Do This One Thing & We Guarantee Big Changes ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are presenting ourselves with many different strategies that we could employ in our efforts to help humanity evolve and ascend. We are quite excited about exploring all the various strategies in front of us in order to determine which is in fact the best one. We know that you have the same opportunity there when it comes to the ways you can approach your life or a unique situation in your life.
We want you to get excited about possibilities as well. What we often see is a person who feels that there is no choice and that they must do it this way because this is the way that everyone else is doing it, or this is the way that their parents did it, and in some cases people just haven’t allowed themselves to consider that there are other possibilities, other approaches that they could explore.
And then there are people who feel overwhelmed by having too many choices. They would rather not have to choose. And so, it is easier for those individuals to just stick to one approach, one strategy to life and to everything they encounter within life. That is, of course, very limiting, especially when you can slow yourselves down to the point of realizing that you exist within a realm of infinite possibilities.
When you approach life with the attitude that there is so much more for you than you could have possibly imagined, then guess what? That is how life becomes, as you are the orchestrator, you are the creator, and you are the one who is deciding what you experience, either consciously or subconsciously. Decide consciously that you are open to what is new and different and unimaginable, and that is what you will experience. You have our guarantee.
當你以一種比想像的要多得多的態度對待生活時,你猜怎麼著? 生活就是這樣,因為你是協調者,你是創造者,你是決定你體驗什麼的人,無論是有意識的還是潛意識的。 有意識地決定你對新的、不同的和難以想像的事物持開放態度,這就是你將要體驗的。 你有我們的保證。
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton