Lithien via Galaxygirl | August 9, 2023

Lithien 8/9/2023


Greetings, human ones. I Lithien am a fellow protector, guardian of the way, of the light. (An aqua male dragon is present in front of me.) I am one of many Ascended Dragon friends lending my light and talents, just as you are, to this Gaian project. There are many ascended dragons now here in your realm just beyond your reach. We are often in camouflage. If you see dragonflies following you on your walks we are likely they, hovering nearby, offering you our support.

問候,人類。 我Lithien是一位保護者,是道路和光明的守護者。 (一條水色雄性龍出現在我面前。)我是眾多揚昇龍朋友之一,就像你們一樣,為這個Gaian 項目提供我的光和才能。現在在你們的領域裡有許多飛升的龍,就在你們無法觸及的地方。我們經常穿著迷彩服。 如果散步時看到蜻蜓跟著,我們很可能是它們在附近盤旋,為你們提供支持。


We have seen the future and are back to this now, our past, which many of you are also doing. We are to alter the timelines from what may have been and what was, to what will be and should be for the greatest good of all. This must be honored. Creator has spoken. Timelines are now hijacked by the light. Oh, how it makes the dark vapors tremble. They are delicious. We dragons gobble up the dark ones as we clear out spaces of dark, of lack, of hidden prisons. Many prisons are in peoples’ minds. I see this as we dragons are quite adept with telepathy just as you will be too, human. Just as you all will be. In fact you are seeing it now come more and more online for you. And it will continue. Your other senses, 25 in fact, will all be fully online shortly, some faster than others. There are always the fastest dragons in the pack, but all dragons fly. It does not matter if your abilities birth sooner than the others. The time will come when after the adjustment period it will be commonplace, and second nature to you.

我們已經看到了未來,現在又回到了我們的過去,你們中的許多人也在這樣做。為了所有人的最大利益,我們要改變時間線,從可能已經發生的事情和過去發生的事情、到將要發生的事情和應該發生的事情。必須尊重這一點。 造物主已經發話了。時間線現在被光劫持了。哦,它如何讓黑暗的蒸氣顫抖。它們很美味。當我們清除黑暗、匱乏和隱藏監獄的空間時,我們龍會吞噬黑暗勢力。人們心中有很多監獄。我認為這是因為我們龍非常擅長心靈感應,就像你們一樣,人類。 正如你們所有人一樣。 事實上,你們現在看到它越來越在線化。而且這種情況還會繼續下去。你們的其他感官,事實上是 25 種,很快就會完全上線,有些比其他感官更快。龍群中總是有速度最快的龍,但所有龍都會飛。即使你們的能力比其他人早點誕生也沒關係。總有一天,在調整期過後,這將變得司空見慣,成為你的第二天性。


I Lithien speak. (He is breathing aqua colored smoke with glitter sparkles in it.) I enjoy breathing the vapor of galaxies yet to be born. There is infinite creation potential. Creator is limitless. What is beyond Creator? The ultimate question. Are we all within the mind of Creator? Yes. Are solid things solid? No. Such questions you will continue to ask and the answers will not be so uncanny as they may seem now. It may be abrupt, or startling some of the revelations that are to come forth.

我是Lithien說話的。(他呼吸著水綠色的煙霧,裡面閃閃發光。)我喜歡呼吸尚未誕生的星系的蒸氣。有著無限的創造潛力。造物主是無限的。造物主之外還有什麼? 最終的問題。我們都在造物主的心目中嗎? 是的。 固體的東西是固體嗎? 不會。你會繼續問這樣的問題,答案也不會像現在看起來那麼不可思議。即將出現的一些啟示可能是突然的或令人震驚的。


I am a medium sized dragon. I do not need to be large to be mighty. You are even smaller than the small dragons, and see how mighty you are. We are Source in fractal form and so we are mighty. Those of us that hold the spark of light, of creative thought and infinite potential, we are infinite. We are infinite. Light is infinite. Light does not stop traveling. I know for I travel at the speed of it. I am fast. It is exhilarating to chase the comets. (He is showing me that he likes to fly around the comets like a corkscrew while other dragons fly beside them in straight lines.) We all have our own take on things. You all have your own individual spark and talents. This is why you are so fun to watch.

我是一條中型龍。我不需要很大才能變得強大。你比小龍還小,看看你有多強大。我們是分形形式的源頭,所以我們是強大的。我們這些擁有光明火花、創造性思維和無限潛力的人,我們是無限的。我們是無限的。光是無限的。光不會停止傳播。我知道我以它的速度旅行。我很快。追逐彗星是令人興奮的。 (他向我展示他喜歡像開瓶器一樣圍繞彗星飛行,而其他龍則在彗星旁邊直線飛行。)我們對事物都有自己的看法。你們都有自己的個人火花和才能。這就是為什麼你看起來如此有趣。


We dragons take great delight in our human light worker friends. Many of you fly with us in other realms, some in large and lumpy dragon forms, alive with power and might and scale. You are so critical of your own human vessels. This I do not understand. My legs are not smooth and they are quite attractive dragon legs. My scales are shiny and strong. Some have more scales than I do, but I see the individuation of me and I love my scales. I love that they are all different. No two dragon scale patterns are alike, just like your own human fingerprint patterns. Source is infinite, and so of course the creations that follow would be as well. Be kind to your bodies. They are transforming. (He is showing me dragon hatchlings coming out of the egg, covered with shell and stringy slime.) It is mucus, Galaxygirl. (He is laughing). Our beauty is enough for we know who we are. It is time for humans to know who they are, as Source fractals of the infinite pressed and compressed into the finite. The finite, your bodies, are changing, recalibrating. And so they will be puffy at times. You will be putting on weight and then losing it. It is part of the energies of fluctuation and change. Be easy on yourselves in this process. It is a beautiful one.
我們龍對我們的人類光工朋友感到非常高興。你們中的許多人與我們一起在其他領域飛行,其中一些人以巨大而塊狀的龍形態存在,充滿力量、威力和規模。你對自己的人類船隻如此挑剔。這我不明白。我的腿不光滑,是相當吸引人的龍腿。我的鱗片閃亮而堅韌。有些人的體重秤比我多,但我看到了我的個性,我喜歡我的體重秤。我喜歡他們都是不同的。沒有兩片龍鱗圖案是相同的,就像你自己的人類指紋圖案一樣。源頭是無限的,因此接下來的創作當然也是無限的。善待自己的身體。 他們正在轉變。(他向我展示了從蛋中出來的龍幼體,上面覆蓋著貝殼和粘液。) 這是粘液,Galaxygirl。(他在笑)。 我們的美麗足以讓我們知道我們是誰。現在是人類知道自己是誰的時候了,因為無限的源頭分形被壓縮成有限。有限的東西,你的身體,正在改變、重新調整。所以他們有時會浮腫。你的體重會增加,然後又減輕。它是波動和變化能量的一部分。在這個過程中對自己要放鬆一些。 這是一件美麗的事。


I Lithien speak from the future to your past, now present. Time is but a construct, after all. Gaia is saved. Her future is assured. Timelines will no longer be hacked for cruelty. (I am seeing stargates and webs of travel over the universes, much like the TV show Stargate where the characters would travel from world to world. I am seeing how the Stargate network was weaponized and controlled and used for human trafficking and other nefarious purposes.) This is being shut down. (He is grinning broadly, with large pointy teeth, that are very shiny and ivory colored.) We dragons have recently been very successful with this mission! (I am hearing dragons around me cheer, and am seeing little smoke rings come from their nostrils.)

我Lithien從未來向你的過去、現在說話。 畢竟,時間只是一種構造。 蓋亞得救了。她的未來是有保障的。時間線將不再因殘忍行為而被黑客入侵。(我看到星際之門和穿越宇宙的旅行網,就像電視節目《星際之門》中的角色從一個世界旅行到另一個世界。我看到星際之門網絡如何被武器化、控制並用於人口販運和其他邪惡目的。 ) 這正在被關閉。 (他咧著嘴笑,長著又大又尖的牙齒,牙齒非常閃亮,呈象牙色。)我們龍族最近在這項任務上非常成功! (我聽到周圍的龍歡呼,並看到它們的鼻孔冒出小煙圈。)


Success is nigh, to all who hear and will listen. To all who will understand, know that your success of your planetary mission is assured, and know that you are well loved from across time-space. I Lithien bow to you, in reverence, and joy. Human ones, the time is nigh, to fly. I depart.

對於所有聽到並願意傾聽的人來說,成功就在眼前。 所有能夠理解的人都知道,你們的行星使命的成功是有保證的,並且知曉你們受到跨越時空的深愛。 我懷著崇敬和喜悅向你們鞠躬。 人類,飛翔的時刻即將來臨。我離開。

~ galaxygirl








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