Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Sept. 15, 2023

15th. September 2023. Mike Quinsey.


Some changes are resulting in the loss of life, and even those that appear accidental or are a result of nature’s impulses are all with a purpose as the final cleansing takes place. There are casualties that are often in great numbers. It is understandable given the extent of damage such as in earthquakes. It may be hard to accept that virtually all victims are clearing their karma so that in their next life, they start with a clean slate.

有些變化會導致生命的喪失,甚至那些看似偶然的變化或自然衝動的結果,在最後的淨化發生時都是有目的的。傷亡人數往往很多。 考慮到地震等破壞程度,這是可以理解的。幾乎所有受害者都在清除自己的業力,以便在下輩子重新開始,這可能很難接受。


You will think of the horrors resulting from accidental death especially when it occurs in extreme circumstances. Be assured that those souls involved are immediately calmed and rested, recovering very quickly from any fears or shock that may be held.



They are soon able to forget any remaining memories of what they went through and free from any injuries. With the circumstances having been explained they accept their experience as part of their evolution. In reality there is no death but simply a change of body to one that is etheric and free from all ailments previously associated with it.



If your mind is cluttered by negative thoughts you attract even more to yourself, so it is in your own interest to try and expel them from your mind. Realise that like attracts like and thereby you often create a worse situation with negative thoughts that you clearly did not intend.



So when you are kind and helpful to others it comes back to you in kind. Can you see now how you create your own karma by your thoughts and actions, to a great extent your life is in your own hands by virtue of your freewill?



It is worth reminding you that you have a life plan agreed to by you and your Guides who will ensure that you follow it to the best of your ability, and protect you from other souls who would pull you down. You will of course be tested to ensure you have learned lessons given even in earlier lives. If you have a particular experience that has been out of your control it is almost certain to have been “set up” for you. So be sure you have responded to it in a positive way, ensuring you are unlikely to have to repeat it again.



Healthy and sensible living will help you enjoy a happy and fulfilling life with little if any spells of ill health. Karmic links may dictate that you need to have certain experiences that will clear old karma that happens without any apparent reason.



Be sure as with all experiences that very little happens without good reason. The important thing is to learn from it so that it does not need to return again. When you have two people sharing life’s experiences it can get very complicated so it comes down to always doing the best you can.



Many of you have pets that are yet another way of learning about life. Dogs are amongst the most popular ones and are noted for their trust and allegiance, often showing a love that never wavers even if they are ill-treated. They keep coming back for more and show a loyalty rarely matched by Human Beings.



Cats are very similar and usually have no hesitation of sharing their love with more than one person. You could quote many instances of different animals and birds that can also share their love with other life forms. It does not need much thought to realise that it is love that make the world go round.



Your experiences upon Earth are but a shadow of the true life intended for you. With freewill there is too much greed and power in the hands of so few people. In an ideal world, people would recognise and acknowledge each other as being entitled to a share of the Earth’s bounties, and no soul should be treated differently to another.



But in playing out your earthly role you are often treated differently, particularly where religious beliefs are concerned. No group has a greater claim to the truth than another as all are at different stages of understanding. Tolerance is a virtue that few have and they try to dominate or destroy those who have a different understanding of the truth. Let those who have different beliefs find their way on their path and surely one day all will meet with the same truth.



Each soul is born to parents who are best equipped to help them grow up with a sensible understanding of their place in the world. Each life is a stairway to the truth and todays mystery is tomorrows answer that will lead you ever onwards to it. The truth by nature is so simple and be assured that all pathways will eventually come together. Allow others to follow their beliefs as long as they do not try to impose it upon others, indeed it would be something of an achievement if they could peacefully share them.

每個靈魂的父母都最有能力幫助他們成長,讓他們對自己在世界上的地位有明智的理解。每一個生命都是通向真理的階梯,今天的謎團就是明天的答案,它將引導你永遠走向它。 真理本質上是如此簡單,並且確信所有的道路最終都會走到一起。允許其他人遵循自己的信仰,只要他們不試圖將其強加給別人,如果他們能夠和平地分享這些信仰,這確實是一種成就。


You are all seeking the truth of your being and an invisible force is directing you onto the right path that leads to spiritual growth. Genuine seekers are always ready to accept the greater truth and not be tied down to one particular creed. Eventually you can make progress by following your own path as you will have found the one that allows for your gradual advancement. It follows that souls in an early stage of development need guidance form those who have already risen up. Therefore each one should be exactly where they should on their chosen path.



It is worth mentioning that the evil ones also have guidance but from others on the dark side, who will keep them in their control and prevent their Ascension. In their twisted minds they believe they are the ones chosen to rise up and evolve. Nevertheless, they feed their own lust often at the price of another’s life. They still have opportunities to break away and find the truth but it is difficult once you have given yourself to evil. So temptation may come your way but having evolved you have no problem in seeing through their subterfuge.



There are times when you pass by negative souls and can register the unpleasant low energy level they possess, but you are protected from it by the positive energy from your Light body. Other souls can also “feel” your energy and would undoubtedly be all the better for it. No one can be forced to join up with the negative ones except by their own volition. So do not fear evil because fear is the very energy they seek and feed off. Keep your Light shining out and fear no evil.

有時,當你經過消極靈魂時,可以注意到他們所擁有的令人不快的低能量水平,但你的光體的正能量會保護你免受其影響。其他靈魂也可以“感受到”你的能量,並且無疑會因此變得更好。任何人除非出於自願,否則不能被迫加入消極勢力的行列。所以不要害怕邪惡,因為恐懼正是他們尋求和賴以生存的能量。 保持你的光芒閃耀,不要害怕邪惡。


I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

我給你留下愛和祝福,願聖光照亮你的日子和通往成功的道路。 這個信息來自我的更高自我,我的神性自我,每個靈魂都與神有著相同的聯繫。


In Love and Light.



Mike Quinsey.






文章來源: Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Sept. 15, 2023 (goldenageofgaia.com)

傳導:Mike Quinsey


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