Antara, Venusian High Priestess via Galaxygirl | September 6, 2023
Antara, Venusian High Priestess 9/6/2023
安塔拉,金星高階女祭司 9/6/2023
Fellow travelers of the universe, I am Antara, high priestess of Venus. I come with greetings of peace. I am many forms. Many of my Venusian brothers and sisters have aspects involved on both sides of the Earth plane, enacting the release-ment of Gaia. We have planned this for thousands of years. It began with the great ones of our kind leaving Venus and sending aspects of themselves to Gaia for her support and to further plant the crystalline seeds. It matters not which ones of us are you, for we are all one. Truly we have planned this together, with love and tender care. No detail has gone unattended. This is a divine plan, the liberation of Gaia from the clutches of the dark into the embrace of the light. The light is embracing you and your world now. Let it embrace you.
宇宙的旅行者們,我是安塔拉,金星的高級女祭司。我帶著和平的問候而來。我有多種形態。 我的許多金星兄弟姐妹都參與了地球兩側的相位,實現了蓋亞的釋放。我們已經計劃了數千年。它始於我們同類中的偉大人物離開金星並將自己的某些方面發送給蓋亞、以獲得她的支持並進一步種植水晶種子。你是我們中的哪一個並不重要,因為我們都是一體。確實,我們帶著愛與溫柔的關懷一起計劃了這一切。沒有任何細節被忽視。這是一個神聖的計劃,將蓋亞從黑暗的魔掌中解放出來,投入光明的懷抱。現在光正在擁抱你和你的世界。讓它擁抱你。
I Antara stand before you, hands open wide sending you so much love. The light from my planet is beaming most brightly now to yours. As we prepare for the equinox there will be more shifting. Gaia’s heart has shifted and so all upon her have this opportunity as well to shift into the higher dimensional realms of forgiveness, of love, of renewal. And so you must unclasp the rocks in your hands that are pulling you down into density, such as fear, lack, hate. You must forgive and it will quite literally lighten your load, lighten your steps and laughter and smiles will more easily escape from you with joy.
我安塔拉站在你面前,張開雙手向你致以如此多的愛。 來自我的星球的光現在最明亮地照射到你的星球上。當我們為秋分做準備時,將會有更多的轉變。蓋亞的心已經轉變,因此她身上的一切也有機會轉變到寬恕、愛與更新的更高維度領域。因此,你必須鬆開手中那些將你拉入密度的石頭,比如恐懼、匱乏、仇恨。你必須寬恕,它確實會減輕你的負擔,減輕你的腳步,歡笑和微笑會更容易帶著喜悅從你身邊消失。
Venus is a lovely planet, although quite different from Gaia. We have not had the terra forming. We live in a variety of higher dimensional layers and we coexist with peace and harmony, fully aware that each has their own embodiment and life lessons that they set out to learn. We do not impede anyones progress and our wills are not infringed upon. We have remained out of the clasp of the lower dimensional realities and it has served for us as a protective shield, where one may escape to learn, grow, to thrive and to heal. There are vast healing areas on our planet that we are already sharing with you. Some of you may be already utilizing our healing chambers, and traveling with your spirit team during your travels. Although we are much higher than the astral realm, when drifting off to sleep best to ask your angelic team to escort you to our healing chambers with divine love and protection. We are some distance from you but some of you travel quite farther than you may believe, as you are active on both sides of the veil. This is why you are so tired. You forget when awake in the body, so that you may succeed with your earthly life. Otherwise the reality split would be too alarming, disarming, and you would not fully embody the light that you came here in this chapter to do. We see this as being completed.
I Antara present to you an amethyst necklace, as a friendship gift from your Venusian family to you. We are all star seeds, we are all the out breath of Creator. It is a challenge to aptly see and understand how this could possibly be true while within the body. See the planets in our system. They are all individual and yet they make up this solar system. They are a planetary system. Such as it is with souls. You are a soul system, the human collective is a collection of massive god spark energy of full creator potential enwrapped within the flesh. It is astounding to see an organism of creation with such power, diversity of DNA with the divine spark of love. That is why we say that you are love, because you are. Even when you do not act lovingly you are love, because it is what you are made of. Creator is love.
我安塔拉向你贈送一條紫水晶項鍊,作為你的金星家人送給你的友誼禮物。我們都是星際種子,我們都是造物主的呼出的氣息。正確地看到並理解這在體內如何可能是真實的是一個挑戰。查看我們系統中的行星。他們都是獨立的個體,但他們卻組成了這個太陽系。它們是一個行星系統。就像靈魂一樣。 你是一個靈魂系統,人類集體是包裹在肉體中的具有完全創造者潛力的巨大神火花能量的集合。看到一個創造的有機體擁有如此強大的力量、DNA的多樣性以及神聖的愛的火花,真是令人震驚。這就是為什麼我們說你就是愛,因為你就是。即使你的行為並不充滿愛,你也是愛,因為你就是由愛構成的。造物主就是愛。
Do not confuse Creator with the void. The void is the realm of unlimited potential. Both exist within you. The void of infinite creator potential is within the well of each creator. And you are creator gods and goddesses. It is true. This deviates from your religious teachings a bit, and it is for this reason that these truths were hidden. For humanity had chosen the darkness of experience so the ascent could be that much more dramatic. Drama also involves pain, and quite a lot of it. There is much pain surfacing in the hearts of humanity as they are unpacking their ancestral trauma of thousands of years of suppression of the divine will of self expression in freedom.
不要將造物主與虛空混淆。虛空是無限潛力的境界。兩者都存在於你之內。 無限創造者潛力的虛空存在於每個創造者的井中。你們是造物主神和女神。是真的。這有點偏離你們的宗教教義,正是因為這個原因,這些真理才被隱藏起來。因為人類選擇了黑暗的經歷,所以上升可能會更加戲劇性。 戲劇也包含著痛苦,而且是相當多的痛苦。當人類正在解開數千年來壓制自由表達自我的神聖意志的祖先創傷時,他們的內心浮現出許多痛苦。
I Antara see you. I love you. I know you. I am one of you. I wish for you to feel this love and know that my brothers and sisters of Venus stand in full support and we are constantly beaming our love light to you. The planet of love, Venus, shines brightly on you at this time for this reason. We are and have always been fully in support of the ascension of all planets that choose to undergo this experience of evolutionary manifestation. And that is what is occurring on your beautiful world. Your hearts are manifesting a new reality. It is arduous. Many of you are deeply, deeply fatigued, and we know this. We see this fatigue. We send you our healing rays of love of light and healing. You are welcome to come to our healing chambers. Many of you have had your life reviews here in between lives and have recovered here many times from your earthly sojourns and it will feel very familiar to you. For those of you who wish for the space ship experience, know that your healing pods are prototyped and programmed individually for you. Yes, this is an enormous undertaking and that is why there are trillions of loving beings involved in assistance of liberation Gaia.
We love you endlessly. I am Antara. We are one. Blessings be.
我們永遠愛你。我是安塔拉。 我們是一體的。 祝福吧。
~ galaxygirl
文章來源: Antara, Venusian High Priestess via Galaxygirl | September 6, 2023 - Voyages of Light