Archangel Michael via Erena Velazquez | March 4, 2023


My Beloved Souls,

I, Archangel Michael, sending my Blessings and Healing Energies to everyone, who is open to receive them during these difficult and uncertain times on your planet. Many of you are concerned and confused, why the changes didn’t occur and you didn’t move yet to New Earth. Each soul chooses own journey and decides, when and where it wants to go.


Billions of souls have been reincarnating on Mother Earth for a very long time. The soul is the one who makes a decision about individual experiences, it will have. No one ever can force you to be somewhere, where you don’t want to be. The reincarnation cycle was created by Contaminated Souls. It finally is coming to the end, the Galactic Forces of Light are dismantling the last machine of the forced system on humankind.


Each soul went through many lifetimes. It learned a lot and underwent familiarity with different life’s situations in physical bodies. Don’t worry, all memories will be recovered, when you are ready to accept them. Original task of each soul still remains the same to transform this planet into a free, happy and a prosperous place. My Beloved Souls, all of you are in different stages of the development. It was said before, that some souls will continue their journey in 3D, others move to 5D or higher dimensions.
每個靈魂都經歷了許多生世。它學到了很多東西,熟悉了不同生命體中的生命狀況。別擔心,當你準備好接受它們時,所有的記憶都會被恢復。每個靈魂最初的任務仍然是相同的,就是將這個星球變成一個自由、快樂且繁榮的地方。我心愛的靈魂們,你們所有人都處於不同的發展階段。之前說過,一些靈魂將在 3D 中繼續他們的旅程,而另一些則移動到 5D 或更高的維度。


We all are an individual expression of Divine Essence, and came from the Universal Consciousness. Animal Kingdom, Ocean Habitants, billions of Civilizations are representing same energy and coming from same source. The Contaminated Entities forgot that the Cosmos Laws are not to harm life. During their crossings they lost true identities of being Love and Light. They manipulated, abused and tormented Mother Earth and humankind.


The complexity of Matrix was created so long ago that Darkness get confused themselves about their true purpose of their existence. It only learned to destroy surroundings and human’s life. They need to remember one very important aspect that their essences came from same Source as everyone’s else. Their souls will be send back to the Universal Consciousness, as punishment without having ever chance again to become as individual soul. The monstrosities and destructions of physical bodies done by Evil, it requires to be brought to Divine Justice.


Cosmos always restores balance between Light and Darkness, otherwise Life would stop to exist. Many of you are going to finish your voyagers despite negative encounters and move on to the next step of your evolution. Cosmos keeps changing and evolving, so are you too. Nothing stays stagnant, everything keeps moving and progressing. Never forgot that you carry the essence of God within ourself. Your planet will continue to receive high vibrations and blessings.
宇宙總是在光明與黑暗之間恢復平衡,否則生命將不復存在。 儘管遇到了負面的遭遇,但你們中的許多人將完成你們的航海者,並繼續前進到你們進化的下一步。宇宙不斷變化和發展,你也是。 沒有什麼是停滯不前的,一切都在不斷前進和進步。永遠不要忘記你在我們自己身上攜帶著上帝的本質。 你們的星球將繼續接收高振動和祝福。


Please, remember that you are going to be fine, and you are loved by billions of beings. We all are connected to each other. Follow the truth. Everything you see now, it will be gone and be transform into Paradise. Divine Plan never fails, and you just need to trust and do your part of daily meditations, send Love and Light to every single being you meet during your expedition on Mother Earth. Thank you Universal Channel.
請記住,你會好起來的,你被億萬眾生所愛。 我們都彼此相連。 追隨真理。 你現在看到的一切,都將消失並轉化為天堂。 神聖計劃永遠不會失敗,你只需要相信並做好日常冥想,將愛與光發送給你在地球母親遠征期間遇到的每一個人。謝謝普遍的渠道。


All you need just to Trust and Follow the Flow.

Archangel Michael




傳導:Erena Velazquez


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