Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, May 5, 2023
There is little evidence yet of changes occurring for the betterment of humanity but given time they will become apparent. Clearly major changes do not happen overnight yet in spite of the turmoil and uncertainty of the future, we can aassure you it is a preparation for a new way of living that does not include the dark Ones.
目前還沒有什麼證據表明發生的變化是為了改善人類,但假以時日,它們將會變得明顯。 很明顯,重大的改變不會在一夜之間發生,儘管未來充滿動盪和不確定性,我們可以向你保證,這是一種不包括黑暗勢力的新生活方式的準備。
The battle for superiority has been won and from here on you will be able to clearly see the direction it is going in. It will continue to be a very trying time asalso much old karma is being released never to return, as the old vibrations are played out forever.
When you volunteered to return to Earth you were given a preview of what to expect, and knew that the hard times would pass for most of you in your lifetime. The timing is not easy to determine but already preparations are being made to introduce some very acceptable changes.
Life is going to change for the better and be your introduction to many new ways of living that will make it much easier and enjoyable. It will become what it was always meant to be – peaceful and delightful to experience. Peace will have ascended and make life a very joyful and wonderful experience.
By stages illness and disease will disappear and life expectancy will increase quite substantially. Individual abilities will grow to the point when you can self-heal without medicines or surgery and even grow new limbs if necessary.
疾病將逐步消失,預期壽命將大幅增加。 個人能力將發展到無需藥物或手術即可自癒的程度,必要時甚至可以長出新肢體。
It is how it was always meant to be but the drop in vibrations limited your self-healing powers. Yet even now some of you are powerful healers and eventually all souls will be so empowered, you will become travellers of the Universe having proved yourselves ready to become Cosmic Beings.
它本來就是如此,但振動的下降限制了你的自我修復能力。 然而,即使是現在,你們中的一些人也是強大的療癒者,最終所有的靈魂都會被賦予如此強大的力量,你們將成為宇宙的旅行者,證明自己已準備好成為宇宙存有。
You cannot so to say “jump the gun” but only when you have raised your vibrations sufficiently. You may ask how you can do it and the simple answer is to keep your vibrations as high as possible. Easier said than done you say but practice makes perfect with control being totally in your own hands.
The Earth has proved to be a most suitable school for learning where you are continually being tested. However, you are not given tasks beyond your present ability, but at the same time they are purposely planned to test your staying power. As always your Guides will be doing their best to help you achieve success and keep you safe and sound.
地球已被證明是一所最適合學習的學校,在那裡你不斷受到考驗。 但是,沒有給你超出你現在能力的任務,而是同時有意安排它們來測試你的持久力。 一如既往,你的指導靈將盡最大努力幫助你取得成功並確保你安全無恙。
Meantime you have talents and experience that can help others to progress on their paths, so each soul is given every opportunity to succeed. There is no such thing as failure as every soul can be given numerous chances to try and try again.
與此同時,你擁有可以幫助他人在他們的道路上取得進步的才能和經驗,因此每個靈魂都被給予成功的每一個機會。 沒有失敗這回事,因為每個靈魂都可以有無數次嘗試的機會。
The dark Ones will still try to mislead you but with your experience you should be able to overcome such attempts. At this point in time you are capable of warding off any attempt to distract you from your path.
Back to reality sees you being surrounded by a multitude of challenges but you should be able to handle them because of your greater experience. The war is won but you still have much work to do, but as time progresses it should undoubtedly become easier.
回到現實看到你被眾多挑戰包圍,但你應該能夠處理它們,因為你有更多的經驗。 戰爭贏了,但你還有很多工作要做,但隨著時間的推移,這無疑會變得更容易。
You have many souls around you who need your help, but it is best to wait until they approach you about it as you do not know what karmic reasons may exist for them. They gain more from solving their own problems but from your point of view it is knowing when it is the right time to intervene. You should be sufficiently experienced to know when to do so.
The Human civilisation must preferably progress together as one unit but those souls who cannot make it will be given another opportunity to succeed. It is the spirit of things that carries Humanity forwards and inwardly all souls know they have to progress spiritually if they want to leave the lower vibrations. Once you realise what lays ahead you will do everything possible to reach your goal that is Ascension, and be assured you will be given every help to make it.
人類文明最好作為一個整體共同進步,但那些不能做到這一點的靈魂將獲得另一個成功的機會。 它是推動人類前進的事物的精神,所有靈魂的內在都知道,如果他們想離開較低的振動,他們必須在精神上進步。 一旦你意識到擺在面前的是什麼,你將盡一切可能實現你的揚升目標,並確信你會得到一切幫助來實現它。
You have all had so many lives through the last cycle and each one has been planned with your spiritual needs in mind. After all what else do you need your experience for that is more important.
在上一個週期中,你們所有人都經歷了如此多的生命,每一個生命都在計劃中考慮到你們的靈性需求。 畢竟你還需要什麼,你的經驗更重要。
Many of you are ready to ascend and you should feel it right now as that “knowing” is a feeling of completion. You have done the hard work and now set yourselves up for a much easier life although you will be very busy at such an important time. You will know intuitively whether you achieved your goals, and pleased to help others who are travelling a similar path.
We have already told you that families tend to keep together, but each soul has its own path to follow that may not necessarily be the same. Be joyful that you can help others through your own experience, and be sure that souls will be directed to you because of it.
Helping others on their spiritual path is a worthy cause and is normal throughout the Cosmos. How exciting it must seem to think that your travels in the lower vibrations are soon to end, but you have all earned it through your determination to succeed.
在他們的精神道路上幫助他人是一項有價值的事業,並且在整個宇宙中都是正常的。 想到你們在較低振動中的旅行即將結束,這看起來一定是多麼令人興奮,但你們都是通過你們成功的決心贏得了它。
Easier times lay ahead but in the meantime you will find many opportunities coming your way to help others in one way or another. Even a kind word can sometimes lift another person up and opportunities to do so usually crop up almost every day. So help others in whatever way you can without overburdening yourself.
更輕鬆的時光就在眼前,但與此同時,你會發現許多機會以某種方式幫助他人。 即使是一句好話有時也能讓另一個人振作起來,而這樣做的機會幾乎每天都會出現。 因此,盡你所能幫助他人,而不會讓自己負擔過重。
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
我帶著愛和祝福留給你,願聖光照亮你的日子和通往完成的道路。 這個信息來自我的高我,我的神我,每個靈魂都與神有同樣的聯繫。
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
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傳導:Mike Quinsey