If you believe that growth comes from struggle, you will create crises by which to grow.
One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is to dissolve any negative pictures you have about growth.
Give yourself permission to have valuable and worthwhile things such as your spiritual growth come easily.
It takes far less time and energy to grow through joy than to grow through struggle.
You can change and release your emotions more rapidly by thoroughly experiencing them when they appear. Feel the emotion in your body.
你可以通過在情緒出現時徹底地體驗它們來更快地改變和釋放情緒。 感受身體內的情緒。
Where is it located? If it had a color, what color would it be?
它在哪裡? 如果有顏色,它將是什麼顏色?
Don't try to talk yourself out of the feeling; let yourself feel it. After you have identified it in your body, send light to that area. You will discover that most emotions, even the strongest ones, pass quickly after you experience them, love them, and hear their messages.
不要試圖讓自己脫離感覺。 讓自己感受一下。 在你的體內識別出它之後,將光發送到該區域。 你會發現,大多數情感、甚至最強烈的情感,在體驗,愛並聆聽它們的信息後都會迅速消失。