark force. Negativity does not exist in universal consciousness, but it exists in human experience, because we provide its reality for us by imagining it, recognizing it and realizing what it is. When we change our realization, negativity no longer exists in our experience.
如果我們可以想像普遍意識的概念,我們可能會想知道它是什麼感覺。當我們能夠與它的振動存在保持一致時,它就會為我們所熟知。它的每個部分都有助於增強整體和所有方面。異常是黑暗力量。消極性不存在於普遍意識中,但它存在於人類經驗中,因為我們通過想像它、認識它並意識到它是什麼來為我們提供它的現實。 當我們改變我們的認識時,消極性就不再存在於我們的經驗中。


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Straight from the Heart:March 3, 2023 | Valerie Donner


March 3, 2023



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Conscious Human Evolution | Kenneth Schmitt


We all have a desire for pleasure and ecstasy. What keeps us from experiencing them always? 


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Major Weekend Update! | Dr. Schavi M. Ali

by Dr. Schavi M. Ali, February 18, 2023



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01  愛的秘密


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Making a Shift in Consciousness | Kenneth Schmitt

Making a Shift in Consciousness



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