Sananda via Galaxygirl | August 21, 2023

Sananda 8/21/2023


Greetings, lightworkers of earth. The winds of change are blowing hard and fast on your sphere, in your lives, in your countries, there is change all around. I see the greatest change is within the lightworkers collective as they open up more and more to their own inner knowing, their own power. It is true that the veil is very thin but it is thin for only those who realize it. To those who do not realize enough to even ask the question, it is the same, but they yet feel the undercurrent of change, of unsustainability of the current modus operandi. Gaia will be a paradise once again, but not on this current form. All is being upgraded or taken away. There is no longer any middle ground. Do not let this frighten you, but encourage you. There is indeed much to be encouraged about. Change is what is needed and change is what is here.

問候,地球的光之工作者們。變革之風猛烈而快速地吹向你們的領域、你們的生活、你們的國家,周圍都在發生變化。我看到最大的變化發生在光之工作者集體內部,因為他們越來越開放自己的內在認知及力量。確實,面紗很薄,但只有那些意識到這一點的人才會薄。對於那些沒有足夠認識甚至提出這個問題的人來說,情況是一樣的,但他們仍然感受到了變革的暗流,以及當前做法的不可持續性。蓋亞將再次成為天堂,但不是目前的形式。 一切都在升級或被拿走。不再有任何中間立場。不要讓這嚇到你,而是鼓勵你。確實有很多值得鼓勵的地方。改變是我們所需要的,改變也正是這裡發生的。


I Sananda am speaking to you. I see you with the eyes of clarity, with love, with compassion. In my many incarnations I experienced the brutality of earth, and also the supreme love that one could also hold within the physical body. I am well familiar with the highs and lows of earthly living. There will be more highs. The energetics are unprecedented. Trust not your Schumann resonance that is not always entirely reliable, for it is not above being tampered with, so that what is seen is what is desired to be seen. Also the energetics coming in do not register in the way that they formerly registered. They are off the charts in many ways and so do not rely so much on your modern technology for they were built for the old system and will very soon become antiquated.



New technologies will emerge, you have read this for some time. But what is interesting to us that are not embodied at this time, is the degree of closed sightedness, by those who choose to not see. There are disclosures all around but only if you dig for them. And we see a few starting to question the news channels but very few are digging. And I understand this, as this one is also saying, people are just too exhausted, too overwhelmed with responsibilities and daily concerns to have the time (to go down the) rabbit hole. And I see this, I see you. It is good to trust your own inner knowings. Your own inner truths will be different from another. And this is how it should be for the path to self discovery is a deeply personal one. Those who seek, find.



I Sananda see and feel your weariness. My embodiment as Yeshua was a while ago in your earthly years and to me it seemed like yesterday, for time is illusive and illusionary. I learned so much in that role as light bringer of the male Christ. My female Christed one was there as well, in body and in spirit overlighting my mission. I was well protected and loved. You too are well protected and loved. It is a time of trials and tribulations, of joys and self discoveries, of peace in the eye of the storm.



There are storms and there will continue to be yet for some time, as is natural in the transformation of an entire planet. Most planets ascend devoid of life so that they can concentrate on their mission. Gaia is a very advanced archangel so she is able to do the heaviest of heavy lifting while encumbered with much much life. And she is doing splendidly. Much of the natural disasters are unnatural, planned, orchestrated. Much more life would be lost if your star brothers and sisters, and if Gaia herself had not tempered the blows, but I know this brings little comfort to those who are grieving and in shock. Assistance will continue to come so that more and more can have the opportunity to choose ascension. But not for much longer.



(I am seeing an hour glass that is about to run out.) Yes, the sands of time are indeed falling, galaxygirl. This should not surprise you. Much clearing is continually being purged in the underbelly and in the astral realms where many children have been freed. This has been an extraordinarily dark planet for an inordinate amount of time. This is why the clean up crew, you reading, this is why you were sent, because the Company of Heaven knew that you could do it. You came from the future to assist with the past. You have heard this numerous times and I hope that it is ringing a bit more true to you. The veil of amnesia is very thin. There are many veils. There is a veil of forgetting, of amnesia, and yes a veil of past pain and trauma that one must work through to pierce their own veil and progress through the pain. There are veils of brutality, and there are veils of dimensions. The veil of brutality is ending. (I am seeing a temple curtain ripped in two from top to bottom).
(我看到一個即將耗盡的沙漏。) 是的,時間的沙子確實在落下,galaxygirl。這不應該讓你感到驚訝。底層和星體領域的許多空地不斷被清除,許多孩子已經在那裡獲得了自由。這顆行星在相當長的時間內一直處於異常黑暗的狀態。這就是為什麼清理人員,讀到的你,這就是為什麼你被派來的原因,因為天堂知道你能做到。你來自未來,是為了協助過去。這句話你已經聽過很多次了,我希望它對你來說更真實一些。失憶症的面紗很薄。有很多面紗。有一層遺忘、失憶的面紗,是的,還有一層過去的痛苦和創傷的面紗,人們必須穿過它才能刺穿自己的面紗並在痛苦中前進。有殘酷的面紗,也有維度的面紗。殘暴的面紗即將結束。(我看到寺廟的窗簾從上到下撕成兩半)。


There is much truth and much symbolism in my life as Yeshua. And there is much mistruth and much twisting of symbols. It is not for me to rehash my own ascension, for this is your ascension. This is your journey. There will be many books written about the Lightworkers of earth, just as there were many books written about me. I see you, with eyes of clarity and with love.



I am Sananda. I bid you peace. In these times of change, know that you are the change you wish to see. Your light, your grounding of immense light, is creating the gridwork that is ripping down the veils of inequality, of unworthiness, both untruths in the religions to keep the lights of the Christos Humanos dimmed.



Do not be dimmed. You are more than equal, you are more than worthy. You are light of Creator embodied in the flesh, and this is a beautiful, beautiful gift. You are this gift, just as I offered this gift for the grounding of the Christ grid, you are the fruit of this mission, and you are here to complete it. And you are completing it. We are completing it, together. It is a massive co-creation on either side of the veil, of the flesh and the non-flesh, the spirit form.



All is well. I am Sananda. I love you. Until we meet again. Be at peace.



~ galaxygirl



文章來源: Sananda via Galaxygirl | August 21, 2023 - Voyages of Light




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