Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Oct. 6, 2023

6th October 2023. Mike Quinsey.


Things could have been vastly different if those in power had put the needs of the people first, but greed for wealth and riches have resulted in the unbalanced society you live in today. However, a new pathway is being created at this very time through the many souls that have lifted up their vibrations. We are very pleased that this potential exists and we will do everything in our power to help you manifest it. Ultimately you will enjoy a new way of living that will bring you joy and happiness.



The future has been obscured because of your low vibrations but it is changing and your future looks bright. You have certainly earned it after so many lives of hard work and misery, but Humans are renowned for their dedication to a cause and it will bring its own reward. In a certain way you have all been responsible for your predicament but you are showing the kind of determination that will bring success. That is very encouraging since you are being asked to trust those beings who guide you on your journey. Keeping positive is your finest way of contributing to the outcome as your energies are needed to ensure a successful completion.



The more you can comprehend the truth the more responsibility you have to spread the truth wherever possible. The truth will always stand firm and is there for all souls who lift up their vibrations together with their intent to spread it for all to acknowledge. Other souls will pick and choose what to believe but even so their paths will eventually meet with the One Truth. Bear in mind that in the order of things you are very much on the lower steps of the ladder but becoming individuals with you own ideas of what you want and where you are going. Be assured that your Guides are fully aware of your ambitions and will play an active part in them.



Each lifetime you act out your beliefs by discarding those that are no longer of use to you, and slowly but surely grow whilst creating a pathway to the higher levels. You are in fact in the process of making a quantum leap forward, providing you maintain your high vibrations. It is why it is such an important time giving you the opportunity to ascend and leave the lower vibrations behind. It is a wonderful goal to aim for that once obtained means you are free to plan your next adventure and sound advice is always on hand to assist you.



Knowing the truth about your lives upon Earth helps to guide you through the many challenges you get in the course of it. Knowing what to expect means you can be prepared and ensure your decisions are suitable for your progress. The main objective is to successfully respond and do it in such a way that you can move on, and not be held back by repeatedly having to face the same challenges time and time again. It is all about the evolution of your soul that is eternal, and takes its experiences back to the Godhead.



The truth obviously answers a lot of questions that concern people when they do not know the purpose of life. It puts you in a position to be able to live in a purposeful way that is to your advantage. Each life plan moves you on and always looks to advance your evolution. Often you meet the same souls and it is why you have an immediate bond with them, it is that feeling of having met before and of course you have. Sometimes groups or families will incarnate together to continue work they started in earlier lives. What appear to be random happenings around you are events organised to bring people together that have agreed to carry out a joint life plan. So you can see a lot of planning goes into arranging events on Earth.



Obviously karma also plays a part in your lives and it can be for better or worse. All plays a part in your experiences that are necessary to ensure you make progress. Life can seem to be just a lot of random happenings but there is a purpose which is why you must take them seriously. However, the most important things are positive and help you on your pre-destined pathway. Your Guides play a most important part in helping you have a successful life as they as keen as you to achieve it. Life is not all hard work and you are helped to have those deserved periods of relaxation.

顯然,業力也在你的生活中發揮作用,它可能是好是壞。 所有這些都會在您的經歷中發揮作用,這是確保您取得進步所必需的。 生活看似只是很多隨機事件,但都有一個目的,這就是為什麼你必須認真對待它們。 然而,最重要的事情是積極的,可以幫助你走上預定的道路。 您的指導靈在幫助您擁有成功的生活方面發揮著最重要的作用,因為他們和您一樣渴望實現這一目標。 生活並非全是艱苦的工作,我們會幫助您享受應有的放鬆時光。


Whatever effort you put in o your life will yield beneficial results as well as prepare you for the tasks you have agreed to carry out. Just imagine how many souls are part of the multi-tasks being carried out, it can seem very complicated requiring all to fulfil their part in the plan. Realise that nothing of any importance happens by accident, it is all meticulously planned in advance. Naturally some souls do go astray but with help from their Guides can get back on course. All in all the majority of souls do meet their obligations as bear in mind that life plans are agreed before you incarnate.

無論你在生活中付出什麼努力,都會產生有益的結果,並為你同意執行的任務做好準備。 想像一下有多少靈魂參與正在執行的多項任務,要求所有人都完成計畫中自己的部分似乎非常複雜。 認識到任何重要的事情都不是偶然發生的,這一切都是事先精心策劃的。 當然,有些靈魂確實會誤入歧途,但在他們的指導靈的幫助下可以回到正軌。 總而言之,大多數靈魂確實履行了他們的義務,請記住,生活計劃在你轉世之前就已商定。


If much of the background to your life seems complicated do not worry as it is carefully planned. Be assured that you before you incarnate what your life plan is and it can be “adjusted” if necessary. So take matters seriously that impinge upon your life as there is almost certainly a purpose to it.



I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.



In Love and Light.


Mike Quinsey.



文章來源: Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Oct. 6, 2023 (goldenageofgaia.com)

傳導:Mike Quinsey



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