We are always here to support you and help you on your way of life, dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth. Our work is to help you encounter Love, True Love in each and every one of you and to transmit it around you, not only to your fellow human beings but also to the other kingdoms, mineral, vegetable and animal.
As you know, you cannot live without each other. This cannot be because each kingdom brings to the other, to the others, an element of life. Each kingdom is necessary in the construction of the life of the Earth and in its evolution. Do not doubt that when humanity ascends, the other kingdoms will follow. And we tell you that the mineral, animal and vegetable kingdoms will follow the evolution of the Earth more rapidly than the human kingdom.
Why that ? Because quite simply the human kingdom is still and will be still cluttered with negative feelings and disturbing emotions for some time to come. The other kingdoms do not experience all these feelings and we would say that they are purer than the human kingdom which, despite a more awakened consciousness at present, will need a great number of purifications to rise towards and in the New Earth.
However, and this can happen very quickly, you have within you the ability to reverse the current situation by amplifying the Love Energy, True Love, which is emerging and growing within you. We told you about this recently.
The current situation on Earth, within your society has been and is a huge trigger for this evolution of Love within you. Rejoice over it. You will realize in the months that follow, how much something will have changed in you. Not only at the physical level but, above all, in your way of thinking, of thinking about things much less material than those which you lived before. You will realize that the separation between you, humans, will be less difficult: by this we mean that you will no longer look at the one who does not have the same religion as you with a suspicious look…you will no longer look at the one or the one who does not have the same skin color with a still suspicious look…etc
You will realize that many things, events that you considered important at a certain time and particularly before this pandemic, will no longer have such a strong impact on you. You will appreciate more the contact with Nature which heals everything, soothes suffering hearts and bodies, delights the gaze with the beauty of what it presents to your eyes, etc.
Your perception of life on Earth, of your own life is changing strongly even if you do not realize it because it is still subtle, far too subtle for you. However we can tell you that we see the transformations in each of you. We see how much there has been a significant change since this couple of years that you have just gone through in terms of physical suffering for some, moral and psychological suffering for others.
But all this is a great success of your evolution . In the months to come, even though there are still some difficulties on your planet politically or otherwise, you will again and again open up to the arrival of the New Earth.
We know that many of you are thinking, “Why are they always talking about the New Earth? how far it seems to us and sometimes seems impossible to reach! »
We tell you: we know the impatience that is in you. We know how much you want to live in peace, in simplicity and above all in respect. This happens, we can confirm it to you, but… there is a small “but”… it is important that you make some efforts on yourself, in yourself, to purify all jealousies, all resentment, all anger and lack of confidence that are in you.
How are we going to get to this? you say to yourself, this is impossible!
Rest assured. It will come, will happen to you because you will become more and more aware of what it is important to live to achieve serenity.
What your rulers are going to present to you in the months to come will make you react so much when you understand that all of this is nonsense, that you are going to let go and let yourself be carried away by a great desire for Peace and Serenity.
You are going to have, more and more, the desire to no longer listen to your rulers, you are no longer going to want to listen to their fine words which are only said to better ensnare you in their nets; you will understand that the only freedom to acquire is within you, only within you. You will come together in like-minded groups, it will spread like wildfire, and you can begin to glimpse the New Earth.
The New Earth that we often tell you about is the transformation of humanity into an Energy of True Peace, True Serenity, True Respect, True Gentleness towards all that lives on Earth and towards planet Earth itself .
This will cause an increase in Light on the Earth, on its landscapes, on all of Nature. This will appease the animals who will no longer kill each other and this will dissolve the internal quarrels in the countries currently at war.
Dear brothers and sisters of the Earth, we strongly watch over you, we envelop you with all the Light that we receive from the Source and from Its Pure Love. Have confidence in Life, in your life and let yourself go to the joy of meeting it, as soon as possible, on the soil of your planet and in your hearts.
We love you.
傳導:Marie-Josée Andichou