Galaxygirl ~ Immanuel: Grand Solar Flash
July 11, 2023,
I am here, I am all around you. Many of you feel me near, many of you do not and are locked out a few frequencies away, heart tight. Open your hearts. Open to the light around you, to the light that is coming and to the light that is here now. Many will see and many will not, but all will know that a shift has occurred. There is nothing to fear. Only love will remain for those who have chosen to partake of love.
I am love in light form. I am the out-breath of Source Creator. Many will see as they wish to see. Some will see destruction, others will see images of saints on clouds. Whatever you resonate with or expect to see and feel is what you all will see and feel, as is fitting for the culmination of a matrix hologram.
Many of you balk at these words. How else then do you define reality? Is reality only what is solid, what you can feel? Holograms can be solid. Is reality only what you remember? You remember things differently in dreams: dreams are like catching fluids thinking that they are solids, but they quickly drain away. Yet, are they not real when you are experiencing them?
你們中的許多人對這些話猶豫不決。那麼你還如何定義現實呢? 現實只是固體的、你能感覺到的嗎?全息圖可以是實體的。現實只是你記憶中的嗎? 你在夢中對事物的記憶有所不同:夢就像接住液體,以為它們是固體,但它們很快就消失了。然而,當你經歷它們時,它們難道不是真實的嗎?
Then perhaps only experience is reality. In which case you all have had too many experiences of reality to count. Reality is where you place your focus. As Source Creator beings, you have the power and influence to create your reality, you have heard this. But many of you do not fully understand the implication of this. You will.
那麼也許只有經歷才是現實。 在這種情況下,你們都有過太多的現實經歷。現實是你關注的焦點。作為源頭造物主存有,你們有能力和影響力來創造你們的現實,你們已經聽到了這一點。但你們中的許多人並不完全理解這意味著什麼。你會。
This one asked to speak with the solar flash, or the love wave, or the great change wave, whatever you wish to call me. I am the energy behind it, and of it. I am assisting to direct this wave. I am Immanuel, in lightwave form, assisting the light, directing and guiding it.
這個人要求與太陽閃光、愛之浪潮或偉大變革波交談,無論你想怎麼稱呼我。我是它背後的能量,也是它的能量。 我正在協助引導這波浪潮。我是以馬內利,以光波的形式,協助光,引導和指引它。
There has been a great lack of light on your planetary sphere, and the people need their hearts refilled with light again. This is, in part, my duty to make this light available, as Celestial Orchestrator. It is also, in part, your duty, dear ones, dear friends, to open your hearts to it. Do not despair. Do not lose hope. Do not lose your heart. Keep it close within you, opening up more and more to these energies of light that are pummeling your globe.
你們的星球上已經嚴重缺乏光了,人們需要他們的心再次充滿光。作為天體協調者,這在一定程度上是我的責任,讓這盞燈變得可用。 親愛的朋友們,向它敞開心扉也是你們的部分責任。不要灰心。不要失去希望。不要失去你的心。讓它靠近你的內心,越來越多地向這些正在衝擊你們的地球的光能量敞開。
I wish for you to know how much you are loved, how much love is in these words; I wish for you to feel this. Creator wishes for you to bask in the warmth of love, and this is in part what the love wave will feel like. It will feel like a wall, a wave of immersive, submersive, illuminating, joyful love. It will feel like home.
我希望你們知道、你是多麼被愛,這句話裡有多少愛; 我希望你能感受到這一點。造物主希望你沐浴在愛的溫暖中,這在一定程度上就是愛的波浪的感覺。 它會感覺像一堵牆,一股沉浸式的、沉浸式的、啟發性的、快樂的愛的浪潮。它會有家的感覺。
You have been missing home. You feel this, and for those of you such as this one who can feel deeply, being on a planetary realm of darkness and strife can be overwhelming, overbearing. And it is easy to shut it off.
(He is showing me a light switch flicking off, and now a light switch on a beating heart.)
Keep the light switches of hope on in your hearts.
Dear friends, you are frustrated, and you wish to know your purpose, your job. I see that you have all been doing your jobs magnificently. You are holding the light so that the love wave has a place to ground, so that it will not be such a shock, such a jarring discord difference of frequency. You are keeping the planet from blowing up, quite literally, as all is frequency, you are keeping the frequency high enough that the love wave that I am directing, will be met with similar frequency. You are showing love to those in your lives, you are bridging the gap. And I couldn’t be any more proud of you.
親愛的朋友們,你很沮喪,你想知道你的目的、你的工作。我看到你們都出色地完成了自己的工作。你拿著光,以便愛的波有一個接地的地方,這樣它就不會如此震動,如此不和諧的頻率差異。 你正在阻止地球爆炸,毫不誇張地說,因為一切都是頻率,你正在保持足夠高的頻率,以便我引導的愛波將以相似的頻率相遇。你正在向生活中的人表達愛,你正在彌合差距。 我為你感到無比驕傲。
This year has had many changes, many burstings of change, many of which you cannot see. It does not mean that they are not there, that they have not happened. You will see many holographic images of people who have been charged, [arrested and processed?] and are no longer on your planet, but appear on your news or social media, because images can be manipulated. They have been manipulated all the time on your sphere.
今年發生了很多變化,很多爆發性的變化,其中很多是你看不見的。 這並不意味著它們不存在,也不意味著它們沒有發生。 你會看到許多被指控、[被捕和處理?]並且不再在你們星球上的人的全息圖像,但出現在你的新聞或社交媒體上,因為圖像可以被操縱。 他們一直在你們的領域被操縱。
It is easy for the Galactics to swap out a dark hat and use their image of charisma and influence to create awareness of a certain issue, to help wake those up who would be drawn to that 3d image. Do you see that this is happening?
對於銀河人來說,換掉黑帽子並利用他們的魅力和影響力形象來提高對某個問題的認識,幫助喚醒那些會被那個 3D 圖像吸引的人是很容易的。你們看到這種情況正在發生嗎?
I wish for tonight, or this morning’s message to be one of encouragement, of codes. Envelop yourself in the light of Source. Bubble up, it is a worthy saying and image to practice. It is a hug of light. Light finds light. Be an open receiver for this light. I am sending codes of home, of love, of belonging, all of which you have missed in this incarnation.
我希望今晚或今天早上的信息能夠成為鼓勵和準則之一。將自己包裹在源頭之光中。冒泡,這是一句值得踐行的名言和形象。 這是一個光的擁抱。光尋找光。成為此光的開放接收器。我正在發送關於家、愛、歸屬感的密碼,所有這些你在這一世都錯過了。
You have deeply missed your space homes, your galactic beloveds. And it is easier sometimes to flip the switch and say “I’m not going to feel that today.” And then the days stretch into years and the joyful spark of your life is gone, and you have forgotten your purpose. No, please don’t do this. Please remember your calling, to hold the light, to be the light, to be a receptor for the light to ground.
你們非常想念你們的太空家園,你們的銀河摯愛。有時,打開開關並說“我今天不會有這種感覺”會更容易。然後日子一天天過去,你生命中快樂的火花消失了,你也忘記了你的目的。不,請不要這樣做。 請記住你的使命,保持光,成為光,成為光接地的接收器。
Source Creator will not let this project be anything but 100% perfected, and the time is now, is here.
源頭造物主不會讓這個項目達到 100% 完美,現在就是時候了。
This light wave that I am managing is unlike any I have ever experienced. As Celestial Orchestrator, I have orchestrated many beautiful celestial events. (He is showing me the guiding of galaxies to collide and form something new, or to keep them from colliding. I am seeing rainbows of light in space. I am hearing colors of all rainbow hues around planets humming, singing. There is definitely music in space.)
我所管理的這種光波與我經歷過的任何光波都不一樣。作為天體編排師,我精心策劃了許多美麗的天體事件。 (他正在向我展示如何引導星系碰撞並形成新的東西,或者阻止它們碰撞。我在太空中看到彩虹般的光。我聽到行星周圍所有彩虹色調的嗡嗡聲、歌唱聲。肯定有音樂在太空。)
Yes, galaxygirl. There is liquid in space. There are all kinds of things in space that you will enjoy discovering. You are on a short mission here. A Human life is very short…too short, but this will not always be the case. With the light upgrades, humankind will be have to choose what length of duration they wish to experience. There is much to look forward to. There is much to be excited about.
Remember, this journey has seemed arduous, very long, grueling even, and painful. We know this. We all see your tenacity, and we applaud you. But it is really only a moment in your long eternal line of moments, and many of them have been joyful ones. This aspect of your multidimensional self is becoming available to you.
請記得,這段旅程似乎艱鉅、漫長、甚至令人疲憊不堪、痛苦不堪。我們知道這一點。 我們都看到了你的堅韌,我們為你鼓掌。但這實際上只是你漫長而永恆時刻中的一個時刻,其中許多都是快樂的時刻。你的多維自我的這個方面正在變得可供你使用。
Pick moments of joy from your other experienced moments if you feel no joy in your current life, and it will fill you up. It is all available to you now, you are just realizing it. In this Now is a download of accessibility to your grand self. Bring your own joy towards you; and bring the light. As magnets of this light, you are changing your world and your solar system, and this, of course, results in the upgrade of your known universe.
如果你在當前的生活中感覺不到快樂,那麼從其他經歷過的時刻中挑選一些快樂的時刻,它會讓你感到充實。現在這一切都可供你使用,你只是意識到它。 在這個“現在”中,你可以下載並訪問你的偉大自我。 把自己的快樂帶給你; 並帶來光。作為這種光的磁鐵,你們正在改變你們的世界和太陽系,這當然會導致你們已知宇宙的升級。
All is well. I Immanuel, Celestial Orchestrator of events known and unknown, am at your service. I am sending you downloads of energies that are to be quite useful in the coming months. You are all that you need. You are what you seek. And now you have found it. You might not yet quite know what to do with it all but you will be guided.
Feel the size of you increase now. (I am looking at my arms and I am seeing them flash between many forms.) It is all you. You are the size of space. You are space. You are everything. We are one. You are also Source in form of expression. The illusion is no more.
現在感覺你的體型變大了。(我看著我的手臂,我看到它們在多種形態之間閃爍。) 都是你。 你就是空間的大小。你是空間。 你就是一切。 我們是一體的。你也是表達形式的源頭。幻象已經不復存在了。
I am Immanuel. I send you my love. I am with you always.
我是以馬內利。 我送給你們我的愛。 我永遠支持你。
Galaxygirl ~ Immanuel: Grand Solar Flash (