As an aspirant on the Path, greater and greater cosmic truths will be revealed to you. However, you should be aware that the lesser principles of ageless wisdom will constantly be expanded to incorporate the unique rules, laws and truths of the next level of existence, in a never-ending cycle of Ascension in consciousness. Ascension is mind-expanding, the passing from one state of consciousness to a higher state of Being. We are endeavoring to assist you to gradually expand your awareness to include all humanity, the Earth, the solar system and its workings, the galaxy and even beyond.
作為“道路”的抱負者,越來越多的宇宙真理將向你揭示。 但是,你應該意識到,永恆智慧的次要原則將不斷擴展,以在意識不斷提升的永無止境的循環中,結合到下一個存在層面的獨特規則、法律和真理。 提升是思維擴展,是從一種意識狀態轉變為更高的存在狀態。 我們正在努力協助你逐步將你的意識擴大到包括全人類、地球、太陽系及其運作系統,銀河系甚至更遠的範圍。
You are slowly withdrawing your attention and your energy from your old, dysfunctional Third- / Fourth-Dimensional reality; therefore, it will gradually fade away and cease to exist, for you are no longer feeding it energy. No longer will the focus be upon the little self. The ultimate goal is to become a galactic Being, and to eventually attain a Universal consciousness. A Self-master seeks his/her own highest truth and then lives that truth to the best of his/her ability. A master strives to view the world and its great drama from a higher vantage point, so the bigger picture is available. Gradually, time will become malleable, for you will move beyond the linear time/space continuum. In the not too distant future, your natural way of seeing will become more panoramic, and your peripheral vision will expand to a degree. This phenomenon has already happened to some of the leaders of the Way.
你正在慢慢從舊的、功能失調的第三維/第四維現實中撤出注意力和精力。 因此,它會逐漸消失並不再存在,因為你不再需要能量。 不再將注意力放在小小的自我上。 最終目標是成為銀河系存在,並最終獲得宇宙意識。 自我主人尋求他/她自己的最高真理,然後儘其所能使真理成為現實。 大師力求從更高的角度觀看世界及其偉大的戲劇,因此可以提供更大的圖片。 時間將逐漸變長,因為你將超越線性的時間/空間連續性。 在不太遙遠的將來,你自然的觀看方式將變得更加全景,你的周邊視野也將得到擴展。 這種現像已經發生在道路的一些領導者身上。
There is great concern that the devastation around the world is accelerating. We acknowledge that this is true, and it will continue for some time as the Earth releases the negative patterns and constrictive energies. Your Earth Mother is striving to repair the damage that has been done to the planet over the eons of time through humanity’s negative thoughts and actions. Humanity is responsible for the present state of the Earth. It is up to all of you, along with the assistance of the Beings of the Higher Realms, to strive to correct as much of the damage as possible. You are being supplied with the tools and the Sacred Fire energy necessary to accomplish this task; however, you must incorporate and direct the energy appropriately. Your Ascension and the Earth’s Ascension are inexorably tied together, and we are committed to assist you in every way possible.
令人擔憂的是,世界各地的破壞正在加速。 我們承認這是真的,並且隨著地球釋放出負面模式和收縮能量,這種情況將持續一段時間。 你的地球母親正在努力通過人類的消極思想和行動,來修復長期以來對地球造成的破壞。 人類負責地球的當前狀態。 在更高境界的眾生的協助下,所有人都應努力糾正盡可能多的損害。系統會為你提供完成此任務所需的工具和“聖火”能量; 但是,你必須適當地吸收和引導能量。 你的揚升和地球的揚升密不可分,我們承諾盡一切可能為你提供幫助。
Dear hearts, we know it is painful to experience or observe as vast populated areas are destroyed and many lives are lost. The closer to home an event happens, the more painful and disconcerting it is. However, if you are to become World Servers, and bearers of the Sacred Fire of transformation – the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light – you must rise above what is occurring in your personal arena, your city, even your country. Yes, we understand that the devastation which is occurring around the world is a travesty: the wildfires, destructive flooding, tornadoes, droughts, and the pain and suffering caused by the ongoing wars that are taking place in many areas around the world.
親愛的心,我們知道經歷或觀察會感到痛苦,因為人口稠密的地區被摧毀了,許多人喪生。 事件離家越近,它就越痛苦且令人不安。 但是,如果你要成為世界服務器,並且承擔著變革的神聖之火-創造者之光的金剛微粒-你必須超越你個人競技場、城市甚至國家的狀況。 是的,我們了解到全世界正在發生的破壞是一種悲劇:野火、破壞性的洪水、龍捲風、乾旱,以及世界許多地區持續的戰爭所造成的痛苦。
To become a World Server, you are to continue to strive to make the transformative changes in your personal life that are necessary to return to a Self-master’s state of balance and harmony within. However, you must also dedicate some of your time and energy to World Service by joining your Soul Group in the Fifth-Dimensional World Server Pyramid where you will affirm, “I ask for my highest good, the most beneficial outcome for all humanity, the Earth and all Creation.” By doing so, you align your will with the Divine Will of our Father/Mother God. Then you are to spend however much time seems appropriate to BREATHING IN LIGHT AND BREATHING OUT LOVE. This is the process that will speed up your ability to access the full Metatronic Light of this Universe, which contains the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light now being made available to those who have stepped onto the path of Ascension. (An explanation about the World Pyramid and its benefits, along with an illustration, also more information on the Violet Flame, as well as many affirmations and exercises can be found in:
要成為世界服務器,你將繼續努力在你的個人生活中進行變革,這些變革是恢復自我主人的平衡與和諧狀態所必需的。但是,你還必須將自己的時間和精力投入到世界服務組織中,加入第五維度世界服務器金字塔中的靈魂小組,你將在其中確認:“我要求我對全人類的最高利益,最有益的結果是,地球和所有創造物。”這樣,你就能使自己的意志與我們父神/母神的神聖旨意保持一致。然後,你要花費很多時間,似乎適合在光線中呼吸和在愛中呼吸。此過程將加快你訪問此宇宙完整的元電子光(Metatronic Light)的能力,其中包含創建者之光的金剛精粒子,這些材料現在供踏上提升之路的人們使用。 (有關“世界金字塔”及其好處的說明以及插圖,有關紫羅蘭色火焰的更多信息以及許多確認和練習可以在以下位置找到:
參考和啟示*詞彙和插圖。 (RV)
Beloveds, we know some of the concepts we relay to you can be very confusing. However, as you expand in consciousness and wisdom, your Sacred Mind will open the well-spring of knowledge you have in reserve, and gradually, you will remember and understand. I am with you always. I AM Archangel Michael.
親愛的人們,我們知道我們傳達給您的一些概念可能會非常令人困惑。 但是,隨著你意識和智慧的擴展,你的聖心將打開您儲備的知識的源泉,並且逐漸地,你會記住並理解。 我永遠與你同在。 我是大天使麥可。
通過羅娜傳送**聖蹟**星* **
As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included:
作為本文的發送者,我是Ronna Herman Vezane,以大天使麥可的名義要求通用版權。 只要不更改,摘錄或添加信息,並且允許其與作者個人分享,或在網站和出版物上發布信息,並且允許作者身份和我的網站地址包含在內,則包括