What the Ascended Masters Did, You Can Do ∞
Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
“祝福。” 我們是Thymus。我們是揚升大師集體。
You are maintaining your vibration as you receive this message, because you are in alignment with us and with our messages. When you are not in alignment with something but you are still giving your attention to it, your vibration lowers, and you begin to become one with what you are not in harmony with. It can be something you don’t want to experience, or it can be something you don’t want to believe. It can simply be something that is of a lower vibration than the one you are currently holding, even if it is a piece of music that was created by an angry musician, or a sad one.
You are going to find that your ability to discern what is in vibrational harmony with you and what isn’t plays a huge role in the rest of your journey to the fifth dimension. You have all the tools inside of you to determine for yourselves whether something is appropriate or not for you to focus upon, and yet not everyone uses what they have inside of themselves to make that determination. We know this might seem like an oversimplification, but we cannot overstate the importance of all of you feeling your feelings. Once you allow yourselves to feel one feeling, you will be more inclined to feel other feelings, and you will be more in tune with the vibration that someone or something is giving off.
你們會發現,辨別什麼與你振動和諧、什麼不和諧的能力在你通往第五維度的旅程的其餘部分中發揮著巨大作用。你們內心擁有所有的工具來自己決定某件事是否適合關注,但並不是每個人都利用自己內心的東西來做出這個決定。我們知道這似乎過於簡單化,但我們不能誇大你們所有人感受自己感受的重要性。 一旦允許自己感受一種感覺,就會更傾向於感受其他感覺,並且你們會更適應某人或某物所發出的振動。
You will be more likely to move towards that which is in harmony with your vibration and less likely to move towards something when it is not in vibrational harmony with you. Now, there is also the practice of moving towards that which will raise your vibration to an even higher frequency. You have the ability to seek those things out consciously, and you have enough years under your belt as a human being to know what to look for and what to focus upon.
These are the basics. We are here to give you the basics because we feel that life on Earth has become complicated and overly complex for many of you, and we all are examples of what happens when a human being uses the basics to gain spiritual mastery in a lifetime. We do not have the ability to complicate from where we are because it is not in our nature. It is not a part of who and what we are, nor is it a part of what we signed up to be for all of you. Therefore, we will play our roles, and you will play yours, and we know that you will benefit from applying the simple spiritual teachings that we have to offer you, and we also know that we have some more profound insights to bring you than we did when we were in physical bodies there on Earth.
這些是基礎知識。 我們在這裡為你們提供基礎知識,因為我們覺得地球上的生活對於你們許多人來說已經變得複雜且過於復雜,而我們都是人類在一生中使用基礎知識來獲得靈性掌控時所發生的例子。我們沒有能力讓現狀變得複雜,因為這不是我們的本性。它不是我們是誰、和我們是什麼的一部分,也不是我們為你們所有人簽署協議的一部分。因此,我們將扮演我們的角色,你們也將扮演你們的角色,我們知道你們將從應用我們為你提供的簡單靈性教導中受益,也知道我們可以為你帶來一些比我們更深刻的見解。當我們在地球上的肉身中時就這樣做了。
Today’s lesson is simple: focus on how something or someone feels to determine whether the effect on your vibration is what you want it to be, and if it isn’t, simply turn the other cheek, as Yeshua would say. You are not there to fix anything or eradicate anything, but you are there with your free will choosing all day every day whether you know it or not. We simply would like for you to know that you are choosing and to choose consciously and with feeling.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”
現在就這些了。我們是Thymus。 我們是揚升大師集體,我們永遠在你們之間。”
傳導:Daniel Scranton