My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Today, take a moment and tune into the energy on your planet. Can you feel the peace? For just a day so many around the world pause and take time to celebrate a holiday of light, love, and hope for a beautiful future. For a day so many choose to gather with family and friends or to reach out to strangers. For just a day so many, even those of you who are down, lonely, and hurting, reach for a slightly better feeling, if only a warm blanket, a cup of tea, and a good movie.
You are never alone. You are never apart from this light. Angels surround you and the Divine flows within every particle of your being. The light that was born in the manger so many centuries ago came into the world anew when you were born, and indeed when every soul is born. Like the oil in the lamp, you have the miraculous capacity to keep this light burning brightly in your world.
Every time you reach for a better feeling thought you keep your light burning, and you birth light anew. Every time you choose to be kind to yourselves or one another you allow this light to burn brightly within you. Every time you focus on something with love you allow this light to burn bright within you.
So whether you are gathering with family and friends, or sobbing silently with a warm blanket wrapped around yourself for comfort, you are reaching for love. You are birthing this light. You are shining this light into the world – whether you interact with another human being or not.
That babe in the manger was a bright light, unimpeded by doubts, fears, or concerns about what the world would think. That light is born again with every child who comes into this world. That light comes in the form of you, your loved ones, and the ones you can't love so easily. That light comes in the form of friend or foe; in the form of animals, trees, creeks, rivers, and streams. That light swirls in inclement weather and soothes in the stillness. You, dear ones, get to shape that light with your thoughts, your feelings, your intentions, and most of all your focus.
So today, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, focus for a little while on a world at peace, hearts filled with love, and a population of humanity that embraces diversity as the many flavors and textures of One. Your Presence is the gift, dear ones. You are the lights burning brightly in this world.
Today as in all days we celebrate you. May your hearts be filled with the sweet peace of knowing the light is always within you, in every kind thought, in every soothing or loving word, and every deed authentically infused with love.
Give yourself a little present today too, Sit quietly with us for a few minutes. Open your heart. Breathe, and receive. That light that we all are, wishes to flow within you and be a blessing to the world. Breathe. You just gave the world the Present of your Presence dear ones, and that is the greatest gift of all.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels
傳導:Ann Albers