September Equinox 2023 Update | September 24, 2023 by Sitara
By Natalia Alba
Beloved Ones,
As we approach the Equinox, our central sun is emanating more plasma waves, with the highest activity levels in the last twenty years, as scientists have corroborated too, in the last four days. This is the first time in our Galaxy that we, as well as other planets, are ready for ascension. This is why our Sun, the Unified Self of our entire Galaxy, is increasing its activity, as the more we evolve, the more Sun-plasma we need to build our light bodies.
This is the evidence of what many of us have been feeling, sharing for two years now, for we have been strongly feeling the intensity of these plasma waves since our physical realignment began. This is a time for stabilization, recalibration, and profound balance for many, even though many of us will be too involved in planetary restoration work. However, first personal level must be achieved,
Together with our central sun and our Aurora family, we are being assisted to begin the process of conscious reconnection to our soul, for it is the first step towards integration and above all, realignment with the God Aspects of us.
與我們的中央太陽和我們的極光家族(Aurora family)一起,我們正在被幫助開始有意識地與我們的靈魂重新連接的過程,因為這是邁向整合的第一步,最重要的是,與我們的上帝面向重新對齊。
Auroras continue helping us on both a personal level, and a planetary one by openings, and passages for all who are choosing to finally exit the 3D matrix, liberating themselves from the reincarnation trap. Guides invite us at this harmonic time, to work on the areas that are open to receive our love and restoration, or that need to be reinforced as they are already, as it is the last location given by Guides, pure fifth dimensional spaces.
極光(Auroras)繼續在個人層面和行星層面上幫助我們,為所有選擇最終退出 3D 矩陣的人提供開口和通道,將自己從輪迴陷阱中解放出來。指導靈邀請我們在這個和諧的時刻,在那些開放接受我們的愛與恢復的區域工作,或者那些已經需要加固的區域,因為這是指導靈給出的最後一個位置,純粹的第五維度空間。
If your personal mission is to be a gridworker, New Earth’s anchor, stabilizer, or many other precious roles not mentioned here, you will already know the key locations or will be working on others that have been personally assigned to you.
However, for those who are stepping on this mission, or who desire to send their love, for all serves equally, Guides give us the following locations to work with:
• Bermuda Triangle: One of the most important wormholes, which as you know is a 3D non-physical hole, so to speak, which connects two separate dimensions (points) in spacetime. This has been used for non-benevolent purposes, and its original coding and purpose are now being rehabilitated.
• 百慕達三角:最重要的蟲洞之一,正如你們所知,它是一個3D 非物理洞,可以這麼說,它連接時空中兩個不同的維度(點)。 它已被用於非慈善目的,其原始編碼和用途現在正在恢復。
• Florida, the Earth’s organic portal situated in Sarasota. This is one of the main points to stabilize, as it still needs to be rehabilitated, and liberated.
• 佛羅裡達州,位於薩拉索塔的地球有機門戶。 這是穩定的要點之一,因為它仍然需要恢復和解放。
• Lastly, Canada, Lake Moraine. One of the Earth spaces that the Auroras, Arcturians, as it too holds an Arcturian crystal, and other benevolent beings, shared as a pure space for us to align to, as a safe space, and as an anchoring point for harmonization.
• 最後是加拿大,夢蓮湖。 極光、大角星人(因為它也擁有大角星水晶)和其他仁慈的存在所共享的地球空間之一,作為我們對齊的純淨空間、安全空間和和諧的錨定點。
As always, protection, discernment, and above all, listening to your own guidance and body is pivotal, for only you know your personal micro cycles, where you are on your ascension path, and where you are required to be next.
Some of you may need to physically move to the locations assigned. Others, many work remotely, while others, will have a totally different mission.
It is by listening to our soul’s dictates that we can be where we need to be, doing that which only we can do to help All. This is why working on healing and clearing is essential, so we can remove all that is impeding our natural communication with our Illumined Aspects.
With the Equinox and the coming of the eclipses, we will be involved in another two months of constant integration, until December, which will be a more resting month to regain strength again. These months are key for those who are working on their light bodies, as soon we will be moving into the next process of monadic integration, as this seventh universal year anticipated, reaching gradually the oversoul levels, as the next eight universal year will too confirm.
This process is a long-term one that should be combined with DNA rehabilitation, if we desire to clear our DNA records, both karmic-genetic, and galactic ones, and begin the process of DNA strand reconnection, which is a lifetime one as well.
如果我們希望清除我們的 DNA 記錄(包括業力遺傳記錄和銀河記錄),並開始 DNA 鏈重新連接的過程(這也是一生的過程),那麼這個過程是一個長期過程,應該與 DNA 修復相結合。
This is precisely what is going to offer us the opportunity to see beyond the 3D illusion, recognizing our authentic path and finally deciding, if it is time for us to exit this three-dimensional timeline, or if we are not yet on that stage.
這正是為我們提供超越 3D 幻象的機會,認識到我們真實的道路,並最終決定我們是否是時候退出這個 3D 時間線,或者我們是否還沒有處於那個階段。
No matter what your personal choice is, this is a time for all of profound balance and planetary restoration, for we are all regaining our connection to the Earth, and hence, with all the dimensions that are now too being rehabilitated, and that reconnect us with All within Creation.
Have a peaceful and loving Equniox Beloved Ones.
May you always aim for the Light.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
傳導:Natalia Alba