It is quite common to experience what you consider to be impatience when you are done with the old and anxiously waiting for the new. It can be uncomfortable when the old is expired and the new hasn’t quite shown up yet.
True impatience is the result of rejecting all aspects of your now with the belief that only the future will be satisfactory. In reality, you are in an unfoldment toward your desire which simply cannot be rushed. Each step of the way is bringing you closer, and supporting, your dream.
If impatience is a true challenge for you, the way to shift it is by deepening you faith and trust. Faith and trust work together to open the door to acceptance and allowing. Acceptance and allowing bring you to the experience of patience and peace. These elements also help you acknowledge the divine perfection of timing, and to settle into seeing the gifts that abound for you in the now moment.
It may also very well be that you are mistaking excitement for impatience. It is normal and wonderful to be excited for the new! It means you are open to new experiences and are aware of the beckoning of your soul. You are already energetically connecting to where you are going, which tells you it does exist. Excitement is one of the wonderful aspects of being a human being.
So trust the unfoldment, Dear Ones. Honour your feelings, be kind and gentle with yourselves, and settle into knowing that both your impatience, and your excitement, are true indicators that the new is on the horizon, and you will be more than ready to embrace it when it arrives. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Embracing the flow of both giving and receiving allows you, and others, to experience the joy both have to offer. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
If you are to the point where your service is leaving you depleted, it is not serving to the best of its ability anymore. There is a tendency in enlightening human beings to give until they are completely spent before they will consider their own needs.
Dear Ones, you cannot serve the whole without serving yourselves, too. If you are wishing to make a difference your self care is not a luxury, it is essential. To hold yourself separate from your own care, and the support that is always available to you, will ultimately impede your ability to serve because you cannot pour from an empty vessel. Your self care is even more essential during these busy energetic times that can be very taxing on your physical bodies.
You are on the planet to anchor the energy of love. How can you do that if you aren’t willing to receive and hold it yourself? Love is sustenance. It is meant to flow to you, and through you, for the highest good of all, and that means you, too. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
As wayshowers and forerunners, many of you will arrive at the end of an energetic line of potential and hold space until others can join you there. It may very well be that you aren’t stuck at all but rather so efficient on your journey you are simply waiting for others to meet you in that space. Very old souls tend to be very deliberate and dedicated to their service, so it is common for them to arrive where they are going with plenty of time to spare.
We also want you to understand that a great many of you are doing multi purpose paths, where you are focusing on your own growth, healing, and mastery while showing the way and/or holding space. It is truly remarkable, what you are doing!
Please rest assured that when enough of you meet in that space you will use your collective momentum to disperse into new lines of potential, all of which will involve all kinds of tangible forward movement. Some of you will continue on doing similar kinds of service, while others will change their service completely into something that better matches what they would like to experience in the next phase of their incarnation. It is all unfolding in a beautiful dance of evolution that honours each soul’s intentions perfectly. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young