Empower Your Soul Connection Part 2
Posted on 04/30/2021 by EraOfLight
Most sentient life in the universe is nonphysical. Here on planet Earth,we are among the pioneers of life's great adventurers in experience. We agreed to incarnate,not just into a 4D spirit world,but even further into the crushingly dense realm of 3D physicality.
宇宙中大多數有知覺的生命都是非物質的。 在地球上,我們是生命體驗的偉大探險家的先驅者。 我們同意化身,不僅進入4D精神世界,而且進一步進入3D物理世界中令人毛骨悚然的密集領域。
In order to be here,we have wandered far from the freedom of the nonphysical realm of 5D,but we can take the opportunity now to reconnect with the love,light and beauty of that higher realm of existence.
In the 3D physical world,we are limited by both space and time. We are stuck on a one-directional timeline where life seems to be ruled by the clock. Furthermore,in order to move around in the dimension of space,we need to expend energy to transport our solidly physical bodies elsewhere.
在三維物理世界中,我們同時受到空間和時間的限制。 我們被困在一個單向的時間線上,在那裡生命似乎被時鐘所支配。 此外,為了在空間維度中移動,我們需要消耗能量將我們堅實的物質身體運送到其他地方。
We visit the 4D spirit world either when out of the body at night or during the afterlife part of our reincarnational cycle. Unlike the physical realm,where people live in a world that contains everyone,there are many sub-realms within 4D. There,people live in places that best resonate to their frequency of consciousness. Birds of a feather flock together and,in the spirit realms,they are generally unaware of those dwelling in other sub-realms.
我們訪問4維精神世界,無論是在夜間從肉體中出來,還是在我們轉世輪迴的來世部分。 不像物理領域,人們生活在一個包含所有人的世界里,在4D 中有許多子領域。 在那裡,人們生活在與他們的意識頻率最能產生共鳴的地方。 物以類聚,在精神領域,它們通常不知道那些居住在其他亞領域的人。
In the afterlife,there are the heavily-populated sub-realms where the average person goes. Then,there are realms of increasing love and light for those who aspire to higher consciousness. These are realms of great delicacy and beauty that,once visited,you never forget them. Then again,there are less savory realms that,if you ever did decide to venture down into them,you'd wish you could forget them!
在死後的世界里,有一些人口稠密的次級領域,一般人都會去那裡。 然後,對於那些渴望更高意識的人來說,有增加愛和光的領域。 這些是非常精緻和美麗的領域,一旦參觀,你永遠不會忘記它們。 不過話又說回來,還有一些不那麼令人愉快的領域,如果你決定冒險進入它們,你會希望你能忘記它們!
The most obvious freedom of 4D,besides the ability to levitate your spirit body,is the ability to project to another location. Astral projection simply involves focusing upon another location(or person)that you know and willing yourself to be there. Astral projection is an act of relocation. People and places all have their own unique signature tone. The person simply attunes to the sigtone of the location or person and they will instantly be repositioned into that location in space.
4D最明顯的自由,除了能讓你的精神身體漂浮起來之外,就是能夠投射到另一個地方。魂靈投射只是把注意力集中在你認識的另一個地方(或者人),並且希望自己能在那裡。 魂靈投射是一種遷移行為。 人和地方都有自己獨特的簽名基調。 這個人只是調諧到位置或人的信號,他們將立即被重新置放到空間中的位置。
In 5D,the soul has the additional freedom of being able to move around in time as well as space. At your soul,"superconscious"or"higher self"level of consciousness,you can look up and down a timeline to see both past and future at will. The greatest use of this ability is to pre-scan potential timelines to see how they would turn out were you to physically pursue them.
在5D中,靈魂擁有額外的自由,可以在時間和空間中自由移動。 在你的靈魂中,「超意識」或「更高的自我」意識層面,你可以隨心所欲地上下查看一條時間線,看看過去和未來。 這種能力的最大用途是預先掃描潛在的時間線,看看如果你真的去追求它們,它們會變成什麼樣子。
And that is an ability we will be employing on this course!
By Owen Waters
作者:歐文: 沃特斯