The Equinox Portal | Celia Fenn


Yes, the energy has continued to be intense and weird, and we are only one week out from the second Scared Point of Light, the Equinox Portal on 23rd September.

是的,能量仍然強烈而怪異,距離第二個恐怖光點——9 月 23 日的秋分門戶——只有一周的時間。


In our transformation process we are becoming more” liquid” and fluid and more affected by Plasma flows, especially the aquafire and water plasma flows.



There is also increased activity in the Earth’s magnetics, as the Planet balances out its magnetic flows. This is responsible for the kind of sea wave unsteadiness some of you are feeling.



It is time of deep transformation on all levels. I find that a regular spiritual soul based practice including a focus on Love, Balance and Peace helps immensely.



BALANCE is the key word here, along with GROUNDING. As the Sun moves into Libra on the 23rd as well, we will find more need to work with balance as the chaos around us increases!

平衡接地是這裡的關鍵字。隨著太陽在 23 號進入天秤座,隨著我們周圍的混亂增加,我們會發現更多需要保持平衡!


I also find a focus on a healthy and balancing diet and staying hydrated with spring water and/or structured water is so important right now. Water is a fluid form of Divine Consciousness that reflects our conscisousness both as individuals and as a collective.


If we keep our bodies clear and hydrated, we will be better able to serve humanity as clear and pure transmitters of Light. That is what we came to do, and to help to create the New Earth as a shining beacon of light in the Galaxy.



The Earth herself is activating this process, cleansing and throwing off toxic energies to begin creating a New Earth and a New Lemuria. We can be part of this by staying in balance especially in our emotional and mental aspects.



Seek the Clear Angelic purity of the Pure Heart and it will guide you home!





文章來源: The Equinox Portal – Era of Light

傳導:Celia Fenn



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