To Ascend, You Must Do This ∞
Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We are here and now to speak to you about your process of letting go, which is also your process of ascension. It is not something that you reach for or that you struggle to complete, like an elusive goal. It is something that naturally occurs when you stop clinging to whatever it is you’re clinging to in your life right now. That is what we mean by ‘letting go.’ You want to let go of that which is heavy and weighing you down. For some people it is guilt, for others it is shame. For some it is confusion, and for others it is an attachment to a certain lifestyle that they cannot seem to either get or hold onto. Some need to let go of resentment and anger; others need to let go of sorrow and despair. For some, fear and anxiety are their ankle weights that weigh them down.
我們現在在這裡與你們談論放手的過程,這也是你們揚升的過程。它不是你想要達到、或努力完成的東西,就像一個難以捉摸的目標。當你不再執著於現在生活中所執著的東西時,這是自然發生的事情。這就是我們所說的“放手”。你想要放開那些沉重的、壓垮你的東西。對於某些人來說,這是內疚,對於另一些人來說,這是恥辱。對於某些人來說,這是一種困惑,而對於另一些人來說,這是對某種生活方式的依戀,而他們似乎無法獲得或堅持這種生活方式。 有些人需要放下怨恨及憤怒;其他人需要放下悲傷和絕望。對於一些人來說,恐懼和焦慮是壓垮他們腳踝的重擔。
We could go on and on with our listing of what you can cling to in the third and fourth dimensions that will prevent you, at least temporarily, from experiencing the lightness of being that you are destined to experience as your fifth-dimensional self, your higher self. You are meant to embrace oneness, unity consciousness, the knowing that everything you see out there is also you. And so, to get there, what do you need to do? You need to let go of the idea of being separate. You need to let go of many egoic goals, such as being better than someone else, or everyone else.
我們可以繼續列出你們在第三和第四維度中可以堅持的東西,這些東西將阻止你,至少暫時地,體驗到存在的輕盈,而你們注定會體驗到作為你的第五維度自我,你的存在。更高的自我。你應該擁抱一體性、統一意識,知道你所看到的一切也是你。那麼,要到達那裡,需要做什麼? 你需要放棄分離的想法。 你需要放棄許多小我的目標,例如比別人或其他人更好。
You see, it is so much a part of your ascension to do the work that you need to do on yourselves to lighten your load and to feel the way that you want to feel, and it is not at all about waiting for something outside of you to happen to catapult you into the fifth dimension because you are ready and everyone else is not. This entire world and everyone in it is always going to reflect something to you that you are still working on. So if you have resistance to anything or anyone in your world as it is right now, then you are holding you back from ascending. And no spaceship with its tractor beam is going to pull you up and out of the muck and the mire that you experience as a dense, negativity all around you.
If you experience it all around you, then it’s also inside of you, and it needs to be healed, forgiven, and ultimately let go of. You are not there to be right all the time, or to get everything right. You are not there to create a perfect life for yourself because you’re such a great manifestor. What you are there to do and to be involves mastery. It is mastery over the self, and some of the things that you do with action can bring you into that place of mastery of the self because you must face a fear, an anxiety, a frustration that is within you. And through the actions you take, you are forced to face those things and then release them.
Now, of course, there are exceptions to this rule, and they are the ones who are living amongst you and who are in no hurry to get to the fifth dimension, because they so enjoy being of service to all of you who absolutely need them to be there to balance the energies and to hold space for humanity. You can join them, and when you do, you will not be in any hurry to cross over into the fifth-dimensional frequency range either, because your greatest sense of joy and fulfillment will come from helping others to recognize that all they have to do is let go of the heavy weight they are dragging around so they can join you in the light.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton