目前分類:綜合訊息 (368)
- Jun 01 Tue 2021 14:54
- May 31 Mon 2021 14:20
- May 31 Mon 2021 10:43
June 2021 Ascension Energies; The Reflection
Expressing Your Heart表達你的心
What an interesting energy from May’s Heart Expression that was such a powerful aspect of the eclipse in Sagittarius. The fire of Sagittarius offers the burning away of inadequacy, fear and negativity that holds back our wise, confident and generous expression.
- May 27 Thu 2021 14:11
- May 26 Wed 2021 16:50
- May 26 Wed 2021 16:22
- May 24 Mon 2021 13:46
- May 21 Fri 2021 22:21
The Pleiadians: Revolution of Consciousness
The level of corruption stemming from decadence and greed among the people and the various difficulties and basic instability within the political, religious, scientific, military, medical, environmental, and economic sectors are signposts of a massive unraveling. A powerful force of social and cultural unrest is rapidly brewing in response to a newfound passion for freedom, yet the controlled media, in its business as usual blackout mode, continues to ignore all matters of dissatisfaction and dissension. In direct response to these media diversions, your intuition may be very active now, sending you very strong signals through the realm of dreams and feelings, and by way of unusual signs and symbols. Pay close attention to your state of mind as you open the door to communicate with non-ordinary reality by remaining centered and clear.
- May 21 Fri 2021 22:10
Pleiadian Portal
We are immersed this week in the Pleiadian portal, until May 24, as we have the Seven Sisters in alignment with our Central Sun. As you know this doorway will last for more than a week, for the energies will continue to be very present within our Planet, for us to consciously align with them, and integrate the unconditional love and ancient wisdom that these frequencies hold. This energetic door is a representation, as well as a welcoming into our new harmonic space, of all that is already taking place within our micro reality – the merging of our Unified Self and hence, its wisdom, within a new reality that sustain our new desire to live peacefully and lovingly.
- May 20 Thu 2021 14:33
- May 19 Wed 2021 13:07
- May 18 Tue 2021 14:44
- May 15 Sat 2021 15:22
Dear ones, we join you, again, on a brand new day for humanity and for your little planet, Earth. Do you feel any different? Does anything that you see look different? Probably not, unless you are open to the awareness that something has changed. That something is someone ~ you!
- May 14 Fri 2021 17:15
- May 13 Thu 2021 11:35
- May 12 Wed 2021 18:29
- May 11 Tue 2021 14:28
- May 10 Mon 2021 12:53
- May 09 Sun 2021 09:16
The Sacred Union Within
within eraoflightdotcomWith the Sacred Heart opening at the deep soul level and thus the greater Heart, connected with the soul – and thus Divinity within, a deep healing is taking place within, those souls who truly seek the highest path of pure, unconditional love.
- May 08 Sat 2021 12:50
Beloved hearts, we reach out to you in great and infinite love, as you feel your worlds crumbling around you. Every truth you thought was unassailable, inviolate, and true will seem to crumble too. You imagined that the purity of intent would protect you, now this appears to false. You are being shown to be victims too. You are being shown to be powerless too, although you stood in your power. None of this is the truth. The truth will emerge and there will be a cleansing of distortions.
親愛的,我們在偉大的無限的愛中把手伸向你,隨著你感到自己的世界搖搖欲墜。 每一個你認為無懈可擊、沒有污點的真理也會看似搖搖欲墜。 你想像純粹的意圖會保護你,現在這看似錯誤。 你被證明你也是受害者。 你被證明你也無能為力,儘管你處於你的力量中。 這些都不是真理。 真理會浮現,會有一個對扭曲的清理。
There is much afoot with words and counter words; ideas develop power and traction, but that does not mean that they are pure or true.
有著很多的話語和相反的話語。 發展力量和牽引力的想法,但這並不意味著它們是純凈的或真實的。