Sananda: As the Veil Comes Crashing Down
Channel: James McConnell


I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in these continuing momentous changes that are happening here on this planet and within all of you.



For you are all going through great changes within your body. And as of yet, you are not fully aware of those changes that are happening. Changes, indeed, to your molecular structure, even, to your cellular structure that is happening, as the carbon system that your physical body has been is changing now to a crystalline light structure. So know that. Know that all is changing, both within and without. So within, so without; so above, so below. And you are going through a miraculous change. Not, of course, the change for ascension yet, but as you have heard many times, it is all a process, a process that you are moving through, as the old programming. The programming that you have had much of this life, and many lifetimes before this. That programming is beginning to fade away more and more, and being replaced by new programming, your new programming, your new creative programming that you are bringing into yourself. Because you are so much more than what you had been programmed to believe.



So all of you now, continue to trust. Trust in yourself. Trust in the great plan that is in the works bringing about momentous change as the old programming more and more begins to fade away. The old three-dimensional system, the matrix, if you will, fades away more and more. As the veil comes crashing down upon all of those that are still, as of yet, nonbelievers, still fast asleep in their slumber.



But because of all of you, the awakened ones, the ones that came here for the purpose of awakening mankind, because of all of you, there are those that still are yet to awaken, and shall awaken. And just as I, Yeshua, roamed the Earth and went about my mission to at that time bring an end to the old programming as much as possible, but as you know, so many were asleep and did not hear my message, my message of love, my message of faith, my message of the power within each individual, and the power in each individual leading to the power of the Christ Consciousness within the collective consciousness of man. But in many respects, I did not complete my mission. You, on the other hand, are in the process of completing your mission, your mission to bring back the power and the sovereignty within each individual, and within the collective consciousness of man. The power is within each and every one of you as the vibrational frequency increases within you and outside of you, bringing down the old matrix and replacing it with the new higher vibrational matrix, if you will. Consciousness and vibration—it is everything, and is all things.

但因為你們所有人,覺醒者,為了喚醒人類而來到這裡的人們,因為你們所有人,還有那些尚未覺醒的人,以及即將覺醒的人。正如我,耶穌,漫遊地球並執行我的使命,盡可能結束舊編程,但如你所知,很多人都在沉睡,沒有聽到我的信息,我的信息愛,我的信仰信息,關於每個人內在力量的信息,以及每個人內在人類集體意識中、通往基督意識的力量。但在很多方面,我都沒有完成我的使命。另一方面,你正在完成你的使命,你的使命是帶回每個人及人類集體意識中的權力和主權。當你內在與外在振動頻率增加時,力量就在你們每個人之內,如果你願意的話,就會打倒舊的矩陣並用新的、更高的振動矩陣取代它。 意識和振動──它就是一切,就是一切事物。


I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. That you continue to vibrate higher and higher within yourself, being aware of what is happening, but not becoming attached to it. For attachment holds you back from the ascension process. Peace and love be with all of you.






文章來源: Sananda: As the Veil Comes Crashing Down – Era of Light

傳導:James McConnell



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