Straight from the Heart:March 3, 2023 | Valerie Donner
March 3, 2023
Dear Ground Crew:
Here's the latest from Apollo: “These are special times, dear family of light. You are beginning to realize who you are and letting go of who you are not.
You are a part of the grand scheme to shift the Earth forever. The energies that you are assisting in anchoring into the Earth are beautiful and powerful.
They are changing the planet and all of life. It is remarkable what you accomplished since we spoke last month. You have been releasing fear from the old matrix programming.
他們正在改變地球和所有生命。 自我們上個月談話以來,你所取得的成就非常了不起。 你一直在釋放對舊矩陣編程的恐懼。
No longer does it resonate with you, nor does it feel like how you choose to live. When that choice is made, one can only go forward into the blazing light. This is exactly where you are positioned now. Ground crew, you have chosen the new. The old no longer works for you. You have paid the price and now only the best is coming to you.
它不再引起你的共鳴,也不再像你選擇的生活方式。 做出選擇後,只能在熾熱的光芒中前行。 這正是你現在所處的位置。 地勤人員,你們選擇了新的。 舊的不再適合你。 你已經付出了代價,現在只有最好的才會來到你身邊。
This is going to be a remarkable time of renewal, replenishment, rewards, and replacement of the old. Throughout history you have waited for this time to come. You only dreamed that you could pull yourselves out of such circumstances. Some of it was pretty, just like the beautiful earth. Much of it was laborious, yet you still reached for the stars. Now they are here and you are one of them.”
這將是一個非凡的更新、補充、獎勵和替換舊的時間。 縱觀歷史,你們一直在等待這個時刻的到來。 你只是夢想著自己能擺脫這種情況。 有些很漂亮,就像美麗的地球。 其中大部分是費力的,但你仍然伸手觸及星星。現在他們來了,你也是他們中的一員。”
Isn't it nice to be told you are progressing, ground crew? Some of you feel like this has been going on forever, like a boring, old, long running movie. You may feel like walking away, or pulling the plug on the camera. This applies to those who are awakened. How many iterations of current events do you have to witness in order for the movie to be over? There's multiple tales that have been told and you get to question who's telling the truth and who isn't. It's only your heart that reveals this and the rumination in your mind will only continue to make you feel crazy. It's all part of the grand unfolding.
地勤人員,被告知你正在進步不是很好嗎? 你們中的一些人覺得這一直在持續下去,就像一部無聊的、陳舊的、長篇大論的電影。你可能想走開,或拔掉相機的插頭。 這適用於那些覺醒的人。為了讓電影結束,必須見證多少次當前事件的迭代?有多個故事被講述,你會質疑誰說的是真話,誰說的不是真話。 只有你的心會揭示這一點,而你腦海中的反省只會繼續讓你感到瘋狂。 這都是盛大展開的一部分。
On top of the intense weather globally, earthquakes, winds, hurricanes, and other events that create fear, we have huge activity going on with the sun. On February 27, according to SA Smith, A Girl in the Universe, “We had a day of solar weather that was so active it was unbelievable . . . The Solar winds reached 850 KM/PS or even higher . . . There were G3 solar storms and the KP index range turn from 5 to 7 throughout the day . . . The aurora borealis of magenta and green came down into Pennsylvania in the United States. Everything is open for flux energies to be high and possible coronal masses and more solar storms. She says this is powering us up for what is to come. It's all part of Ascension.” The sun is “a bit off kilter,” per S.A. Smith, as of this writing on March 2.You can follow her on Facebook or on Telegram.
除了全球範圍內的惡劣天氣、地震、風、颶風和其他製造恐懼的事件之外,我們還有大量與太陽有關的活動。 2 月 27 日,根據宇宙中的女孩 SA Smith 的說法,“我們有一天的太陽天氣非常活躍,令人難以置信。 . . 太陽風達到了 850 KM/PS 甚至更高。 . . 全天有G3太陽風暴,KP指數區間從5轉為7。 . . 洋紅色和綠色的北極光落入美國賓夕法尼亞州。 一切都對高通量能量、可能的日冕質量和更多的太陽風暴開放。 她說這讓我們為即將到來的事情做好準備。 這都是揚升的一部分。” 截至 3 月 2 日撰寫本文時,根據 S.A. Smith 的說法,太陽“有點不正常”。你們可以在 Facebook 或 Telegram 上關注她。
How does this affect us? How have you been feeling? Many of us are quite sensitive so it is possible to feel a combination of symptoms that some might even call ascension symptoms. Some of my lightworker friends, including yours truly, have been sleeping many hours more than usual. One friend told me he stayed in bed all day on the 27th. Yesterday another person said they were feeling like they were hammered on the 28th.I felt like a space cadet and like I was walking around in a stupor. It was almost an intense drugged feeling. It’s challenging to do anything when you feel like that. You can get that dull, achy feeling in your head where you simply can't even think. You could feel tired, itchy, have ringing in your ears, feel unmotivated, or nauseated. Strong cold winds, in the winter areas of the planet, are also contributing to some of these feelings.
這對我們有什麼影響? 你感覺如何? 我們中的許多人都非常敏感,因此可能會感受到一些症狀的組合,有些人甚至稱之為揚升症狀。 我的一些光之工作者朋友,包括你的朋友,已經比平時多睡了很多小時。 一位朋友告訴我,他 27 日整天都在床上。 昨天另一個人說他們感覺自己在 28 號被重擊了。我感覺自己像個太空學員,就像我在昏迷中走來走去。 這幾乎是一種強烈的麻醉感。 當您有這種感覺時,做任何事情都是具有挑戰性的。你的腦袋裡會出現那種根本無法思考的沉悶、疼痛的感覺。你可能會感到疲倦、發癢、耳鳴、沒有動力或噁心。地球冬季地區的強冷風也助長了其中一些感受。
Some suggestions on how to deal with this include: sleep, rest, drink lots of water, take a couple of capsules of lecithin. Although some of us don't eat much corn, some people recommend popcorn, or food with corn in it. Listen to your body and it will tell you if it is craving something like that. It is probably not a good idea to do much driving, or doing anything, if you need to have your wits about you. Do what you can to stay grounded (like eating chocolate) and balanced by grounding to the Earth.
傳導:Valerie Donner