目前分類:綜合訊息 (368)
- Jun 13 Thu 2024 10:37
【國際瑜伽日】2024.06.13 Isha台灣課程資訊
- Oct 28 Sat 2023 10:01
【Mike Quinsey】2023.10.27思想的力量
- Oct 26 Thu 2023 18:59
【Celia Fenn】2023.10.26宇宙舞者和新地球的頻率
The Cosmic Dancer and the Frequencies of the New Earth | Celia Fenn
Beloveds, as you move through the Eclipse season and onwards through the 11/11 Portal, you are facing many challenges both energetic and physical. It is a time when everything that is not in balance is being shown up for what it is, both in your personal lives and on a planetary scale. But it is also a time of celebration for you as light workers, as the first and second waves of Ascension are now completing their journey and are ready to be the “Light to the World”, and to be those who hold Peace and Love in their hearts despite the low frequencies of violence and hate that may seem to be prevalent.
- Oct 25 Wed 2023 20:11
What You are Meant to Do on Earth ∞
Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
- Oct 22 Sun 2023 14:34
A Healing for Earth & Her Inhabitants ∞
Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
- Oct 21 Sat 2023 23:17
【Mike Quinsey】2023.10.20下定決心,就能達到你渴望的任何水平
- Oct 08 Sun 2023 17:08
【Mike Quinsey】2023.10.06保持高振動,更新信念
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Oct. 6, 2023
6th October 2023. Mike Quinsey.
Things could have been vastly different if those in power had put the needs of the people first, but greed for wealth and riches have resulted in the unbalanced society you live in today. However, a new pathway is being created at this very time through the many souls that have lifted up their vibrations. We are very pleased that this potential exists and we will do everything in our power to help you manifest it. Ultimately you will enjoy a new way of living that will bring you joy and happiness.
- Oct 07 Sat 2023 15:10
【Natalie Alba】2023.10.07天秤座新月日環食
- Oct 05 Thu 2023 13:20
【Celia Fenn】2023.09.28牡羊座滿月
Celia Fenn: Full Moon in Aries | Celia Fenn
Wow what a powerful flow of energy is coming with the Full Moon and SuperMoon in Aries!
- Oct 05 Thu 2023 13:20
【Sitara】2023.09.24關於2023 年九月秋分更新
September Equinox 2023 Update | September 24, 2023 by Sitara
By Natalia Alba
Beloved Ones,
- Oct 03 Tue 2023 14:24
【Mike Quinsey】2023.09.29進步、超越、改變
- Sep 28 Thu 2023 17:25
【Nicky Hamid】2023.09.28揚升模式
Ascending Mode | Nicky Hamid
So You are in “Ascending mode”. Well really it is “Descending”. You, the Lighted Divine Being coming closer into the body you fashioned through the Love of God that you are.
所以你處於「上升模式」。 嗯,確實是「下降」。你,被照亮的神聖存在,越來越接近你透過神之愛所塑造的身體。
- Sep 23 Sat 2023 11:26
【Mike Quinsey】2023.09.22平靜應對生活,確保振動保持盡可能高
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Sept. 22, 2023
Foreword by Mike Quinsey: Many people have yet to accept that life much like ours abounds in the Universe and look for concrete proof that it does exist. It was found near Nazca, Peru in 2017 by J.Maussan. A photograph clearly shows the upper part of a mummified body with near human features around 1000 years old, an elongated head, a long neck, 3 fingers on each hand and implants of Osmium and Cadmium.
麥克昆西(Mike Quinsey)的序言:許多人尚未接受宇宙中存在著與我們非常相似的生命,並尋找其確實存在的具體證據。 J.Maussan 於 2017 年在秘魯納斯卡附近發現了它。 一張照片清楚地顯示了木乃伊身體的上半部分,具有近乎人類的特徵,距今約1000年,頭部細長,脖子長,每隻手有3個手指,並植入了鋨和鎘。
- Sep 22 Fri 2023 22:45
【Meg Benedicte】2023.09.22秋分閘道激活
Equinox Gateway Actrivations | Meg Benedicte
In Just Hours the Libra Equinox gateway will reach peak power, exact at 6:50 UTC on September 23 and 11:50 p.m. PDT on Friday, September 22. This is a rare zero point gateway of quantum possibilities, an infusion of infinite universal creational force. In this rare moment of perfect stillness, we inspire a new paradigm, we spread Love, we create harmony, we birth the New Earth!
- Sep 20 Wed 2023 13:26
【Celia Fenn】2023.09.20秋分門戶
The Equinox Portal | Celia Fenn
Yes, the energy has continued to be intense and weird, and we are only one week out from the second Scared Point of Light, the Equinox Portal on 23rd September.
是的,能量仍然強烈而怪異,距離第二個恐怖光點——9 月 23 日的秋分門戶——只有一周的時間。
- Sep 16 Sat 2023 09:53
【Mike Quinsey】2023.09.15每個生命都是通向真理的階梯
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Sept. 15, 2023
15th. September 2023. Mike Quinsey.
Some changes are resulting in the loss of life, and even those that appear accidental or are a result of nature’s impulses are all with a purpose as the final cleansing takes place. There are casualties that are often in great numbers. It is understandable given the extent of damage such as in earthquakes. It may be hard to accept that virtually all victims are clearing their karma so that in their next life, they start with a clean slate.
- Sep 15 Fri 2023 14:25
This is What You Really Want ∞
Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters
“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
- Sep 10 Sun 2023 14:16
Where You & All Humans Are Going ∞
Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
- Sep 09 Sat 2023 09:18
【Mike Quinsey】2023.09.08保持流動與警醒
- Sep 06 Wed 2023 13:06
Are You Always Channeling & Accessing Your Gifts? ∞
Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.