Sananda: As the Veil Comes Crashing Down
Channel: James McConnell
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in these continuing momentous changes that are happening here on this planet and within all of you.
Sananda: As the Veil Comes Crashing Down
Channel: James McConnell
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in these continuing momentous changes that are happening here on this planet and within all of you.
Sananda via Galaxygirl | August 21, 2023
Sananda 8/21/2023
Greetings, lightworkers of earth. The winds of change are blowing hard and fast on your sphere, in your lives, in your countries, there is change all around. I see the greatest change is within the lightworkers collective as they open up more and more to their own inner knowing, their own power. It is true that the veil is very thin but it is thin for only those who realize it. To those who do not realize enough to even ask the question, it is the same, but they yet feel the undercurrent of change, of unsustainability of the current modus operandi. Gaia will be a paradise once again, but not on this current form. All is being upgraded or taken away. There is no longer any middle ground. Do not let this frighten you, but encourage you. There is indeed much to be encouraged about. Change is what is needed and change is what is here.
Galaxygirl ~ Immanuel: Grand Solar Flash
July 11, 2023,
I am here, I am all around you. Many of you feel me near, many of you do not and are locked out a few frequencies away, heart tight. Open your hearts. Open to the light around you, to the light that is coming and to the light that is here now. Many will see and many will not, but all will know that a shift has occurred. There is nothing to fear. Only love will remain for those who have chosen to partake of love.
Sananda: Activating the Christ Energy
I open the path of enlightenment so that everything can flow in from a higher love, unfold the higher part in yourself and ascend.
用人類的術語來說,隨著人類集體繼續迅速邁向偉大而重大的事件——你們的集體覺醒!確實非常非常接近! 是的,我們多年來一直在告訴你,你的覺醒已經接近了,它很快就會發生,這是真的。但是時間,當你在純粹的物質主義的不真實環境中經歷它時,是可變的,它不是像你所看到的那樣不斷的一個方向流動,因此它使我們很難用對你來說有意義的方式來解決它。做了那個澄清後,我將再次說:“你的覺醒時刻非常接近了。 ”
It is with great joy in my heart that I come here once again. Do not expect me to comment on the events of your world. This is all part of the process happening right now. You will see much more. It simply shows (to those who see nothing and perceive nothing) that we are not standing still. Despite this, some people will think that nothing is happening, that the planet is as before. Everything is happening as it always has, just because they refuse to see the truth. But you will all see, at the right time, what we are trying to show you. So I won't comment further.
I am Sananda. I am here to be with you in these times as yes, indeed, you are moving through the various vibrational frequencies, the various dimensions. You are traversing them, as one gave earlier in your discussion. You are moving freely through them because you have the awareness to do so.
Humanity is on a roll! The collective awakening process, in which you are all fully engaged, is moving along quite beautifully, as is to be expected because it is God’s divine will.
I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time to continue the process.