Star's Introduction: The concept of “Two Worlds Colliding” is referring to the action of two huge energies – or two realities – which are colliding! And it is not as though the Light is “opposing” the dark energies. Instead, the dynamics of this process is that there is such tremendous Light energy coming to the earth, that the earth is being transformed! Whenever these two energies come together, the light is such a tremendous force of energy, that the dark energies are simply transmuted, or “vaporized .”
Lady Portia: Greetings, Dear Ones. As you might imagine, witnessing this process of transmutation has caused the dark energies to be in a state of fear, if not complete terror, because they can see that their forces are not able to successfully oppose these tremendous energies of light. And so, while they are experiencing this state of sheer terror, they are literally “throwing everything they have” into the level of human consciousness, thinking that if they can at least control the consciousness of people on earth, that this will give them a “foothold” towards controlling the narrative, which will then allow them to control the energies on earth.
However, this strategy is not going to be successful! Instead, it is FAILING – even as we speak! We want to reveal to you now the truth of this situation. See the huge image of the Light Ships coming from everywhere in the universe to support the earth, because they know that this is a crucial moment in this process of “The Enlightenment of Planet Earth!” We only describe this point in time as a “crucial moment,” because there is so much opposition to the Light appearing now !
This plan will not be successful in its agenda, but it IS having a significant impact on the consciousness of many people – who do not know how to protect themselves against this type of “energy takeover” of their system. This activity is, unfortunately, being promoted successfully, many times, against vulnerable human beings who are susceptible to being manipulated by those who do not have your highest and best interests as their motivation for their actions towards humanity and the earth! But know that this is “the last gasp” at this level of activity.
Now, there certainly will be continuing dynamics, as we are looking at the process of one energy opposing another energy, and when they come together it creates an “energy dynamic.” Well, you're in the middle of one of these huge “ energy dynamics” now! And we expect it to continue -- even past the election (of November 3, 2020), and well into the year 2021. And that is what is going to strongly influence the tone, the tenor, of the energies on earth during 2021!
This process is going to be very disruptive, unfortunately, but there is no way to avoid this, because there are these huge energies that we see coming together! And there is going to be a “collision” between these energies. We know they are opposing each other now, however, this process is moving to an entirely new level of operation, precisely because of the level of desperation being felt by those who might be termed “the dark energies.” They know that they are losing the battle! They are losing this planet – which they have successfully controlled for literally eons of time!
You all know this information! You have read the stories about the previous history on earth, and you know what has happened – back to a certain point. You don't know everything, but you do know it up to a certain point. But the history of this is not important, because it is no longer relevant. This is true because, of course, you are in present time! You have moved to such high levels of Light energy on earth, that everything is happening in a new paradigm for earth! And this is what the dark energies do not realize! That is why they are attempting all of these old patterns and programs of obfuscation (confuse, bewilder) of truth!
They are continuing to attempt to hide the truth from people, by “clouding people's minds” with this dark negative energy, so that people who do not know how to defend themselves against this type of thing, and clear this energy off themselves, often fall prey to this type of activity! Be aware that this is a huge occurrence which is happening NOW on the earth. That is why you are seeing so much of this “acting out” of the dark agenda – including all of this violence – the rioting , the looting, and all of these things which, unfortunately, you have witnessed as it has occurred.
Protect Your Consciousness
However, we hope that you do not pay too much attention to this type of activity, or allow these energies to infiltrate your consciousness. Focusing on these things would not be beneficial for any people! We suggest that you “let it be what it is , and where it is.” But we hope that you are constantly aware of the vast importance of not taking it into your consciousness.
We hope that you will all begin this process now -- of learning how to protect your consciousness against this type of thing, because it is going to steadily increase in intensity throughout the entirety of the coming year of 2021! And I'm very sorry to have to tell you this – to deliver this message to you! But, because you have asked, then I am required to tell you the truth, and to give you the accurate picture of what is surely going to occur.
Know that It cannot be avoided at this point in time! Everything has “built up,” as you might say, to “a fever pitch!” The energies that are opposing each other are so extremely intense -- precisely because there has been such an intense focus on this topic -- by virtually your entire population!
Humanity is “feeding” so much energy into this opposition, fighting, and violence! And many of the people who are watching this activity, and “feeding it their energy,” do not even realize what they are doing! Unfortunately, they do not have the higher view of situation, so that they are not able to perceive the effects of their focus upon it.
They continue to give it their consciousness, to “work,” and in many cases, to successfully create devastation and destruction in so many of the cities where these events are taking place. This process is, unfortunately, “infecting” the consciousness of many people with this deeply negative and destructive energy. And these people do not even recognize what is happening to them!
We tell you these things now, so that you will be “forewarned,” and therefore “forearmed,” for your transit through the challenges and energies of the year 2021!
Ancient Origins: Pre-Destruction of Atlantis
As you may have realized, much of this energy “program” that you are witnessing, in your present-day activities, actually had its origin during the time period of “The Fall of Atlantis,” and even before that time, as well! These are all of the energies, on this theme, which caused the destruction of Atlantis!
And we are hoping that, through this process of clearing, that eventually all of this darkness will gradually be consumed (in the energies of the Violet Transmuting Flame), and it will be removed from planet Earth! But it certainly has not happened yet! We're sure that you can see that this is true, because it is running rampant in the consciousness of humanity! And, as you know, that affects the tone, the tenor, which exists in the consciousness of humanity.
And so, it's like a “vicious cycle!” It is continuing to operate now on the energies that it is producing, because – due to the way it has infiltrated much of the consciousness, that situation promotes this type of thing, and then it “feeds on itself,” and it creates more of itself. Therefore, I'm afraid that it has not reached its crescendo at this point in time (August 20, 2020), because it is still building in intensity – to reach this point of ultimate confrontation between these two energies, which I expect WILL HAPPEN in the coming year of 2021!
And that is what I am speaking about when I say “two worlds colliding,” because it is the worlds that you have created in your minds, in your consciousness, and in your feelings! It is becoming VERY INTENSE at this point in time, because there is so much energy building in this process, until it has now begun to “feed on itself!” In other words, all of the energies being poured into this process, through the focus of human consciousness, are now “running on automatic pilot,” as you might say. There is no one in the physical world who is directing this huge process. And, of course, different people are promoting different parts of their own agendas. But, looking at this huge event, there is no human consciousness that is in charge of it, or directing it, at this point. And that situation is both positive and negative in terms of what it is able to do or accomplish, in terms of the future trajectory of these energies.
A Huge Violent Confrontation of Dynamic Energies Are Building To a Climax in 2021!
Even to us, it is somewhat of an “unknown” at this point in time! This is true, because, when energies come together in this way, they form a “dynamic” which has a “life of its own,” and then it is not possible for us to accurately predict exactly what the outcome will be. But I can tell you that this is going to produce a huge confrontation!
It will be very violent in many ways – mental, physical, and emotional – between people, between factions, in government and in politics. It is going to have a huge effect on many circumstances which exist in your country, and therefore it will be affecting both economic and political situations. This will extend even to the levels of people's employment situations and opportunities.
And so, you are certainly not completely finished with this process of what has begun with the virus (COVID19). You are approximately in the middle of it now (at this writing on August 20, 2020). But I cannot tell you how long that it will take for this process to fully run its course on the earth, because this is a process, which, once it has begun – then it creates a life of its own – and I don't know if you can really understand this , but I will tell you that it creates “an intelligence of its own,” which is similar to “an entity,” but it is not an actual entity.
How To Protect Yourself
But what you DO need to know, is that there is a great need for the Lightworkers to be AWARE of creating a level of protection around themselves, because these energies are going to become VERY INTENSE – and they will be very damaging to many people who do not have the knowledge or wherewithal to have adequate protections for themselves!
And this is VERY UNFORTUNATE! That is why we have chosen at this time to bring up this aspect of what has been requested in this “predictions information.” Because, I would say that this information is the most important message that we think can be delivered at this point in time. Then people will have this information and can prepare to adequately defend themselves against these levels of attack – which you are surely all going to be experiencing in the coming year, because these things do not just stop of their own accord! There is so much intelligence behind what is happening, that it is like “a ball rolling downhill” at this point. It is “feeding on itself,” because, the more of this violence you see, the process of watching it creates more of this type of energy within the human system. And, of course, very few people recognize the effects of this type of thing in their energy system – when they take it into themselves by focusing on it with no protection!
Or, some people even, unknowingly, call it into themselves by watching this material with such a strong emotional reaction to it. You see, that “opens the door” to all kinds of mischief being performed in the human system by these levels of depravity that you are watching.
或者,一些人甚至,不知不覺地,通過觀看這類東西起了強烈的情感反應來把它召喚給自己。你看,這就向人類系統中上演的所有災禍(出於你所見證的墮落) “敞開了大門”。
And so, I'm going into this at some depth, because we consider this to be very important for the protection of some of these “unwitting participants,” as they are the observers of all of these highly negative, and highly-charged events – which are carrying energies which are of a VERY DESTRUCTIVE NATURE!
It would have destroyed the earth long ago, were it not for the vast levels of assistance which, as you know, have been brought from many extraterrestrial sources, and other levels of assistance which come forth from your galaxy, in an attempt to assist the earth – FORTUNATELY!
傳導:Star Hinman
翻譯:Nick Chan