Our Participation in Universal Consciousness | Kenneth Schmitt


If we can imagine the idea of universal consciousness, we may wonder what it feels like. It is something that becomes known for us as we are able to align with its vibratory presence. Every part of it contributes to the enhancement of the whole and all aspects of everything. The anomaly is the dark force. Negativity does not exist in universal consciousness, but it exists in human experience, because we provide its reality for us by imagining it, recognizing it and realizing what it is. When we change our realization, negativity no longer exists in our experience.
如果我們可以想像普遍意識的概念,我們可能會想知道它是什麼感覺。當我們能夠與它的振動存在保持一致時,它就會為我們所熟知。它的每個部分都有助於增強整體和所有方面。異常是黑暗力量。消極性不存在於普遍意識中,但它存在於人類經驗中,因為我們通過想像它、認識它並意識到它是什麼來為我們提供它的現實。 當我們改變我們的認識時,消極性就不再存在於我們的經驗中。


Making something real is what we do as fractals of universal consciousness. If we are attracted to negativity, we create its presence in our awareness. This happens most powerfully in our subconscious self, which we can be aware of and communicate with consciously. This kind of communication happens as subtle feelings from deep within us, which we send and receive. We cannot make them go away, but we can block them from our awareness by turning our attention to the control of our ego-consciousness. This aspect of ourselves consists of all of our limiting beliefs about ourselves, and it is our presence in the human world. It does not know about higher guidance.
使某事成為現實是我們作為普遍意識的分形所做的事情。如果我們被消極情緒所吸引,就會在我們的意識中創造它的存在。這在我們的潛意識自我中發生得最為強烈,我們可以有意識地意識到並與之交流。這種交流發生在我們內心深處的微妙感受,我們發送和接收。我們無法讓它們消失,但我們可以通過將注意力轉移到對自我意識的控制上來阻止它們進入我們的意識。 我們自己的這一方面,包括對自己的所有限制性信念,它是我們在人類世界中的存在。 它不知道更高的指導。


In order to open our realization beyond our fixation to the material world, we must be willing to transcend our limiting beliefs about ourselves. This involves a complete transformation of our lives. Our desires change to the life-enhancing desires of our heart. Our needs disappear, because they are naturally fulfilled as they arise. In every moment we can do what we know in our heart we are guided to do to create the most love and beauty within and all around.


Being aware of universal consciousness can happen when we are completely aligned with our heart-consciousness. This is how we can open ourselves to the most wonderful, life-enhancing experiences. When we can feel and realize the energy of the heart of our Being, we feel grateful and ecstatic. It feels so wonderful! By being aware consciously of these vibrations as the essence of our true Self, we can realize our infinite presence of awareness arising within universal consciousness.
當我們與心之意識完全一致時,就會意識到普遍意識。這就是我們如何敞開心扉,迎接最美妙、最能提升生活的體驗。 當我們能夠感受到、並意識到我們存在之心的能量時,會感到感激和欣喜若狂。感覺太美妙了! 通過有意識地意識到這些振動是我們真實自我的本質,我們可以意識到、在普遍意識中產生的無限意識存在。


Guided by our heart-consciousness, we can live in the awareness of our essence merging with the essence of everyone and everything in the same Being, within whose consciousness we all live. In this perspective we are telepathic, empathic, telekinetic and every unlimited form of communication and knowing. This all happens when we open ourselves to participation in universal consciousness.





傳導/作者:Kenneth Schmitt


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