Receiving & Working with the 2-22-22 Energies ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton


receiving & working with the 2-22-22 energies - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We are very happy to see how many humans are excited about the February 22nd 2022 energies, and we want you all to know that you do get to use them for whatever you are most interested in. We told you about these energies and what they could do for you, but we also want you to know that you get to set your intentions for how to work with the energies and what you want them to do for you and for your fellow humans. We will give you some instructions on how to better receive them right now.
我們很高興看到有多少人對 2022 年 2 月 22 日的能量感到興奮,希望你們所有人知道,你們確實可以將它們用於最感興趣的任何事情。我們向你介紹了這些能量以及可以為你做什麼,我們也希望你知道可以設定如何使用能量的意圖,以及希望它們為你和人類同胞做什麼。我們將為你提供一些關於如何更好地接收它們的說明。


When you sit to receive these beautiful energies, do so with your eyes closed and the palms of your hands facing up. Make yourself as relaxed and comfortable as you can be, and imagine golden white light coming down from the sky upon you. Feel the energies coming in through the crown of your head and falling right into the palms of your hands. Feel for these wonderful energies all around you, and when you feel them running through your body, feel the energies moving all the way down to the souls of your feet.


Once you feel that you have opened up and received the energies of February 22nd 2022, recognize that you then can direct them towards your favorite cause, towards the aspect of life on Earth that is most in need of change from your perspective. Send the energies from your heart center to whatever you would like to see changed on your world today, and know that many other lightworkers around the world are doing the same. You’re always working as a team, and those of you who are there to make a difference know who you are and know when it is a very powerful day to be making those changes.
一旦你覺得已經敞開心並接受 2022 年 2 月 22 日的能量,請認識到你可以將它們引導到你最喜歡的事業上,從你的角度來看地球上最需要改變的生命面向。將能量從你的心發送到你希望看到今天世界發生變化的任何地方,並知道世界上許多其他光之工作者也在做同樣的事情。你們總是作為一個團隊工作,你們中的那些想要有所作為的人都知道自己是誰,也知道什麼時候是做出這些重要改變的日子。


Now, you also can utilize these energies for making changes in your personal lives, and so, once you have downloaded them, you can focus on the changes you would like to see in whatever you feel is in your life that could use some energetic boosting. You can focus on adding to your life what you would like to add and subtracting from your life what you would like to subtract. You can trust that these energies are happy to work with you in the creation of your reality.


And as awakened souls, you know that you get to work with the energies that are upon you to create your reality at any time, but you also know that there are times when it is more appropriate to focus, to feel, and to direct the energies in a particular place in your lives and in the world. This is one of those times, but the timing is not limited to the day of February 22nd. These energies will be upon you, and you can work with them leading up to the equinox. The equinox energies will start coming in at some point in March, and then you will have those energies supporting you as well. If you do not do the process that we have outlined here on February 22nd, do not worry. Do not feel that you have missed out. The energies are not going anywhere, and they will continue to come in even after the stroke of midnight on your clocks.
作為覺醒的靈魂,你知道可以隨時利用身上的能量來創造你的現實,但你也知道有些時候更適合專注、感受和指導在你的生活與世界特定地點的能量。這是其中之一,但時間不限於 2 月 22 日這一天。這些能量將在你身上,你可以與他們一起工作直到春分。春分能量將在三月的某個時候開始進來,然後你也會有這些能量支持。如果你不執行我們在 2 月 22 日概述的流程,請不要擔心。不要覺得你錯過了。能量不會去任何地方,即使在你的時鐘敲響午夜之後,它們也會繼續進來。

You are beautiful co-creators, and you are working with all the energies you have upon you, and today is a very good day to feel that and acknowledge that, but so is every day. And so, we suggest that you continue to use the process that we have given you to receive and to create and to live happily ever after there on Earth. You are meant to create, and you are meant to receive, and when you are doing both you are truly in the flow and that is a lovely way to live your lives there on Earth.
你們是美麗的共同創造者,正在用自己身上的所有能量工作,今天是感受並承認這一點的好日子,但每一天都是如此。 因此,我們建議你繼續使用給你的過程來接收與創造,並從此在地球上過著幸福的生活。 你注定要創造,注定要接受,當你同時做這兩件事時,你就真正處於流動之中,這是在地球上生活的一種可愛方式。

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton


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