


If you have been following our teachings for some time, you are aware that before you began your journey out into this Sub-Universe, you were given a Divine Mission. That mission included an assortment of tasks or lesser missions, and you were also offered many other opportunities as your expertise in manifestation increased, and you became accustomed to the great diversity in form and expression.
As StarSeed, those of you who answered the clarion call, which ultimately placed you in a physical body on Earth at this time, were taken to a star system in a galaxy that is composed of pure Amethyst Crystalline Energy of the VIOLET FLAME. There in the Celestial Amethyst Hall, from the Amethyst Throne, Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst accepted your vow to become a KEEPER OF THE VIOLET FLAME.




An etheric Amethyst Seed Atom, which contains the vibrational frequencies of the Violet Flame, was placed within your Sacred Heart. The Violet Flame contains the vibrational patterns of the love and compassion of our Mother God, as well as the frequencies of forgiveness and transformation. It also contains Adamantine Particles of Love/Light which are offered as a gift, a Divine dispensation; however, they must be activated by the frequencies of a loving, compassionate heart.

As this powerful Seed Atom is activated, the Facet of your Diamond Core God Cell that carries the vibrational patterns of the Violet Flame will blaze forth into your auric field, and it will enhance the activation of your ascending Body of Light. Refining your Soul Song, harmonizing your etheric Auric Field, and using the Violet Flame are instrumental in the process of Ascension. The Violet Flame removes discordant vibrational patterns so that you may more quickly expand and grow in radiance. As a Keeper of the Violet Flame, you are also to actively send forth the gift of the Violet Flame to those you are led to assist, as well as out into the world-at-large.




Faithful Ones, the time has come to divulge more of the complex design of the Universe so that you will better understand the magnificence of your home among the stars. No, you do not have one specific home location, for you are a citizen of the Universe. You, the Star Seed, have helped to create many wondrous planets and galaxies, and that is why you have been given such an important part to play in the future expansion of this Universe. You have often heard the sayings: “As above, so below,” and “The microcosm is representative of the Macrocosm.”

We have spoken before about the new Golden Galaxy that is in the formative stages; however, we have not elaborated on the Galaxies of the Rays and their function in this Sub-Universe. A Galaxy was created specifically for each of the twelve Rays of God-Consciousness, and although the frequencies and colors of the other eleven Rays are also represented within each galactic structure, the colors and frequencies of each galaxy are predominately those of the Ray it represents. The galaxy of the Seventh Ray is composed primarily of Amethyst Crystals from the deepest purple to the palest violet. It is the home base of Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Lady Amethyst, and from their Amethyst Throne within the great Celestial Amethyst Hall, they send forth their great Rays of Refracted Creator Light to the multitude of Great Central Suns throughout this Sub-Universe. These galaxies are the chakra system for this Sub-Universe, and they contain a high concentration of the vibrational frequencies which each Ray represents. These galaxies could be called Universal storehouses of Divine Creator Light. When it is time for a particular Ray to take a predominant role in a particular quadrant of this Sub-Universe, our Father / Mother God radiates a greater amount of that Ray into the Galactic Centers so that the Archangels of that Ray can radiate more of the attributes, qualities and virtues of God-Consciousness to the designated galaxies, solar systems, planets, to you and all sentient Beings.









Beloveds, we know some of the concepts we relay to you can be very confusing. However, as you expand in consciousness and wisdom, your Sacred Mind will open the well-spring of knowledge you have in reserve, and gradually, you will remember and understand. I am with you always. I AM Archangel Michael.

親愛的人們,我們知道我們傳達給您的一些概念可能會非常令人困惑。 但是,隨著你意識和智慧的擴展,你的聖心將打開您儲備的知識的源泉,並且逐漸地,你會記住並理解。 我永遠與你同在。 我是大天使麥可。



通過羅娜傳送**聖蹟**星* **


As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included:

作為本文的發送者,我是Ronna Herman Vezane,以大天使麥可的名義要求通用版權。 只要不更改,摘錄或添加信息,並且允許其與作者個人分享,或在網站和出版物上發布信息,並且允許作者身份和我的網站地址包含在內,則包括

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