
About Light Language Blossom Goodchild channeling the Federation of Light 08 20 23 - YouTube


The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, Aug. 20, 2023

Good morning, to you. Ok so … Light Language! It either blows your blouse up, or it doesn’t! ‘Our’ particular dialect, I find … with all respect, and Trusting you are not offended, sounds like total gobbledegook! Others I have heard, have a much more attractive lilt to them. Plus, no one knows what you are saying. You could be persiflaging on about the price of cabbages for all we know! The floor is yours, my friends, to talk as much as you like about it.

Blossom:早上好,對你們來說。好吧……光語言!它或者炸毀你的襯衫,或者不炸毀你的襯衫! “我們的”特殊方言,我發現……恕我直言,相信你們沒有被冒犯,聽起來完全是一本晦澀難懂的書!我聽過的其他人的輕快節奏更有吸引力。另外,沒有人知道你們在說什麼。據我們所知,你們可能正在嘲笑捲心菜的價格!我的朋友們,發言權是你們的,你們可以盡情討論。


Good morning to you, Blossom and All. We are aware Blossom, of your misgivings in this particular matter and we are Grateful to you that you Trust yourself and us enough, to still release this ‘talk’ on your channel. We know you found it uncomfortable.

早上好,Blossom 和大家。我們知道 Blossom,你對此事的疑慮,我們感謝你對自己和我們足夠的信任,仍然在你的頻道上發布這個“談話”。 我們知道你覺得不舒服。


Yes. I did.



What we would like you to understand, as many do … is that within that ‘tone’ … within that mishmash of sounds and clicks there is information and Light codes being sent directly to the Soul. The Heart feels them and decodes them into the individual system, so that it resonates on a deeper level to that which one, on a human level, cannot decipher.


And does what?



Stores it. Absorbs it. Embraces it.



Why is it that some burst into tears …some have the desire to speak back … some get the body shakes … some feel so much Love from it … whilst others … get nothing. Nada?



Those who have a form of reaction are no different from those who do not. Either way, the understanding reaches deep within.



Even though we don’t understand it?



Yes. For it is not of/from your Earth. It is from a Higher Plane … and is that not where you are all from?

是的。 因為它不屬於/來自你們的地球。它來自更高的位面……那不是你們都來自的地方嗎?


Yes. Now … unbeknown to the reader/listener … this conversation is not flowing at all … What is the issue? I thought we were good to go?



Blossom …

Blossom …





Take a break and restart.



Ok. … … So it’s now the evening. Shall we try again?



By all means.



Would you care to know what was said in our transition of Light Language?


Yes please! Me and many, many, more.
Blossom:是的,請! 我和很多很多更多的人。


That which we translayed …



Eh … you know there is no such word?


Why not? Do not all words come from creation?

為什麼不? 難道所有的文字都來自創造嗎?


So, what is its exact meaning? Why not use a word we know?
Blossom:那麼,它的具體含義是什麼呢? 為什麼不用我們知道的詞呢?


Blossom, when we telepathically sent that word to you … did you know what it meant?



Well, I had an idea … yet, had to look it up to check if it existed. It didn’t.



Yet, you still understood?


Yes. I see where you are going with this.



In a sense you do. Words are made up of sounds … letters … tones … vibrational frequencies, etc … and they have been given meaning in order for one to communicate. Is this not so?
從某種意義上說,你確實這麼做了。 單詞由聲音……字母……音調……振動頻率等組成……並且它們被賦予意義以便人們進行交流。難道不是這樣嗎?


Indeed. Yet, we are aware of their meanings.



When one speaks in French to you … do you understand what is said?



Very little. The same for any language, really.



Words are designed to help each other understand each other. Words are used to give ‘labels’ to EVERYTHING.


When we speak to you in our unique language … do you think we, as THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT, speak to each other in this way?



No. For I  feel you are beyond words and use telepathy. That’s if you are many, or One, as in Oneness/Consciousness. You certainly do not come across as an individual.



Indeed, we are not.



We do not speak. We offer you telepathic communications …



That arrive in my head in words. To make it clear, I do not hear them. They come as a thought. You speak words to me.

Blossom:這句話以文字的形式出現在我的腦海裡。澄清一下,我沒有聽到他們的聲音。 它們作為一個想法而來。你對我說話。


How else would we communicate that which we desire to inform you of? When we use your vessel and your vocal chords at times, also … we use words, for they are understood.



However, when using what we would call a Universal language there is no need for an interpreter … for we do not use words. We use a combination of sounds that blend into each other and they cannot be broken up into words.



I keep getting the word ‘Syphon’ in my head.


Because we are sending it to you.



What for? Where does it fit in?

Blossom:做什麼的? 它適合在哪裡?


Imagine a ball of sound. There is no easy way to ‘put this into words’. This ball is … out there/up there/somewhere/nowhere. It is simply there. It is made up of Love … and this Love … in this case … is translayed /transported/syphoned into … a flow of wavelengths that come across as words. Yet, they are not.

想像一個聲音球。沒有簡單的方法可以“用語言表達這一點”。 這個球……在那兒/在那兒/某處/無處。它就在那裡。它是由愛組成的……而這種愛……在這種情況下……被轉譯/傳輸/虹吸成……波長的流動,以文字的形式出現。然而,事實並非如此。


So, the sounds are actually made to emit a particular wavelength?






Ahha! That makes more sense to me.



We would say that this is in ‘our’ particular case … with you … when we use, what you call, Light language.



These wavelengths tune into the wavelengths of the Energy of oneself … and when they ‘meet up’ they become an orchestra.



The reason why many display tears … or, feel so much Love/Home … is because the missing instruments arrive within this translaytion … in order to complete the ‘set’.



You have to tell me why you are using the word translayed … instead of translation.



Because ‘translayed’ does not mean the same as ‘translate.’



‘Translate’ means to interpret from one language to another. ‘Translayed’ means for layers of sound to be transmitted in the same moment …



How many layers?



Multiple … depending on the sound.



So, they are not words. They are wavelengths that communicate with us?



To you.  Your Soul absorbs these frequencies and acknowledges them, relates to them … and yes … replies.



Replies how?



By cojoining … by becoming one with that same frequency which the human may not understand, yet, the Soulself does.


This is why it is Universal.


So, do animals and insects understand it?



Yes. Although, there is nothing to understand.






Yet, when you were speaking it last week, the hand gestures that came with it, certainly made one feel as if you ‘had something to say’.  Pointing to the eyes, mouth etc. … … … You don’t seem to be able to answer that?
Blossom:然而,當你們上周說話時,隨之而來的手勢肯定讓人感覺你“有話要說”。 指著眼睛、嘴巴等等…………你好像回答不上來?


The nearest we could come to explaining would be ‘expression of flow’



Not flow of expression?



No … expression of flow.


So, one can say … there is no interpretation to be had?


Correct. That is not to say that the resonance of the sound brought through from us by you … didn’t do anything. For the frequency of it, when ‘allowed’ to blend heals the Heart, Soul, body and mind.

正確的。這並不是說你從我們這裡帶來的聲音共鳴……沒有起到任何作用。 因為它的頻率,當“允許”混合時,可以療癒心、靈魂、身體和思想。


It is its own magical music that is understood on a Universal Soul level.



Am I right in saying this is not the same when White Cloud speaks?

Blossom:我說這和White Cloud說話的時候不一樣嗎?


You are. When the expanded Soul Love of the Energy known to you as White Cloud speaks in a different tongue … he uses language of old. Language that transports the Soul to a place of Peace.

你是。當你們所知的White Cloud能量的擴展靈魂之愛用不同的語言說話時……他使用古老的語言。將靈魂運送到和平之地的語言。


Can his words be interpreted?



No longer with your Earthly transcript it i. [sic] For it is ancient. Yet, some ‘words’ are still known.

不再與你的塵世成績單有關。 [原文如此]因為它是古老的。 然而,有些“詞”仍然是眾所周知的。


That which he speaks of connects with the Heart so strongly because it comes from the Heart .



In a broad sense … he spoke of ‘times to come’ … He spoke of your Strength and Courage …



He spoke of that which he speaks to you in that of the English Language. Yet, by speaking in his ancient native tongue, it brings through a different ‘wavelength’ and therefore, goes deeper into the Soul’s understanding.

他談到了他用英語對你們說的話。 然而,通過用他古老的母語說話,它會帶來不同的“波長”,因此更深入靈魂的理解。


Why deeper? Why is English not so deep?

Blossom:為什麼更深? 為什麼英語不那麼深?


Because … throughout/over … time, Blossom … much that is ‘spoken’ has lost its lustre. In a sense … lost its Truth. The Vibration now, of much that is spoken is of a  … ‘lesser depth’

因為……自始至終/隨著……時間的流逝,Blossom……許多“說出”的東西都失去了光澤。從某種意義上說……失去了真理。 現在所說的很多振動都是......“較小的深度”


This is hard to put into words, isn’t it? Neither you or I can find what we are looking for. I think folk will understand ‘lesser depth’. Well! What can I say!  I’m not sure when it will happen again. Me thinks not for a while, if I have anything to do with it. Thanks for your explanation, chaps.

Blossom:這很難用語言來表達,不是嗎? 你我都找不到我們要找的東西。 我認為人們會理解“較淺層次”。 出色地! 我還能說什麼呢! 我不確定什麼時候會再次發生。 我想暫時不會,如果我和這件事有什麼關係的話。 謝謝你們的解釋,夥伴們。


Blossom, thank you for coming back to this conversation and ‘getting it done’. We know this has settled you and you can now relax!



Oh, indeed! Onwards … ever onwards, my friends. We’ll keep marching on …. Raising the Vibe of the Planet … until … we get to where we are going.  In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.

Blossom:哦,確實如此! 繼續前進……繼續前進,我的朋友們。我們將繼續前進…… 提升地球的氛圍……直到……我們到達我們要去的地方。 在感恩中。 在愛心服務中。 我是。




文章來源: The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, Aug. 20, 2023 (goldenageofgaia.com)

傳導:Blossom Goodchild



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