5月4日,水星進入雙子座(直到7月12日) 水星進入雙子座,這個星座是它的守護星座,這就使得這次的星座門戶擁有了雙倍的影響力。 然而,水星即將開始的逆行週期(5月29)也給了我們在接下來的2個月時間裡、基於個人的層面需要謹慎留意和準備的問題。
在這其中的任何一天,水星的力量將刺激我們的思維能力和思維速度變得更為活躍,並會對我們所有的想法,概念和觀點造成影響。 當它落在雙子座,還將針對你此時的需求提升事物呈現的可能性,為此你可能需要為自己預留出額外的時間與自己對話,向內根植,以識別和弄清楚此刻什麼才是你真正需要,哪些又需要改善和提升。
通常來說,這需要你花費一些時間回顧與反思你目前的想法和即將要做出的選擇,權衡它們對於你的實際意義,以此迎接即將到來的5月末水星逆行。 因為這次的水星逆行期,將需要你通過反思與回顧,擁有能力看到你個人生活的更深意義和更大畫面。 你必須重新審視自己的態度和想法,並由此弄清楚你到底想要怎樣顯化你的生活,怎樣創造你的個人實相。
Discovery processes; “alone”; effects of rising vibrations, stress;
Global Love Day; beliefs; introduction, adjustment to Nirvana
2021年5月3日 發現過程;“孤獨”;升高的振動和壓力的影響;
Peace can sometimes be so far away,and inner bliss…even farther away.Take the time now to spend some real quality time by going within.Find that sense of peace that lies within.Visit the place where inner bliss dwells and waits patiently for your return.
Today,we will go into meditation and explore the different levels of consciousness and their related chakras.With this exercise,it will become clear why we use the third eye or brow chakra in the Soul Connection technique.
Empower Your Soul Connection Part 2
Posted on 04/30/2021 by EraOfLight
Most sentient life in the universe is nonphysical. Here on planet Earth,we are among the pioneers of life's great adventurers in experience. We agreed to incarnate,not just into a 4D spirit world,but even further into the crushingly dense realm of 3D physicality.
Empower Your Soul Connection Part 1
Posted on 04/29/2021 by EraOfLight
meditation the light within eraoflightdotcomThe most fundamental state of mind in the universe is that of Infinite Being – that all-pervasive intelligence which brought about the creation of the universe. As the universe is composed of consciousness and nothing but consciousness, Infinite Being is the fundamental fabric of the universe.
Gamma Gamma Gamma: Full on Cosmic Rays & Ultra High Frequencies
Posted on 04/28/2021 by EraOfLight
eraoflight blastWe’ve been in full-on Gamma Frequencies oscillating with a barrage of many others daily… since the last few days of March. Today, another day of powerful Gamma Rays which super-charge and accelerate DNA rewrites/recodings, as well as many other things too. We have different variations of Gamma Ray Frequencies….
A friend and mentor that I trust, one who is in a conscious space that would be able to discern the truth of this in my opinion, has just emailed this to me. In my own discernment, it would be amiss of me to neglect spreading it further. I know the copy/paste function of this site is disabled. If you desire a copy to be emailed to you, please use my contact form at the top of this page to request it and I will certainly see that you get one . The text is below, please give it your honest attention. Pass it on if you can and wish to. Thank you.