Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self | March 17, 2023
By now you should have realised that what is happening upon Earth is a sign of major changes taking place that will continue to do so until it has been prepared for Ascension. What was acceptable during the last cycle is no longer appropriate at a time when changes are needed to lift you up, and these will continue as the years pass by. At present you may find it difficult to comprehend where they are leading as at times they seem to be random and without any real purpose. However, given time a pattern will emerge that reveals the elimination of old ways that will no longer be adequate to meet your needs. You are currently living in a changeover period that is hard going, but there will be a turning point for the better in the very near future. So hold fast and do not despair as your patience will be well rewarded.
到現在為止,你們應該已經意識到,地球上正在發生的事情是正在發生的重大變化的標誌,這種變化將繼續發生,直到它為揚升做好準備。在需要改變來提升你的時候,在上一個週期中可接受的東西不再合適,並且這些將隨著歲月的流逝而繼續。目前你可能會發現很難理解他們的領導方向,因為有時他們似乎是隨機的,沒有任何真正的目的。 然而,假以時日,將會出現一種模式,表明已淘汰不再足以滿足你需求的舊方法。你目前生活在一個艱難的轉變期,但在不久的將來會有一個更好的轉折點。所以堅持住,不要絕望,因為你的耐心會得到很好的回報。
What is happening is perfectly normal at such times as you are in now, so be assured that we are with you to ensure all changes will be experienced as uplifting. It has been predicted for a long time and is not something that is a random occurrence. But for the dark Ones holding you back and trying to keep the truth from you, advancement could have taken place many years ago but nothing can prevent your continued progress as planned. It is why we emphasize the need to maintain your progress and not be distracted from your life plan to ascend. You will be assured of success regardless of what action the dark Ones take. Bear in mind however that situations are used to clear karma that many souls carry with them, and at the time of discussing their life plan they agreed to it. This realisation explains why we tell you that nothing happens by chance.
在你現在所處的時刻,正在發生的事情是完全正常的,所以請放心,我們與你同在,以確保所有的改變都會令人振奮。 它已經被預測了很長時間,而不是隨機發生的事情。 但是對於阻止你們並試圖對你們隱瞞真相的黑暗勢力來說,進步可能在很多年前就已經發生了,但沒有什麼能阻止你們按計劃繼續進步。這就是為什麼我們強調需要保持你的進步,而不是從你提升的人生計劃中分心。無論黑暗勢力採取什麼行動,你們都將確保成功。然而請記住,情況是用來清除許多靈魂隨身攜帶的業力的,並且在討論他們的人生計劃時,他們同意了。 這種認識解釋了為什麼我們告訴你、沒有任何事情是偶然發生的。
You learn from your mistakes and it is why we tell you that once you overcome them, you normally will not be expected to face the test again. Everything is planned to help you evolve and particularly at this time to ensure you are ready to ascend. It is such an important time and you will certainly not want to miss the opportunity to leave the old vibrations behind and enjoy a peaceful and rewarding life. In the future you will have more say as to what you want to do, and revising your past lives would indicate where your interests lay and help you to make your choice for the future. We as always will be on hand to advise you what is best to continue your evolution.
你會從錯誤中吸取教訓,這就是為什麼我們告訴你,一旦克服了錯誤,通常不會再面臨考驗。一切都被計劃好來幫助你進化,尤其是在這個時候,以確保你準備好揚升。 這是一個如此重要的時刻,你當然不想錯過這個機會,將舊的振動拋在腦後,享受平靜而有意義的生活。未來你會對自己想做什麼有更多的發言權,修改你的前世會表明你的興趣所在,並幫助你為未來做出選擇。我們將一如既往地隨時為你提供建議,以最好地繼續你的發展。
No doubt you already have ideas as to what you would like to do in future and your options will be considerable, as you will have proved your worthiness by experience to be a Space Traveller if that is your desire. So much will open up for you that the past problems and hard times you experienced will fade away into the past and be but a distant memory. Can you imagine what it will be like to be released from the shackles that have held you back, and have a greater freedom of choice. To some degree you already know what to expect but the reality of it all is presently beyond your imagination, although your sci-fi films have been purposefully presented to give you an idea of what it is. Meeting other Extra -terrestrials will not be as strange as you might imagine because the human form is normal in your Universe, even if in some manner it is quite different it will still be recognisable as such.
You have so much to look forward to and we often remind you to simply keep your focus on your goal and not be distracted by what is going on around you. We realise that questions will arise in your mind, as a major change in your life raises all sorts of problems mainly related to your present family. Certainly all souls must allow others to formulate their own choice as to what they do in the future. However, the type of life you choose is likely to lead you further afield, but your links with it will remain and contact will be through thought transference. Furthermore you will not have the same obligations to the family as upon Earth, although some will continue to keep a close link with them. Understand that some bonds created upon Earth are no longer necessary in a new situation that is not at all like your earthly experiences.
你有太多的期待,我們經常提醒你只關注你的目標,不要被周圍發生的事情分心。我們意識到你的腦海中會出現問題,因為生活中的重大變化會引發各種主要與你現在的家庭有關的問題。當然,所有靈魂都必須允許其他人對他們未來所做的事情做出自己的選擇。然而,你選擇的生活類型可能會把你帶到更遠的地方,但你與它的聯繫將保持不變,聯繫將通過思想轉移。此外,你們對家庭的義務與在地球上不同,儘管有些人會繼續與他們保持密切聯繫。 要明白,在一個完全不像你們塵世經歷的新情況下,一些在地球上建立的聯繫不再是必要的。
Much of what you need to know about your Space friends will come with the time of open contact that is not too far away. They are keen to meet you and introduce you to the new world that you will eventually live in. Believe us that they are highly evolved souls who wish to help you take your place in the new levels of vibration, that are devoid of the negativity that you face at present. Happy times beckon but as we have told you, you must first put the Earth in order so that it is safe for visitors to arrive and meet you. We will help you achieve it but first the intent must come from you and be achieved.
We are all brothers and sisters and the children of God and equal in God’s Eyes, and it would be wonderful if it was recognised and led to peace upon Earth. All of the time you threaten each other peace seems a long way off, but it must come in one way or another. Time is relatively short for you to wake up and be what you were intended to be as Beings of Light and Love. How nice it would be if all hostilities were replaced by peaceful exchanges and recognition of the Oneness of all Life. Together you could turn the Earth into a paradise and live peacefully together, and we could meet you and enjoy being in your company. The more you send out such thoughts you will help create the energies to achieve it.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
我帶著愛和祝福留給你,願聖光照亮你的日子和通往完成的道路。 這個信息來自我的高我,我的神我,每個靈魂都與神有同樣的聯繫。
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
傳導:Mike Quinsey