The Golden Age is here | Divine Mother via Jennifer Crokaert
March 22, 2023
My beloved sparks of light, aspects of the Divine Self in form, I greet you with great joy and celebration. You have turned the tide. The apex of the storm has passed. Now, let us unpack that statement a little more.
I do not mean that in the morning everything is different. Every jewel you have ever discovered within yourself was the result of a dark night of the soul. You had to burn off the ideas of the ego-mind to arrive at a spiritual truth.
我並不是說早上一切都不一樣。你在自己身上發現的每一顆寶石都是靈魂黑夜的結果。 你必須燒掉小我心智的想法才能獲得靈性真理。
You know that all Divine gifts arrive wrapped in a challenge: so too, the Golden Age. The energy of your triumph is here. The dark has been defeated, they cannot win.
你知道,所有神聖禮物的到來都伴隨著挑戰:黃金時代也是如此。 你勝利的能量就在這裡。 黑暗勢力已經被擊敗,他們無法獲勝。
You have been overshadowed for your entire life; your psychic, mental, emotional and physical energy was sucked from you. You wonder why you feel tired, lethargic, uninspired, even helpless and hopeless: this was one of the great reasons.
你的一生都蒙上了陰影; 你的精神、精神、情感和身體能量都被吸走了。 你想知道為什麼你會感到疲倦、昏昏欲睡、沒有靈感,甚至無助和絕望:這是重要的原因之一。
You are now overlit. The negative forces are vanquished. You will feel the lightness begin to rise within. You will feel a sense of freedom and flow that is unexpected: the gentle emergence of hopefulness and optimism.
你現在被過度照亮了。 負面力量被消滅了。 你會感覺到內在開始升起輕盈。 你會感受到一種意想不到的自由和流動感:希望和樂觀的溫和湧現。
For decades, people spoke of a pole flip: that shift has occurred, but it wasn’t from North to South – it was from negative polarisation to positive polarisation.
Your dedication to dissolving the darkness in your own life ~ to understanding the challenges you experienced were the keys to unlocking the exact wisdom and insight you required ~ is now being rewarded.
你致力於消除自己生活中的黑暗 ~ 理解你所經歷的挑戰是解鎖你所需的、確切智慧和洞察力的關鍵 ~ 現在正在得到回報。
The time of those who place greed above people is over. This dawning is not just the new lunar year, nor the new solar year, but it is the dawn of a new age: the Golden Age.
那些將貪婪置於人民之上的人的時代已經結束。 這個黎明不僅僅是新的農曆年,也不是新的太陽年,而是一個新時代的黎明:黃金時代。
You, my precious army of Light workers, will be amazed at how your efforts and projects will begin to succeed almost miraculously, with minimal effort, in a way you have never known before.
You Light workers will bear witness to how easy and graceful life can be. You have done the inner work, so your energy clearly matches the higher vibrations of the light. You are in the flow. You are the flow. This is Your Time.
And so I must also return you to the packaging of this Golden gift ~ the outer wrapping of challenges. Light workers have been dedicated and determined in dealing with their challenges, in healing every wound and healing their broken hearts with love and compassion for all.
Those who have not yet done the work must first deal with their challenges, their blind spots, their biases and their emotional wounds; all in order to reveal the great treasures inside and outside them. This is why so many Light workers have incarnated as great listeners, as teachers, as healers ~ even if this is not how you see yourself, you might have glimpsed the healing impact you have , because others have noted it ~ and now they will seek you out.
那些還沒有完成工作的人必須首先處理他們的挑戰、盲點、偏見和情感創傷;所有這些都是為了揭示他們內部和外部的巨大寶藏。這就是為什麼如此多的光之工作者化身為偉大的傾聽者、老師、治療者的原因 ~ 即使這不是你看待自己的方式,也可能已經瞥見了你的療癒效果,因為其他人已經注意到了 ~ 現在他們會尋求你。
Every community has Light workers who incarnated within it for this moment; every family has ‘an odd ball’ who incarnated for this moment. You are my embodiments, shining my love for all to feel.
每個社區都有光之工作者在這一刻化身於其中; 家家戶戶都有為這一刻化身的“怪球”。 你是我的化身,閃耀著我對所有人的愛。
Call on me, whenever you feel overwhelmed or confused. You have been here for me, your work has created this great new dawn.
每當你感到不知所措或困惑時,請呼喚我。 你一直為我而來,你的工作創造了這個偉大的新黎明。
I am always here for You.
For Light workers, the unwrapping of the Golden Age, the grounding and manifesting of its energies will have some challenges, but you are and you have more than enough to succeed in this moment.
For those beloved aspects of me who came here with the agreement to only awaken in this now moment, there is a lot to assimilate. Their challenges are many, their learning curve is exceptionally steep.
對於那些帶著協議來到這裡、只在此時此刻覺醒的我心愛的面向,有很多東西需要吸收。 他們的挑戰很多,他們的學習曲線異常陡峭。
My love is here to guide you all, assisting in every moment. Remember to call upon me:
我的愛在這裡指導你們所有人,每時每刻都在提供幫助。 記得呼喚我:
I Am You and You Are Me. We are One.
我是你,你是我。 我們是一。
Note: I want to draw your attention to a post from Narendra Mishra, The Divine Mother is Real, that shows how the Golden Age is manifesting now.
注意:我想提請您注意 Narendra Mishra 的帖子,神聖的母親是真實的,它展示了黃金時代現在是如何顯現的。
The ‘curtain’ between the spiritual world and the physical world is exceptionally thin, and those of us who have eyes to see will, indeed, see. The post is an invitation to us all. Trust the miracles that will become much more frequent. Trust your divinity. In previous ages we were told the ‘Gods’ walked among us, now not only are they walking among us now, they are inviting us to realise our divinity, to realise we are God, and to release that divine spark within.
精神世界和物質世界之間的“帷幕”非常薄,我們這些有眼可看的人確實會看到。 這篇文章是對所有人的邀請。相信會變得更加頻繁的奇蹟。 相信你的神性。 在以前的時代,我們被告知“眾神”在我們中間行走,現在他們不僅在我們中間行走,而且還在邀請我們認識到我們的神性,認識到我們是上帝,並釋放內在的神聖火花。
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傳導:Jennifer Crokaert