

Beloved masters, humanity is in a cosmic moment of opportunity. The Violet Flame of transformation and purification, through the radiance of beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, under the direction of St. Germain along with his Twin Flame, Lady Portia, Goddess of Justice, is being showered down upon the Earth and humanity to assist in these unprecedented times of evolution and Ascension. The purifying vibrational patterns of the Violet Flame will greatly increase in strength over the coming years as more and more advanced Souls learn how to harness and project its magical, transformative properties. The Seventh Ray of ceremonial order, freedom, redemption, purification, ritual and organization will be the Over-Lighting Ray for these next 2000 years as the Earth spirals into a closer orbit in relation to the sun of this solar system.

親愛的大師們,人類處於一個充滿機遇的宇宙時刻。 通過心愛的大天使薩基爾和紫水晶夫人的光芒、轉化和淨化的紫羅蘭火焰,在聖哲曼(St. Germain)和他的雙生火焰正義女神波西亞(Portia)女神的指導下,揮灑在地球和人類身上,以協助這個在進化和提升的史無前例的時代。 隨著越來越多的高級靈魂學習如何利用和投射其神奇的、變換性的特性,在未來幾年中,紫羅蘭色火焰的淨化振動模式將大大增強強度。 禮儀秩序,自由,救贖,淨化,儀式和組織的第七道光將在接下來的2000年中成為“繞光射線”,因為地球繞螺旋形旋轉到與該太陽系太陽有關的更近軌道。


The First Ray of Divine Will / Power / Purpose will be the second most important, active Ray for the next cycle of 2000 years. The Violet Flame of the Seventh Ray will accelerate the transformation process by returning discordant vibrational patterns to neutral Light substance so that, through your loving, conscious intention, you can return to balance and harmony within your physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies. Once this is accomplished, you will more easily become true cocreators of beauty, abundance, joy and peaceful coexistence on Earth. You are to seek personal Ascension; however, you must also assist your brothers and sisters and the Earth to evolve and ascend as well.

在2000年的下一個週期中,第一道神聖的意志/力量/目的的光芒(艾莫亞大師的藍色火焰)將成為第二重要的活躍光芒。 第七道光的紫羅蘭色火焰將不協調的振動模式,恢復為中性的光體(neutral Light substance ),從而加速轉化過程,因此,通過你的愛心、有意識的意圖,你可以在身體,情感,精神和乙太體內恢復平衡與和諧。 一旦完成,你將更容易成為地球上美麗、豐盛、歡樂與和平共處的真正創造者。 你要尋求個人揚升; 但是,你還必須幫助你的兄弟姐妹與地球一同進化和揚升。





At the turn of the TWENTIETH CENTURY, a Divine dispensation was declared, and the Chohan of the Seventh Ray, St. Germain, was allowed to bring forth the mystery teachings of the Seventh Ray / Violet Flame. Before that time, just as with the advanced teachings we are now bringing forth unto the masses, the knowledge of the Violet Flame and its Divine alchemical properties was reserved for the Ascended Masters and their chosen disciples. Advanced Souls called Chelaswere recruited, and the I AM Teachings were conveyed to qualified teachers. Invocations / decrees were taught to the students who expressed an interest. For several years the number of devotees grew; however, they could not keep up the momentum, and interest in decreeing gradually waned until it faded completely from the consciousness of all but a few of the faithful.

在二十世紀之交,宣布了神聖的分配,並允許第七道光的喬漢·聖日耳曼(Chohan)帶來第七射線/紫羅蘭火焰的神秘教義。 在此之前,就像我們現在將先進的教導帶給大眾一樣,紫羅蘭色火焰及其神聖的煉金特性的知識,是保留給揚升大師及其所選門徒使用的。 招募了被稱為Chelaswere recruited的高階靈魂,並將我是(I AM)教學內容傳達給了合格的老師。 向有興趣的學生講授了祈請 /法令。 幾年來,奉獻者的人數不斷增長。 但是,他們無法跟上勢頭,對祈請的興趣逐漸減弱,直到除少數信徒以外的所有人的意識完全消失。


What was called decreeing in the past is now called affirmations; however, the results are more dramatic, for you have been given even more advanced Sacred Wisdom teachings. When you have the ability to draw forth (magnetize to you) the Adamantine Particles of Creator Consciousness, of which the Violet Flame is a component, you have at your disposal the full Spectrum of the Light components of manifestation. When you bring forth a powerful thought form via affirmations and breathe or radiate that thought out into the world of form, you magnetize to you and radiate from you the elements needed to manifest that thought form in its material expression.

過去稱為命令的現在稱為確認。 但是,結果更為戲劇性,因為你已經獲得了更高級的“神聖智慧”教導。 當你有能力創造(磁化)創造者意識的金剛微粒(紫羅蘭色火焰是其中的一個組成部分)時,你便可以使用表現形式的全部光頻譜。 當你通過肯定提出一種有力的思想形式,並將該思想呼吸或輻射到形式世界時,你就會被吸引並從你身上輻射出在其物質表達中,體現該思想形式所需的要素。


The Violet Flame will also accelerate the vibrational frequencies of the components of any discordant patterns of thought so that they can be dislodged and purified by the Sacred Flame. Faith, perseverance and forgiveness of yourself and others are an important part of the accelerated transformational process. You will be performing a great service if you will make it a practice to consciously see this blessed energy blazing up from beneath your feet around you, and then radiating out in an ever-widening circle. By doing so, you will join other dedicated Souls in helping to lift the consciousness of humanity back into the frequencies of Love/Light. As you draw forth and radiate the Divine Essence of the Creator, you will help spread this wondrous transforming Light, which will facilitate in the healing of the Earth and humanity.

紫羅蘭色火焰還將加速任何不協調的思維模式的組成部分的振動頻率,以使它們可以被聖潔火焰驅散和淨化。 自己和他人的信念、毅力和寬恕是加速轉型過程的重要組成部分。 如果你有意識地看到這種幸福的能量從你腳下燃燒,然後以不斷擴大的速度散發出去,那麼你將提供出色的服務。 這樣,你將與其他專注的靈魂一起、幫助將人類意識提升回愛/光的頻率。 當你汲取並散發出造物主的神聖精華時,你將幫助傳播這種奇妙的變形之光,這將有助於地球和人類的療癒。




Beloveds, we know some of the concepts we relay to you can be very confusing. However, as you expand in consciousness and wisdom, your Sacred Mind will open the well-spring of knowledge you have in reserve, and gradually, you will remember and understand. I am with you always. I AM Archangel Michael.

親愛的人們,我們知道我們傳達給您的一些概念可能會非常令人困惑。 但是,隨著你意識和智慧的擴展,你的聖心將打開您儲備的知識的源泉,並且逐漸地,你會記住並理解。 我永遠與你同在。 我是大天使麥可。



通過羅娜傳送**聖蹟**星* **


As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included:

作為本文的發送者,我是Ronna Herman Vezane,以大天使麥可的名義要求通用版權。 只要不更改,摘錄或添加信息,並且允許其與作者個人分享,或在網站和出版物上發布信息,並且允許作者身份和我的網站地址包含在內,則包括



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