Judith Kusel: We have Stepped into a New way of Life
We have stepped into a new way of life.
I do not know about you but I am becoming more and more aware, that the old way of living, doing, organizing my life, simply do not work anymore.
Indeed, we have less time now than ever before, and instead of 24 hours we now have 18 hours, as Tim Whild has stated time and again. I am certainly finding this to be true!
事實上,我們現在的時間比以往任何時候都少,而不是 24 小時,我們現在有 18 小時,正如 Tim Whild 一再指出的那樣。 我當然發現這是真的!
I was shown how the we will find in the next few months, that no matter how much time we spend on forward planning, everything goes haywire. It is meant to go haywire, for we have stepped into a new creation!
我看到在接下來的幾個月裡我們會發現,無論我們花多少時間進行前瞻性規劃,一切都會變得一團糟。 它注定要失控,因為我們已經進入了一個新的創造!
This makes for an interesting moment in living in two worlds at once, and with it, huge downloads are happening on all fronts as the new life opens up.
The only way to navigate is to go into the heart and allow your own intuitive and higher guidance to lead you step by step.
Yet, sometimes it may well feel as if even that is now quite as prominent as it was before. This is because of the immensely high frequency liquid light pouring in with high frequency sound.
Our inner ears and inner guidance systems are getting newly tuned in, and this is where we need to take time out every now and again, in order to allow ourselves to retune.
Very interesting!
We have truly stepped into the true Unknowing now, and thus need to be patient with ourselves as we learn to navigate and explore the new!
A sense of wonder, is what we all need huge doses of right now!
Judith Kusel: We have Stepped into a New way of Life (goldenageofgaia.com)
傳導:Judith Kusel