Dear, beloved fellow human beings, I am Francis who for many is a famous saint. In my time I cared for nature and animals and I was "enlightened" during my life and do not have to incarnate again. Nowadays I help from this part of life and we are all in a collaboration as can be said.
Now I want to show you such an important picture. I'll show you a STAIRCASE.
You, dear, you'll get an important exercise from me.
When you sit down in the evening to calm your mind. Then choose not to press the button on what you have such a good expression for the "stupid TV" (little laugh).
Instead, sit comfortably and relaxed in your favorite armchair, or on your sofa. Close your eyes and feel that you are standing in a beautiful place. Next to you a brook is bubbling and some small birds are coming flying and sitting on your shoulders and maybe you are holding up your hand for a particular bird that wants to sit on one finger. The little bird chirps frantically, because it shows you that a staircase appears in the middle of the beautiful nature scene. The stairs are made of beautiful marble and the bird wants you to step up on the first step. You stand there and breathe and feel, and you step up step by step. With each step up, you feel that it becomes a little easier to breathe and you leave difficulties, quarrels, discord, illness and anxiety behind you.
You go and walk up the stairs and there is another light and small light clouds on the side of you. The air is easy to breathe and your body feels easier to carry and in the haze around you and you can begin to see the contours of a world. There is something familiar about this world and there is nothing scary or unpleasant but you look forward to veil by veil being pulled away and you can begin to discern the reality that is there. Grassy hills with lush trees and shrubs are broken off by small winding roads and simple houses, some with grassy roofs. No buildings are boring or carelessly built, but all are well thought out and beautiful. Some craft fly around in the sky and people walk towards different destinations. Some converse and some sit on a beautiful bench and meditate. There is nothing threatening on this plateau, where you have taken yourself by climbing the steps. When people look each other in the eye, it is not with a threatening, hostile look, but with an open or neutral view. On this plateau, you know that you are a different self, even though we are so different. You are another self of the great power of God, we are different fragments of the same great energy and as I treat you, I treat myself.
You walk around this place and enjoy the peace, quiet and life that goes on here. Maybe you'll talk to someone. You have a question that you need to air and get an answer to or you just talk a little in general. The animals walk around and are safe because they know they will not be attacked, or chased away. There are also creatures from other planets and quite quickly you get used to their existence and sometimes you can not help but smile at a strange expression of some creature.
Now you have to come down again from the steps, to the existence you normally are, but when you go down you take with you the memory of this harmonious world. You still have traces and light from the upper planes and you bring them to the world that is now and that so desperately needs it.
If you have the opportunity, I want you to climb up this staircase three times a week for a month. It does not have to be long, maybe sometime only 5 minutes, but I still wish you did. It will bring changes for you and sometimes you can also get answers from a creature up there to a question that you did not expect. At other times, you may just be sitting by a calm lake petting a cat sitting next to you.
Good luck!
I am Francis, a guide and protector of human sacred life that includes animals and nature and I wish you well.
傳導:Beatrice Penninger