You are in the Transition Stage | Adama of Telos via Asara Adams
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Greetings, Beloved Ones.
You are in the Transition Stage | Adama of Telos via Asara Adams
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Greetings, Beloved Ones.
Connected Consciousness | Adama of Telos via Asara Adams
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Greetings, Beloved Ones.
May peace be in you, in your hearts, dear children of the Earth. What disturbances in your beings! Wherever you are, whatever country you live in, we see your energies spinning around in a very disturbed way. We know that you have been living for some years now with events that strongly disturb you and momentarily prevent you from understanding what is happening in you and who you are in this world that resembles a general earthquake.
We greet you dear children of planet Earth. With great love we are happy to have you back. We are going to speak to you on this day of the New Earth which presents itself to you.
We greet you, dear children of the Earth. We are going to talk to you again about the transition you are currently experiencing. This transition takes you from the low energy of the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension through the dimension of disturbing consciousness, the 4th.
We love you dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth. Many of us are helping you because we know and see that your planet is currently in great suffering. But, as we have told you in previous messages, it is necessary that these various tribulations travel through the soil and heart of your planet as well as the heart and body of humanity.
We greet you, dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth. We know what you are going through every moment whether it is for you personally or in all of your humanity.
We greet you, dear children of the Earth. Today, we are going to talk to you about what may happen in the times to come. For many of you it does not seem very happy between the pandemic experienced for two years and the struggles that currently exist on the side of Russia and Ukraine.
We greet you, dear children of the Earth. You know it, we have often repeated it during our numerous messages transmitted to our channel, you are beings of very strong Divine Power but you are not sufficiently aware of it.
Greetings and love, we are the collective energy of the Crystalline Kingdom. We are the spirits that exist within the crystals upon the Earth and yet we also exist as a collective energy on the inner planes.
We are always here to support you and help you on your way of life, dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth. Our work is to help you encounter Love, True Love in each and every one of you and to transmit it around you, not only to your fellow human beings but also to the other kingdoms, mineral, vegetable and animal.
We greet you dear children of the Earth. What can we talk to you about at this time when you are going to celebrate the birth of the One who loves you much more than you think, your brother, our brother Jesus?