When Will The Shift Be Complete? ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


when will the shift be complete? - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
“問候。 我們是大角星人委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。


We are very pleased that so many of you who are a part of the Awakened Collective are expecting a better future for humanity, and we know that you are because you believe in the shift in consciousness. Or, to put it another way, you know that there is a shift in consciousness that is happening right now and that will be completed at some point in humanity’s future. Now, we know we have been over this before, but it is important for you all to hear it again. You are not meant to wait around for an Event, a Solar Flash, or any other occurrence that would catapult you into the fifth dimension. You are meant to experience the ride, the journey, and the steps forward that you take in your conscious spiritual evolution.


You are meant to not only take those steps, but to experience them as incremental movements forward in your consciousness. In other words, you want to experience the slow and deliberate path to the fifth dimension, whether you realize it or not. Now, here is something else that is very true. You get to experience your gradual evolution in consciousness in every moment of every day. You are faced with choices all the time that are about you either clinging to some aspect of the third dimension, or letting go and letting yourself rise up to a fifth-dimensional level of consciousness. 
你注定不僅要採取這些步驟,而且要將它們體驗為你意識中前進的漸進運動。 換句話說,無論你是否意識到,你都想體驗通往第五維度的緩慢而謹慎的道路。 現在,這裡有另一件事是非常真實的。你會在每一天的每一刻體驗你意識的逐漸進化。你一直面臨著選擇:堅持第三維度的某些方面,或放手讓自己上升到第五維度的意識水平。


This is not about going to a place, and you don’t have to wait for the Earth to split into two Earths so that you can exist on the fifth-dimensional one. That is another story that we are aware of that is in the new age community and that needs to be seriously examined, because there are way more than two Earths already. Now, as you become the next highest version of yourself on this path, and you do so deliberately, that is an amazing experience. You get to have one amazing experience of your spiritual evolution after another, and that is something worth celebrating. That is something worth feeling very good about right now. 
這不是去一個地方,你不必等到地球分裂成兩個地球,你就可以存在於第五維空間。 這是我們知道的另一個故事,它發生在新時代社區,需要認真研究,因為地球已經不止兩個了。現在,當你成為這條道路上的下一個最高版本的自己時,你是有意識地這樣做的,那是一種了不起的體驗。你將獲得一次又一次的精神進化的驚人體驗,這是值得慶祝的事情。 這是值得現在感覺非常好的事情。


You might feel despondent that we are not here telling you that the shift in consciousness will be completed tomorrow or in six days, but that’s only because you are looking at it in a way that does not serve you. If you see the completion of the shift as something that is inevitable and something that you are there to enjoy, then you can let go of your timeframes, and just be in the present moment with this version of you that’s being given yet another opportunity to evolve spiritually and consciously. That is the best experience you can have right now. Make that choice, and do not wait for something outside of you to occur so that you can feel better about your now moment. 
你可能會感到沮喪,因為我們沒有在這裡告訴你意識的轉變將在明天或六天內完成,但這只是因為你以一種不適合你的方式看待它。如果你認為轉變的完成是不可避免的,是你在那裡享受的事情,那麼就可以放開你的時間框架,與這個版本的你一起活在當下,這是另一個機會在精神上和意識上進化。那是您現在可以擁有的最佳體驗。 做出那個選擇,不要等待你之外的事情發生,這樣你才能對現在的時刻感覺更好。


We know that we are preaching to the choir here, because if we weren’t you’d be watching a different video or reading a different post on a different website. We know that you are up for the challenge of shifting yourselves gradually and moment by moment, and we also know that you know that this is the better experience. You still have so much to enjoy in terms of what is available to you there in the fourth dimension and planet Earth, so also do not be in such a hurry to go home, wherever you believe your home to be. Bring Heaven to Earth. Bring your galactic energies down into the physical realm and into your bodies and feel yourselves expanding as you do, and you will be your fifth-dimensional selves right now, and you will show others the way.
我們知道我們在這裡向合唱團佈道,因為如果不這樣做,你就會在不同的網站上觀看不同的視頻或閱讀不同的貼文。 我們知道你正準備迎接逐漸和每時每刻改變自己的挑戰,我們也知道:你知道這是更好的體驗。 在第四維度和地球上,你仍然有很多可以享受的東西,所以也不要急著回家,無論你認為你的家在哪裡。 把天堂帶到人間。 將你的銀河能量帶入物質領域和你的身體,感受你自己在擴張,你現在將成為你的第五維度自我,你將向他人展示道路。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton


    創作者 Amber 的頭像


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