Mother Mary via Galaxygirl | September 18, 2023

Mother Mary 9/18/2023


Children, this is your Mother Mary. I embrace you now with the sweetest, most fragrant of pink roses. Inhale, breathe deeply the aroma of peace. You are the peace bringers in your world as it approaches yet more chaos and turmoil. You are the way showers, the way showers of love, of peace, of new beginnings. Your vibrational codices are ripe and ready for sharing, which brings me tremendous joy and pride knowing how far you have come. You should be proud of yourselves as well. There is no sin in pride, children. There is no sin, only lack of understanding of the love of God. God is love. There can be no other way, and as fractals, you are made of love, you are love as well. And yet in density it is easy to lose sight of this fact that you are light embodied, but that is truly what you are.

孩子們,這裡是你們的聖母瑪利亞。我現在用最甜蜜、最芬芳的粉紅玫瑰擁抱你。吸氣,深深呼吸平和的香氣。當你們的世界接近更多混亂與動盪時,你是和平的帶來者。你們是引路人,愛、和平、新開始的引路人。你的振動抄本已經成熟並準備好分享,這給我帶來了巨大的喜悅和自豪,知道你已經走了多遠。你也該為自己感到驕傲。孩子們,驕傲並沒有罪。沒有罪,只是缺乏對神之愛的理解。神就是愛。沒有其他辦法,作為分形,你由愛構成,你也是愛。 然而在密度中,我們很容易忽略這樣一個事實:你是光的體現,但這就是你的真實所是。


I see many of you have already done your healing, and yet there is more expansion into that healing that must take place. As scars heal there is a stretching as the limb continues to move and there will be further expansion of healing long after the injury was superficially healed. There are internal worlds to wounds, that one must face with keen alacrity and clear vision. Send the wounds love and they will transmute into light. There is much wounding on your world, and so you must look for the healed places and expand them. You must send your light energy to the crevices, the scars, the gashes, send light and love there and Gaia will most definitely feel it. It is important to do the grid work, and the wound work. They are inextricably intertwined. You will eventually live in a realm where the grid lines are all humming nicely but for now you must hum nicely within your own vibratory field to help mend the tears in the space fabric around Gaia and her grids, and in so doing you are the living healed tissue that bridge the gap and induce the healing, just like a skin graft.

我看到你們中許多人已經完成了療癒,但還必須進行更多的療癒擴展。當疤痕癒合時,肢體會繼續移動,從而產生拉伸,並且在傷口表面癒合很久之後,癒合會進一步擴大。傷口有其內在世界,人們必須以敏銳的敏捷和清晰的視野面對它。送去愛的傷口,它們就會化為光明。你們的世界上有很多傷口,所以你們必須尋找治癒的地方並擴大它們。你必須將你的光之能量送到裂縫、疤痕、傷口,在那裡發送光和愛,蓋亞肯定會感受到它。做好網格工作和纏繞工作很重要。它們密不可分地交織在一起。 你最終將生活在一個網格線都在美妙地嗡嗡作響的領域,但現在你必須在自己的振動場內很好地嗡嗡作響,以幫助修補蓋亞、和她的網格周圍的空間結構中的撕裂,這樣做你就是活著的人癒合的組織可以彌補間隙並促進癒合,就像植皮一樣。


I Mother Mary am like a mother to you and yet I am one of you, truly. I see you, I love you. I am you. I am the Mother embodied, as are you, or the Father embodied as are you. There is much learning to yet unpack for the others. You may not understand your learned lessons yet and yet that is all right. You do not need to understand every word in the story in order to be a part of it. You are a part of this story, the beautiful grand story. And the pieces are falling into place, into line. All things good are coming. Creator has decreed it and so it shall be.

我聖母瑪利亞就像你們的母親一樣,但我確實是你們中的一員。我看到你,我愛你。我是你。 我是母親的化身,就像你一樣,或是父親的化身,就像你一樣。還有很多東西需要為其他人解開。你可能還不明白你學到的教訓,但這沒關係。不需要理解故事中的每個單字才能成為故事的一部分。你是這個故事的一部分,這個美麗的宏偉故事。各個部分正在就位、排成一行。一切美好的事情都會到來。造物主已經規定了它,所以它就應該如此。


I Mother Mary see you with my eyes of love, of peace, of understanding. The world as you know it is about to be changed forever and there will be no going back to your old selves, and this is how it should be. This is why you are here, to see the change, to bring the change, to manifest the change and to embody the change. Ascension of an entire world while within the body has never been done before. There are many bodies who will not be strong enough and there are many who will feel their spirits have been broken, but that is perhaps because of missed opportunities for their own learning. We see what we are ready to see. For those who were not ready they will have some catching up to do. In this way it is a blessing for those of you who have decided long before this incarnation to awaken earlier. Yes, it has had its drawbacks too as you feel in the world and not of it. Yet you have had your dark nights - weeks -months - of the soul, have you not? And you are stronger now, ready for when the winds will blow the hardest. There is much that will be revealed, and we know that you are weary of hearing such things, but you can see this is indeed happening now can you not? Other worldly involvement in your world is coming to light. And there will be much more to come.

我聖母瑪利亞用愛、平和、理解的眼神看顧著你。你們所知道的世界即將永遠改變,你們將無法回到原來的自己,而這就是它該有的樣子。這就是為什麼你在這裡,看到改變,帶來改變並體現改變。在身體內揚升整個世界是前所未見的。有很多人的身體不夠強壯,有很多人會覺得自己的精神受到了摧殘,但這或許是因為錯過了自己學習的機會。我們看到我們準備看到的東西。對於那些還沒準備好的人來說,他們將需要做一些趕上的事情。這樣,對於那些早在這次轉世之前就決定早點覺醒的人來說,這是一種祝福。是的,它也有它的缺點,因為你在這個世界上而不是在這個世界上感受到的。然而你已經經歷了靈魂的暗夜──幾週、幾個月,不是嗎? 現在你變得更堅強,準備好迎接最猛烈的風浪。有很多事情將會被揭露,我們知道你已經厭倦了聽到這樣的事情,但你可以看到這確實正在發生,不是嗎? 你們的世界中其他世俗的參與正在浮現。未來還會有更多的事情發生。


I recommend that you become like the pyramids. This one has been enjoying working with the pyramidal energies, the zero point spaces are such a powerful point of creation. The pyramids are all over your realm, strategically placed, just as you, darlings, have been strategically placed. You are the pyramids in form. It is a blessing to be able to harness their energies for healing of yourselves and of your world. I recommend it. Much alchemy is going on within your human carbon bodies that are becoming crystalline more and more every moment, every day. The steadiness of the pyramidal hum will assist you. Augment your work with Gaia. Harness the grid, join it with Source. You are only the ones who can do such things as you are the Source in form. One must be in human vessels to embody the human change, the human ascension is DNA lined, matched. It must be this way. This is why you volunteered, to live in such a vessel in such a time. The frequencies are so high now, we are literally within your arms reach. We are all around you, this beautiful co-creation of love, of healing.

我建議你變得像金字塔一樣。這個人一直喜歡與金字塔能量一起工作,零點空間是如此強大的創造點。金字塔遍布你們的領域,策略性地放置,就像你們,親愛的,被策略性地放置一樣。你是形式上的金字塔。能夠利用他們的能量來治癒你自己和你的世界是一種祝福。我推薦它。 許多煉金術正在你們的人體碳體內進行,它們每時每刻、每一天都變得越來越結晶。金字塔嗡嗡聲的穩定性會對你有幫助。使用蓋亞增強你的工作。利用網格,將其與來源連接起來。 只有你們才能做這樣的事情,因為你們是形式的源頭。一個人必須在人類的容器中體現人類的改變,人類的提升是DNA排列的、配對的。 一定是這樣的。這就是為什麼你自願在這樣的時代住在這樣的容器裡。現在頻率如此之高,我們簡直就在你觸手可及的範圍內。我們就在你身邊,這是愛與療癒的美麗共同創造。


Remember your healing is your own. Remember your own path is your own. There is to be no judgement for those who are on their own path. How could you possibly understand or be privy to their soul contracts or agreements? They will awaken when they awaken or they will not, and will continue on their own journey in another form. It is best this way to not be too attached to another’s path. Remember we are your family as well. We are all around you. Your galactic worlds watch closely. Many of you are royalty of the ancients from other systems here in this now moment to assist, and so your kingdoms are watching you with tenderness and awe. They will never know your own journey, your many twists and turns, and so you hope, do you not, they will not judge you? And they would not because they are of the higher vibrational worlds, and realms where there is no judgement. And so do not judge yourselves or one another. Do not be harsh on yourselves. Every moment you are being made new. Every moment you are learning or changing or growing. Such is ascension, the never ending spiral up to Source light, from whence we all came.



I Mother Mary send you my endless love. As the winds howl and spin around you, be solid like your pyramid friends. Immobile, filled with strength and space. Solid and filling your selves with joy. Joy and light is the recipe for forgiveness and for the new world to form. It is forming but this one must dissolve first. And that is why much like the pyramids, who hold key lines and vortices that is what you will be doing and are doing. You are the grid for Gaia where her grid is weak. That is why you are placed where you are. And it is good.



I love you endlessly. I am your Mother Mary.



~ galaxygirl



文章來源: Mother Mary via Galaxygirl | September 18, 2023 - Voyages of Light




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