Creating your own 5D Reality | Vidya Frasier

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Vidya Frazier


Waiting for humanity to finally shift into 5D can get so discouraging — especially if you’ve been waiting for this event for quite a while and you’ve been excited about it.
等待人類最終轉變為 5D 可能會讓人非常沮喪——尤其是如果你已經等待這個事件已經有一段時間了,而且你一直對此感到興奮。


The world’s continuing chaos and humanity’s sluggish progress in waking up to what’s really happening can make it seem as if nothing will ever change – except maybe for the worse. It’s enough to make you want to give up on all your dreams for the future.
世界的持續混亂和人類對真正發生的事情的清醒認識進展緩慢,似乎一切都不會改變——除了可能變得更糟。 這足以讓你想為未來放棄所有的夢想。


Yes, you can accept that the Earth Alliance is likely doing their best; they probably didn’t realize just how widespread and deep the corruption has been. And yes, you can understand that maybe they do have things kind of under their control at this point, as some people claim; perhaps they simply want more people to wake up before they really step in and take some control of what is happening.
是的,你可以接受地球聯盟可能正在盡力而為; 他們可能沒有意識到腐敗的範圍和深度。是的,你可以理解,正如某些人所說,此時他們確實可以控制一些事情; 也許他們只是想讓更多的人在他們真正介入並控制正在發生的事情之前醒來。


But sheesh! How much longer are they going to let things go on this way? How many more people are going to have to die? How many more are going to starve or slip into poverty? It’s enough to make you lose faith and want to give up.
但是,噓! 他們還要讓事情繼續這樣下去多久? 還有多少人將不得不死去? 還有多少人會挨餓或陷入貧困? 足以讓你失去信心,想要放棄。



瞭解 5D 的工作原理


And yet, if you really understand how 5D works, you can realize that at least you, as an individual, don’t have to wait for this new higher dimensional reality to completely arrive on the planet in order to experience it for yourself. You can create it now in your own personal life.
然而,如果你真的了解 5D 是如何運作的,你就會意識到至少你,作為一個個體,不必等待這個新的更高維度的現實完全到達地球才能親身體驗它。你現在可以在自己的個人生活中創建它。


You can understand that this can occur by shifting into 5D frequency yourself – and then watch how your life starts to shift in order to resonate with this higher frequency.
你可以理解這可以通過你自己轉變到 5D 頻率而發生——然後觀察生活如何開始轉變以與這個更高的頻率產生共振。


You can begin to experience a sense of peaceful well-being on a daily basis, excitement about what you’re involved in, and a profound feeling of love and gratitude in your heart, no matter what is occurring out in the world.


You can actually realize that incredible miracles are occurring in your life. You can see that you are being gifted things you didn’t even know you needed till you received them. And you can find yourself suddenly surrounded by people who seem to resonate at the same frequency as you – soul tribe members you would never have thought you’d meet.


你自己的個人 5D 現實


You finally learn what the phrase “consciousness creates reality” really means. It becomes clear that it doesn’t matter what is still occurring out in the dying 3D world. By functioning from within 5D consciousness, yourself, you can create your own personal 5D reality.
你終於明白了“意識創造現實”這句話的真正含義。很明顯,垂死的 3D 世界中仍在發生什麼並不重要。通過在 5D 意識中運作,你自己可以創造自己的個人5D 現實。


You may still find you have to continue to go out and function within the 3D world for periods of time; but you won’t be caught up in it. You won’t let it get you down. You will carry your 5D Bubble around with you, wherever you go.
你可能仍然會發現必須繼續外出並在 3D 世界中工作一段時間;但你不會被捲入其中。你不會讓它讓你失望。無論走到哪裡,你都會隨身攜帶 5D 泡泡。


Of course, this isn’t necessarily easy to do on a constant basis. There are likely inner forces that are pulling you down, as old traumas, woundings and negative emotions continue to arise in their process of releasing – as well as the ongoing outer challenging conditions in the world you still have to deal with. But it can be done. The 5D energies are now flooding the planet, here to assist us in this process.
當然,這不一定容易持續進行。可能有內在的力量在拖累你,因為舊的創傷和負面情緒在釋放過程中繼續出現——以及你仍然必須應對的、世界上持續存在的外部挑戰條件。 但這是可以完成的。 5D 能量現在正在充斥地球,在這裡幫助我們完成這個過程。




I’ve recently created a two-part series on YouTube to describe this process of creating your own personal 5D reality. I first briefly review what the term “5D” refers to, because there does seem to be some confusion out there about what it is, especially for people new to the term.
我(Vidya Frazier)最近在 YouTube 上創建了一個由兩部分組成的系列來描述創建自己的個人 5D 現實的過程。我首先簡要回顧一下“5D”一詞指的是什麼,因為對於它是什麼似乎確實存在一些混淆,尤其是對於不熟悉該術語的人。


And then I describe the aspects of both 3D and 5D consciousness, as I understand them – and I also insert a short piece on what I consider to be 4D consciousness. Within this discussion, I describe how the shift into 5D consciousness can be made on an individual basis, thereby creating a new reality for yourself.
然後我描述了 3D 和 5D 意識的各個方面,據我所知——我還插入了一篇關於我認為是 4D 意識的短文。 在這次討論中,我描述瞭如何在個人基礎上轉變為 5D 意識,從而為你自己創造一個新的現實。


In hearing these descriptions, you may discover you are already falling less and less into 3D consciousness and are experiencing at least certain periods in your life you could call 5D. It is very exciting!
在聽到這些描述時,你可能會發現已經越來越少地陷入 3D 意識,並且至少正在經歷生命中可以稱為 5D 的某些時期。 這是非常令人興奮的!







Creating your own 5D Reality | Vidya Frasier - Voyages of Light

傳導:Vidya Frazier


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