A Process for Conjuring a High Vibration ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton


a process for conjuring a high vibration - the 9D arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We are here to invite you to a new state of being, a new state of consciousness. We are here to help you to unlock a new vibration within yourselves. We know that it is high time for humanity to experience something brand new, something that will take you to the next level in the evolution of your consciousness. We invite you to feel for the vibration that is a combination of peace, love, and joy.


It is a vibration that all of you can access as you focus on the space in between your solar plexus and sacral chakras. Focus on this part of your physical body right now, and breathe. Breathe into that space with the same focus and intensity that you would use if you were trying to ignite a fire from a very small spark on the edge of a newspaper. Breathe in with the knowing that you can experience all three of these vibrations in combination with each other.


Know that you are there to take what already exists in the fourth dimension and create something new, something never before experienced, never before felt. Go to that place in between your second and third chakras, and feel the combination of peace, love, and joy as one vibration, one experience, one aspect of who you are. Let the feeling fill you up, fill yourself from head to toe with three of the best feeling vibrations combined into one.


And now, let the energy that you have been conjuring up spill out and over into your energy fields. Let yourselves feel surrounded by this beautiful experience, this beautiful energy. Let yourselves feel wrapped in this warm, gooey sensation, and know that you have done this yourselves. We have just coached you through it. We will take no responsibility and none of the credit, and also know that there is so much more where that experience has come from. It’s all inside of you, and it’s time to awaken the very best.
現在,讓你一直在召喚的能量溢出並擴張到你的能量場中。 讓自己感覺被這種美麗的體驗和能量所包圍。 讓自己感受這種溫暖、黏糊糊的感覺,並知道你們已經做到了。 我們剛剛指導你完成了它。 我們將不承擔任何責任與功勞,並且也知道這些經驗的來源還有很多。這一切都在你的內心,是時候喚醒最好的了。

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton


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