Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message for Sept. 8, 2023
September 8, 2023 by Steve Beckow
8th September 2023. Mike Quinsey.
At this time so much is happening you can be forgiven for being confused as no definite outcome seems indicated, in fact matters seem to be getting worse. The changes continue unabated and not all are necessarily to your liking.
此時發生了如此多的事情,你可能會感到困惑,因為似乎沒有明確的結果,事情似乎正在變得更糟。 變化有增無減,但並非所有變化都一定符合的喜好。
But in the long term it will be seen that all serve a purpose and collectively will open up a path to a new era. One that will quickly surpass anything of the past and ease you into advancements that you can only dream of now.
但從長遠來看,一切都會有其目的,共同開闢一條通向新時代的道路。 它將很快超越過去的一切,讓你輕鬆實現此刻只能夢想的進步。
The question immediately arises as to what can Humanity expect and the answer is virtually anything they can think of that lifts up their standard of life. Free energy would solve so many problems that exist now, removing the burden of cost that is sometimes impossible to meet.
It could also completely uplift the quality of life by removing the poverty being currently being experienced by so many people. It is rampant in the poorer countries where there is little relief from it. The inequality that exists seems to be of little concern yet it is staring the rich and powerful ones in the face.
Clearly great adjustments are necessary if the poorest people are to be given a better standard of living and care. It will come because it has to as the higher vibrations commence to lift the people up for a better quality of life.
Those who cannot rise up with it have a separate path to follow that will continue to allow their evolution. No soul will be left out and all will eventually find themselves in the exact place where they should be. The point of all of this is that you are all destined to evolve; therefore you need to be at a level that allows you to continue your growth.
Helping others to evolve is a natural thing and often done by those who have already ascended as they understand that “All is One,” held together by invisible threads. Helping others is a noble cause that helps them to serve others as they have been already. It is commonplace as you pass through the higher realms. One day soon many of you will ascend and you will have earned it as all do, because there is no short cut or a back entrance to it.
幫助他人進化是一件很自然的事情,通常是那些已經揚升的人做的,因為他們明白“萬物皆一”,由無形的線連接在一起。 幫助他人是一項崇高的事業,可以幫助他們像以前一樣為他人服務。當你穿越更高境界時,這是很平常的事。很快有一天,你們中的許多人都會揚升,你們將像所有人一樣贏得它,因為它沒有捷徑或後門。
Once you get the feel of how things really work, the path you need to tread becomes much clearer. Also looking back you are almost certain to realise the way help is given all along the path of life.
You are always able to get help when you need it but must let those involved show you the direction to go in, as they will understand what your chosen path is and help ensure it is followed. As the truth begins to sink in you will understand so much more about the spiritual side of life, and realise how important it is to your advancement.
Any experience you have that is of significance is pre-arranged to give you the opportunity to evolve along a path that allows the experiences you need. It may not always be the case but all experiences that are of value to you are carefully thought out to give the maximum benefits.
Not all of them are necessarily welcome situations depending on what lessons you need, so take all in your stride and do your best in response. Take them seriously as they are for your benefit and need not be experienced again if you do so.
並非所有情況都一定受歡迎,具體取決於你需要什麼課程,因此請泰然處之,並盡力應對。 認真對待它們,因為它們是為了你的利益,如果你這樣做,則無需再次經歷。
If you are responding to the demands upon you and in a positive manner you can ask no more of yourself. You will know when you are on the right path as life becomes easier and you go with the flow quite easily.
Where other souls are involved in your life they too will be given opportunities to evolve, in which you will take part. It is too complicated to explain such matters in detail, but be assured your Guides are present with a watchful eye and will not overrule your freewill choice.
當其他靈魂參與你的生活時,他們也將獲得進化的機會,你也將參與其中。 詳細解釋這些事情太複雜,但請放心,你的指導靈會密切關注,不會推翻你的自由意志選擇。
When you sometimes do things that seem out of character, it is most likely that your Guides have influenced you to do it; they have such powers that enable them to “help you” experience according to your needs.
當你有時做一些看似不符合性格的事情時,很可能是你的指導靈影響了你這樣做; 他們擁有這樣的權力,使他們能夠根據你的需求“幫助你”體驗。
Be assured that you have your private moments where they do not intrude. The whole set-up is so involved it is sometimes difficult to explain it, but the important issues that include you will normally be made clear to you.
請放心,你的私人時刻不會被他們打擾。 整個設置是如此復雜,有時很難解釋,但包括你在內的重要問題通常都會向你解釋清楚。
A sudden thought comes into your head and it is message received.
Obviously many of you converse with your Guides when you go out of the body at night but few have a waking memory of them. As time passes you most likely feel their presence at times during your waking hours when they come close to you.
Some of you who are more sensitive know when they are around you and that is surely a comforting feeling. They keep you out of danger should you be assailed in any way, and there is no limit to their powers to protect you if you are in danger. However, as you must know by now, some experiences are unpleasant and are necessary if they have resulted from karma.
In general terms you are of the group that are ready to ascend, but, until you do, you still mix with all types of souls of a low vibration who can be very testing to say the least. Some will bait you for an argument when they find out you are on a spiritual path, so you must be prepared for such an encounter and not be taken off your guard.
一般來說,你屬於準備揚升的群體,但是,在你這樣做之前,你仍然與所有類型的低振動靈魂混合在一起,他們至少可以說是非常具有挑戰性的。 當有些人發現你走在靈性道路上時,他們會引誘你與你爭論,所以你必須為這樣的遭遇做好準備,不要放鬆警惕。
If matters get out of hand, just walk away and leave them as that is in no way a cowardly response, but a sensible one that may avoid nasty confrontation. It takes strength of character to do so and you will feel all the better for doing so.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
我給你留下愛和祝福,願聖光照亮你的日子和通往成功的道路。 這個信息來自我的更高自我,我的神性自我,每個靈魂都與神有著相同的聯繫。
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
文章來源: Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message for Sept. 8, 2023 (goldenageofgaia.com)
傳導:Mike Quinsey