Receive the Upcoming Download of Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton


receive the upcoming download of energies - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We are making progress in our ability to deliver to humanity exactly what it is that you need, and we can see that and feel that in the leaps forward in your spiritual evolution that you have been making right after we give you a gigantic download of energy. Now, we do not deserve all of the credit, of course. You have been opening yourselves up more to receive. You have been able to be in a state of joy, or relaxation, often enough to receive what we are delivering. You have made progress with us, and that is as it always tends to be.


Now, we want to prepare you for the next download of energies that you will be receiving very soon by letting you know that these energies are for the purpose of granting you greater access to the power of your higher minds. Your higher minds are the minds of your higher selves, and as you become your higher selves, you will of course start to think like your higher selves. And so, this download of energies that we are about to deliver will bring you into more of a state of vibrational harmony with that particular aspect of your higher selves.


You will be able to access fifth-dimensional thoughts, ideas, concepts, and of course, beliefs, and this will allow you to let go of the limitations of the third-dimensional physical mind that has been a tool of the ego and that ultimately needs to be let go of in order for you to let in that which is of the higher mind. One of the ways in which you will be able to test whether you have fully benefitted from this energetic download is by meditating more, or at least meditate the same amount of time, but with an expectation that as you clear your third-dimensional mind of all thought, you will also be allowing in higher-frequency thought. You will be allowing in concepts, ideas and beliefs from your higher minds, and this will assist you in moving forward in your lives with more confidence.


You will feel the resonance of those downloads you get from your higher minds, and you will be able to make decisions based on what you are getting. You will be able to feel more inner peace. You will be able to put things that you have been procrastinating about into some sort of action. You will be more effective in your actions, and you will be more creative. The downloading of all aspects of your higher self will continue, of course, and will be aided by this new mindset that you will take on, and it will be easier for you to feel that you are already living in the fifth dimension because of this access to your higher mind.


This is another monumental leap forward, of course, for humanity, and so we take the delivery of this upcoming download of energies very seriously, and we will continue to learn from our experiences with you how to best deliver these downloads. All we ask for from you is that you hydrate, meditate, and ground into your physical bodies the entirety of your consciousness. All of those steps make you so much better at receiving, and we know that many of you are already taking them, but we give those steps to you anyway because we want as many of you as possible to receive all that is intended with the upcoming downloads of these beautiful energies we have been preparing for you.


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton


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