The Huge Energies Closing Out February ∞
The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.
We have noticed that humans tend to respond to big energy packets, regardless of where those energies are coming from. When you recognize that you are energetic beings, physically and as a soul being, then you start to anticipate the energetic transmissions, and you notice them when they are happening. Sometimes you will notice that something is going on with you energetically, and then you will realize that it is the time of a full moon, or that there has been solar flare activity, or perhaps you may even find some channeled material that tells you that you are getting a blast from the other star systems in your galaxy.
我們注意到,人類傾向於對大能量包做出反應,無論這些能量來自何處。 當你認識到你們是一個充滿活力/能量的存有,無論是身體上還是靈魂上,你就會開始預測能量的傳輸,並在它們發生時注意到它們。有時你會注意到你精力充沛地發生了一些事情,然後會意識到現在是滿月,或者有太陽耀斑活動,或者你甚至可能會發現一些通靈材料告訴你:你們正在從銀河系的其他恆星系統中得到爆炸。
Some of you anticipate these big energetic packets, and you prepare yourselves for them. In that anticipation, you of course do open up more to them, and in making yourselves more available to them, you tend to get more out of them. We have noticed that you tend to receive more from the higher realms at these times that there is much more interest in the stars and in other beings from the stars. That is why this energetic transmission we are about to tell you about is going to be so powerful for you.
For the rest of the month of February, you are going to receive energies that will ground in to your experience more memories of e.t. contact that you have already had as other aspects of your soul. You are going to have more access to the memories of ships landing, sightings of those ships in advance, and meeting e.t.s in the flesh. This is going to help you immensely with your own contact experiences and the contact experience that all of humanity is now looking forward to.
You can expect to feel some excitement within you as you access these energetic packets. You also can now anticipate them and open yourselves up to them physically and energetically. This is something we do recommend that you do as soon as you receive this transmission. We also want you to know that not every experience that you have ever had with an e.t. or with a mass landing of ships has been what you would call positive from your perspective. And therefore, there is a great cleansing, a great purging going on right now, of the fears, the anxieties, the anger, and all of the other emotions that are wrapped up in e.t. experiences that were not so great.
And some people do get triggered even by the idea of e.t.s coming into your realm, but we want you to know that we have always been there. We have been with you from the very beginning in various forms, and there are e.t.s walking amongst you right now there on Earth. So you really don’t have anything to fear because it’s already happening, and the visitations with the individuals who are ready for that contact with e.t.s will also continue.
And those of you who are interested but have not yet had your face-to-face encounters are going to now be more ready than ever for them. We play some part in this as the Andromedans that we are, but we are collaborating with collectives from all across the galaxy to give you these energetic packets, this information, and the healing that you need to move forward with your own contact experiences. We of course do welcome your feedback, and you can reach out to us directly at any time. We will always be listening.
那些有興趣但尚未進行面對面交流的人現在將比以往任何時候都做好準備。身為仙女座人,我們在其中扮演著一定的角色,但我們正在與來自整個銀河系的集體合作,為你們提供這些能量包、資訊以及你需要的療癒,以推動你自己的接觸體驗。我們當然歡迎你們提供回饋,你們可以隨時直接與我們聯繫。 我們將永遠傾聽。
We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”
文章來源: Daniel Scranton's Channeling • Channeling, Spirituality & Consciousness