Our Return to Lyra | Zingdad
Bliss, harmony, belonging, wisdom and love. All the things we long for but do not find in our modern society were the norm in Lyra. Let's go back!
Many millions of years ago the very first human civilisation was begun on a planet in the Lyran star system. In many ways that civilisation was very, very different from the one we find ourselves in today. The frequency of consciousness was much, much higher. There was an innocence and a purity in the everyday lived experiences. People were unfailingly kind and loving to each other. Wisdom was highly prised, and was sought and shared. Truthfulness and integrity was all that was known. Fear, lies, deceit, distrust, neglect and abuse were unknown.
What happened to that society, how it was ended, how its members were scattered across this galaxy in what is called the Great Lyran Diaspora, how those earliest people became the Pleiadians and yes, eventually also us, Earth Humans is a story Adamu and I have told in the Life, Love and Dragons series (Find it here: zingdad.com/lld ). It’s a beautiful, magnificent, compelling tale! But this story that lies behind is is only the beginning. It is the story that lies before us that is ours to live.
那個社會發生了什麼事,它是如何結束的,它的成員如何在所謂的大天琴座散居地中分散在這個星系中,那些最早的人們如何成為昴宿星人,是的,最終也是我們,地球人類是一個阿達姆和我的故事在《生命、愛情和龍》系列中已經講述過(在這裡找到它:zingdad.com/lld)。 這是一個美麗、壯麗、引人入勝的故事! 但背後的故事僅僅是一個開始。 擺在我們面前的故事就是我們要生活的故事。
It was always intended and foretold that Earth would be the place where this fragmented, divided and oft-warring galaxy of ours would find oneness. Unity. Healing. But the conditions had to be exactly right for that to happen.
人們總是有意並預言,地球將成為我們這個支離破碎、分裂且經常交戰的星系找到統一的地方。合一。 治癒. 但要實現這一點,條件必須完全正確。
And now, dear friends, those conditions are exactly right.
The time is now.
And we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
We, collectively, are DOING IT. We are raising the frequency of our vibration. We are transforming our consciousness and transcending ourselves and our limitations. This is already happening.
And we, as the Tribe of Light are leading the charge in full consciousness and awareness. We are readying ourselves to co-create the highest frequency unity conscious timeline.
而我們,作為光之部落,正在全意識和意識中引領衝鋒。 我們正準備共同創造最高頻率的統一意識時間線。
Join the next Gathering of the Tribe of Light on Sunday the 27th. We will be remembering the Lyra that was. Adamu and I will be telling you of that beautiful civilisation and what is was like to live there. Triggering the most ancient parts of your human DNA (and perhaps even your soul memories). Reminding you not only of what was… but of what will be once again.
We will also be gently taking the conversation forward towards creating an ascension school with on-line and in-person communities.
參加 27 日星期日舉行的下一次光之部落聚會。 我們將記住曾經的天琴座。阿達姆和我將向你們講述那個美麗的文明以及在那裡生活的感覺。觸發你人類 DNA 中最古老的部分(甚至可能是你的靈魂記憶)。不僅提醒你曾經發生過的事情……而且還提醒你將會再次發生的事情。
Beloved friends it is time we begin to come Home. We’ve been away for far too long.
親愛的朋友們,是時候我們開始回家了。 我們已經離開太久了。
Please join us live on Sunday on Zoom (or in replay if you can’t make it live) for part 7 of the Full Moon Gathering of the Tribe of Light . Book your place here:
All are welcome, irrespective of previous attendance.
請加入我們週日在 Zoom 上的直播(如果無法直播,請參加重播),觀看光之部落滿月聚會的第 7 部分。 在這裡預訂位置:
I greatly look forward to sharing this sacred time with you!
One Love,
(補充:對zingdad的訊息感興趣的朋友們,也可以觀看他YT上的頻道 Arn Zingdad Allingham - YouTube )
文章來源:Zingdad e-mail letter