A Healing for All of Humanity ∞

The Pleiadian High Council of 7, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


a healing for all of humanity - the pleiadian high council of 7 - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of arcturians

“We are The Pleiadian High Council of 7, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.



We know so many of you are interested in the art and the science of healing, and we know that when you can heal yourselves, you can help others to heal, and you can heal Mother Earth as well. We know this because we have done it on our worlds in the Pleiades and with ourselves. We have also witnessed many great healers there on Earth, and we understand the healing process. We understand what it takes in order to find yourself in a body that is completely healthy. We know that many of you are interested in being healers because you want to be of service to others, and that is wonderful. What you really want to experience is alignment within yourselves. 



And with your alignment, and your high vibration, you are then of greatest value to anyone who crosses your path, whether they have come to you for healing or not. Some of you just automatically do that to others whenever you are in the same room with them. You are emanating such a high vibration that others cannot help but be forever changed by the vibration you are offering. Therefore, becoming a great healer means that you first do the work on yourselves to access the highest-frequency vibrations that you can. You also can become quite good at spreading that around when you are called upon to do so.



Therefore, even if you are not offering such a high frequency of vibration all the time, some of you can summon it when necessary or when someone is coming to you for that healing. We also want you to know that there has been a lot of damage done to Mother Earth because of human presence there. And of course the plant and animal kingdoms have also been harmed by the presence of humans on Earth. Those of you who recognize this have taken it upon yourselves to do that healing work on your animal friends, your plant friends, and your Mother. You understand that whenever there is healing that is needed, you are being called upon, and you also see it as a great privilege to be able to offer a healing to anyone that is in need. That is truly the Pleiadian within you that is coming out in that moment. 



We have perfected many different healing modalities in our star system, and it is in fact the reason why we have been able to ascend into this nonphysical state from the physical state that we once were in. Now there are still plenty of physical Pleiadian beings. Do not get us wrong. We are just referring to ourselves here as The Pleiadian High Council of 7. There are lots of different Pleiadian collectives and councils, and we all seek to help, and we all seek to offer you a healing. 

我們在我們的恆星系統中已經完善了許多不同的治療方式,這實際上是我們能夠從曾經所處的物理狀態提升到這種非物理狀態的原因。現在仍然有大量的昴宿星物理存有。不要誤會我們的意思。我們在這裡只是將自己稱為昴宿星七人高級委員會(The Pleiadian High Council of 7)。有許多不同的昴宿星集體和委員會,我們都尋求幫助,我們都尋求為你們提供療癒。


And so, woven into this message are healing energies that you can all bask in, because that is our gift to you as we love eternally and infinitely. We feel very much like your grandparents, and we want very much to see you thriving and having a beautiful ride to the fifth dimension, and that is why we decided to start coming through this channeler here. But we are available to all of you at any time of any day. Call upon us, ask for what you need to be healed, and then relax and receive the healing that we are always bestowing upon you. 

因此,這條信息中融入了你們所有人都可以沐浴的治癒能量,因為這是我們送給你們的禮物,因為我們永恆和無限地愛著你們。我們感覺非常像你的祖父母,我們非常希望看到你們蓬勃發展、並擁有通往第五維度的美好旅程,這就是為什麼我們決定開始通過這裡的通靈者。但我們可以隨時為大家服務。 呼喚我們,詢問你需要什麼來治癒,然後放鬆並接受我們一直給予你的治癒。


We are Pleiadian High Council of 7, and we are very fond of all of you. And that is all.”





傳導:Daniel Scranton



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