Just Turn on your Light | Liberty
The end of chaos on Earth and the long-awaited Dawn depends on MANY FACTORS.
One of them is the RESPONSIBILITY AND AWARENESS OF EACH OF US, which automatically leads to the DOMINATION of LIGHT on the EARTH in the collective Consciousness of humanity.
In a society where there is NO ROOM FOR DARKNESS, wars, illnesses and any suffering are impossible.
Decide: WHO ARE YOU?
If YOU ARE THE DARKNESS, then be it, but know that you WILL HAVE TO LEAVE, because on planet Earth you will NOT be able to survive anymore.
If you are a LOVE CREATOR, then just turn ON YOUR LIGHT and BE LIGHT!
Below is an inspirational quote from the channeling:
.....The process of AWAKENING THE CONSCIOUSNESS of each individual and the collective Consciousness as a whole can be compared with CLIMBING THE LADDER OF SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT, where each of the steps has its own distinctive features.
The higher a person rises along these “steps”, the more ACTIVE his CHAKRAS become and the more RARE THIN BODIES become.
At the same time, the energy-information fields surrounding it are "RARRIFIED" and increase in volume.
This happens due to the fact that the information coming into them from the "dense" - three-dimensional and imposed on him from the outside - gradually TURNS into CONSCIOUS - suffered, his own.
發生這種情況是因為從“密集”進入的信息 - 三維的並從外部強加給他 - 逐漸變成意識 - 遭受他自己的痛苦。
Its energy also changes, because when a person ALREADY HEARS HIMSELF — his SOUL and INTUITION, he CONNECTS with the CREATOR and the FINE PLAN OF BEING.
He goes beyond the three-dimensional world, overcoming the boundaries of the fourth and then the fifth dimensions.
All this is happening GRADUALLY, and for the time being the MAIN PART of humanity is at the FIRST STAGES of Awakening, which means that the energy-informational part of the life of these people remains in the power of the official mass media.
This is what Slows Down the Process of Mass Spiritual Awakening of Humanity.
But it is not all that bad.
You know that ONE AWAKENED PERSON is worth hundreds, and sometimes even thousands of UNAWAKENED.
Due to this, the BOTTOM OF THE FORCES OF LIGHT on Earth, both on the physical and on the subtle plane, is already UNDISPUTABLE.
A clean energy-information space, which brings people the truth and the highest vibrations, already covers the whole world.
And as the vibrations of the Earth and humanity as a whole rise more and more, the more people will be able to “plunge” into this Divine space that heals the Soul and body, which is constantly replenished with new energies and truthful information, thereby dissolving everything dirty, dark and obsolete.
The explosive situation that has now arisen on Earth will actually “explode” not at all in the way that the shadow government and its puppets planned to do.
As a result, those lies, hypocrisy, betrayal and corruption that permeate all layers of modern society, and especially the ruling elite of most countries of the world, will “explode”.
Unfortunately, it will not do without the pain and suffering of people, but this will already be the LAST tribute to those bloodthirsty and merciless creatures that have ruled your planet for so long.
This is indeed the LAST BATTLE - that very INEVITABLE Darkness before DAWN.
You are on the threshold of GREAT ACHIEVEMENTS, and EACH of you can APPROACH THE VICTORY of the Forces of Light over the Forces of Darkness.
(Website "Renaissance", channeled)
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
“Island of Light”在英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
"The Island of Light" in Russian
文章來源: Just Turn on your Light | Liberty - Voyages of Light