Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ What You’ve Been Waiting for All Along
April 5, 2023 by Suzanne Maresca
April 4, 2023
Dear Ones, you are in a time of rebirth. You are leaving the old chapter behind and in the process of stepping fully into the new. Be patient with yourselves! It takes time to get used to completely new energies and the ways that work best for you to navigate them.
You are in a time that is ripe for manifestation, for expansion, new discoveries, and taking quantum leaps. If you have been putting off things you know you need to do for your own comfort and wellness, now is the time to do them. It’s time to get clear and honest with yourself.
What are you ready to let go of? What old habit is a priority for you to evolve beyond? Now is the ideal time to tackle it, because you are in a period that is incredibly supportive of doing that work. Once you are done, what are you ready to receive that will have room to appear in your life due to releasing what was no longer working or honouring you?
When we speak of getting clear about what you would like to manifest, we urge you not to constrain it through the old habits of micro-managing, fear or doubt. This is about next level manifestation, which is done as a co-creative process. Identify with the core elements that mean the most to you and feel good energetically when you think of them. These might be freedom, satisfaction, purpose, wonder, connection, or any other core element that your soul is craving and beckoning you towards.
當我們談到弄清楚你想要顯化什麼時,我們敦促你不要通過微觀管理、恐懼或懷疑的舊習慣來限制它。這是關於下一個層次的表現,這是一個共同創造的過程。 識別對你來說最重要的核心元素,當你想到它們時,你會精力充沛地感覺良好。 這些可能是自由、滿足、目標、奇蹟、聯繫,或者你的靈魂渴望並召喚你的任何其他核心元素。
By focusing on those elements, you demonstrate your willingness to be led with complete faith and trust from a universe that adores you, knows your highest potentials, and can’t wait to lead you down the path of discovery of what truly exists for you that you could never imagine from where you are now.
After all, if you are in unprecedented energies, it also means unprecedented possibilities, opportunities, and experiences to replace the old. This is what you’ve been waiting for all along ~ to play in the magic and wonder of the previously undiscovered as an embodied soul on an ascending planet!
畢竟,如果你擁有前所未有的能量,這也意味著前所未有的可能性、機會和經驗來取代舊的。這就是你一直在等待的東西 ~ 在以前未被發現的魔法和奇蹟中玩耍,作為揚升行星上的具體靈魂!
傳導: Shelley Young