Sananda: Activating the Christ Energy
I open the path of enlightenment so that everything can flow in from a higher love, unfold the higher part in yourself and ascend.
The Christ consciousness becomes active and the feminine Christine will merge into the unity of joy. Higher and higher the energies vibrate and they open to proclaim the new. A deeper layer is opened in man’s consciousness and the Divine life source overflows with love and activates the chakras so that the manna can be received to enrich the soul. The physical will become feather light and open the mind for spiritual awakening.
基督意識變得活躍,陰性基督能量(feminine Christine)將融入喜悅的統一中。能量振動得越來越高,它們打開以宣告新事物。一個更深的層次在人的意識中被打開,神聖的生命源頭充滿了愛並活化脈輪,這樣就可以接受manna(譯註:<聖經>故事所述,古以色列人經過荒野所得的天賜食物)來豐富靈魂。 身體將變得輕盈,並為精神覺醒打開思想。
Reset Head重置頭部
The head will receive a reset so that it can connect to the new energy of liberation. The Christ energy is connected to the Divine Source and opens the human heart, intuition begins to speak from a deeper truth. The love of the Christ consciousness will begin to flow and many make the great leap into the new world of oneness. The angels descend to earth to lift man into exaltation.
The shadow of pain wants to weigh them down, but the higher light world will intervene directly to raise the light vibration. They are lifted upward into the frequency of oneness.
痛苦的影子想要壓垮他們,但更高的光之世界會直接介入以提升光的振動。 他們被提升到合一的頻率中。
The sun has touched the earth in its crystalline core and from the earth a higher energy is now rising upward, preparing humanity. The new knowledge is entering you and the codes of light are opening. These sacred codes are contained within the higher self and when your higher layer becomes active they come alive.
太陽在它的水晶核心接觸了地球,一股更高的能量正在從地球上升起,為人類做準備。 新知識正在進入你,光的密碼正在打開。 這些神聖代碼包含在更高自我中,當你的更高層變得活躍時,它們就會活躍起來。
The shift of the old and new timelines become more stable at the end of this year, they find their new position in this great reversal. The old and new are getting further and further apart as the differences become too great.
新舊時間線的轉換在今年年底變得更加穩定,他們在這場大逆轉中找到了新的位置。 隨著差異變得太大,舊的和新的越來越遠。
The parts of the old earth that have become enlightened will join the renewal. The old sacred knowledge will surface and renew itself. Many memories will open up and be purified.
Many starseeds are being raised in their frequency and invited onto Light Vessels such as the “New Jerusalem. Divine love resonates in these light vehicles. The Activations of the Christ Energy that the starseeds will receive are opened through the cosmic DNA. Not everyone remembers this particular experience, the transition can sometimes be too great and peace is what is sought.
許多星際種子的頻率正在提升,並被邀請到諸如“新耶路撒冷”之類的光之容器中。 神聖之愛在這些光載具中產生共鳴。星際種子將接收到的基督能量活化通過宇宙 DNA 打開。不是每個人都記得這種特殊的經歷,轉變有時可能太大,和平才是所尋求的。
Many starseeds are approached by the crystalline lightships and receive an upload so that the crystalline body can become active. The higher crystalline part will descend and connect with the heart, so that the lower human part can be transformed and released.
許多星際種子被水晶光之船接近並接收上傳,以便水晶體可以變得活躍。 較高的水晶部分會下降並與心相連,從而使較低的人性部分得到轉化與釋放。
The effects can be felt in the physical body and there may be some temporary confusion or an increase in physical complaints. This reset is a special form of transition in which the old can be quickly released. The awareness of time changes and the timeline on which one walks is sometimes shorter and sometimes longer, everything changes. Experiences become so special that the gifts from a higher dimension will open up and this brings some fatigue, because the mind and psyche have to process all this. Therefore, the advice is to take it easy and take space to integrate all this, because the new experiences may be understood and that takes time.
Many star seeds carry a unique blueprint that activates the earth codes. The original blueprint is about to manifest through a new crystalline connection. The call to share this information is important, for the starseeds can activate others through their light codes, creating a higher collective consciousness.
The trainings in the Lightships are progressing and later the starlight beings will walk beside you. Many Lightworkers will receive a clear signal and spontaneously change course.
Young adults who awaken from their heaviness are absorbed by the light as they sleep. They are immediately placed in a higher frequency, giving them hope again. The path changes significantly; Christ consciousness will open in them as well. Those who have fallen into a lower state will rise again. People will come into their path to help them.
從沉重中醒來的年輕人在睡覺時被光線吸收。他們立即被置於更高的頻率,再次給了他們希望。 路徑發生顯著變化;基督意識也會在他們身上打開。那些墮落到較低狀態的人將再次上升。人們會走上他們的道路來幫助他人。
The Christ energy will rise and provide a new pathway, addressing the shadow fields. Some traumas are deep and intense, this creates a kind of shift in the dimensions of the mind. Innerly, so much happens then that it is barely comprehensible. The aura is cleansed and this creates a physical relief of energy. Joy comes along, to ease the shadow pain that opens up.
基督能量將升起並提供一條新的途徑,解決陰影領域。有些創傷深刻而強烈,這會在思想的維度上產生一種轉變。在內心深處,發生了太多事情,以至於幾乎無法理解。 光環被淨化,這會產生身體上的能量釋放。喜悅隨之而來,以減輕打開的陰影痛苦。
A new Divine Plan is accomplished and begins to unfold一個新的神聖計劃已經完成並開始展開
This intervention from the higher light is a necessity and can only occur when the supreme Divine Primal Source shines its light upon the earth. This new plan will lift up the earth and the new butterflies will come hesitantly out of their old cocoon, to visit the new world they manifested in the dreamtime. They know that the parallel worlds are coming together in one point of light.
這種來自更高之光的干預是必要的,只有當至高神聖的源頭將它的光芒照耀在地球上時才會發生。 這個新計劃將提升大地,新的蝴蝶將猶豫地破繭而出,造訪它們在夢境中顯現的新世界。 他們知道平行世界匯聚在一個光點上。
Some souls may receive some knowledge before they can ascend and fly. The light world is ready to pass on the lessons and activate the cosmic knowledge. Your lower part receives the wings of a higher being and this has been within you for a long time. Free the higher part from the heaviness and dissolve the trauma that passes, for then ascension can begin.
一些靈魂可能在他們能夠揚升和飛翔之前獲得一些知識。光之世界已準備好傳遞課程並活化宇宙知識。 你的較低部分接受了更高存在的翅膀,這在你體內已經存在了很長時間。將更高的部分從沉重中解放出來,化解過去的創傷,因為那時揚升才能開始。
The political powers go on to the extreme, they know deep down that a turning point is coming. Their own world of possession is about to collapse and the change within them becomes the turning point. Some are waking up and want to enter the change. The starlight beings have regular conversations with those in power and they are ready to lead them into the light, for the new leadership starts from equality….
政權走向極端,他們心知肚明轉機即將來臨。他們自己的附身世界即將崩塌,他們內心的變化成為轉折點。有些人正在醒來,想要進入改變。 星光存有與當權者定期對話,準備好帶領他們進入光明,因為新的領導層從平等開始……。
Negative and positive come together in the light of unity so that everything can evolve into what humans want to manifest. Thoughts are forces, make them part of the new earth where love will abound and together create this path of joy.
Send a smile to the old and embrace the new….
I greet the Light in your heart.
傳導:Arthura Hector
**Translation into English by