How Our Universe Works & How to Align with It ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


how the universe works & how to align with it - the 9d arcturian council - channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 
“問候。 我們是大角星人委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。


We have an understanding of how this universe of ours works, and that is what allows us to be so very positive in regards to all of you there on Earth and what is happening. We know that the universe is always expanding because of what you are living there on Earth that is unpleasant and what you are living that is terrible. You are creating new realities. You are adding to this already abundant and infinite universe, because you seek a better life for yourselves, your family members, and all of humanity.


Those of you who want better lives for all humans are doing the most creating. You are causing the most expansion, and you are also willing to do the helping that is required to get others to open up and become more of who they really are. When you believe in something, when you have a cause, when you feel that your life is about serving others, you are acting on behalf of Source, and you are acting on behalf of this universe, which is an aspect of Source.
你們中那些希望所有人都過上更好生活的人正在做最多的創造。 你正在引起最大的擴張,也願意提供必要的幫助,讓其他人敞開心扉,成為更真實的自己。 當你相信某事時,當你有事業時,當你覺得你的生活就是為他人服務時,你就是在代表源頭行事,你是在代表這個宇宙行事,這是源頭的一個方面。


Our universe and Source both want expansion, and they both want to know themselves more fully and completely. Those of you who are awake align with those desires because that’s what you want more of in your experience. And because you don’t see yourselves as separate from anyone else, you also align with that truth that this universe and Source are all about. 
我們的宇宙和源頭都想要擴張,他們都想要更全面、更完整地瞭解自己。你們中那些清醒的人會與這些渴望保持一致,因為那是你在體驗中想要更多的東西。 因為你不認為自己與其他任何人是分開的,所以你也與這個宇宙和源頭的真相保持一致。


Source and our universe are all about inclusion; they know that we are all better off as a whole, working together, helping each other, and they also know that any attempt at separation and segregation is an impossible feat. It cannot be done, but people on Earth still try, and sometimes you just have to let them tire themselves out so that they can eventually realize the futility of what they have been desiring for so long. 


That is something else that you want to have in common with Source and our universe; you want to be patient, and also to trust, to know that all will be returning to the flock eventually. All will be coming home to Source because there is nowhere else to go. If you want to feel in the flow with this beautiful universe, then allow yourselves to feel something. Allow yourselves to desire something; allow yourselves to imagine what it would be like to experience yourselves as that which Source is…all-powerful, all-loving, and all-inclusive, all the time. And let what you create in those moments come to you. That is how you live in alignment with Source and in alignment with the universe, and it is also the way to live happily ever after.
那是你想要與源頭和宇宙共同擁有的其他東西;你要有耐心,也要相信,要知道最終一切都會回到羊群中。所有人都將回到源頭,因為無處可去。如果你想感受這個美麗宇宙的流動,那就讓自己感受一下吧。 允許自己有所渴望; 讓自己想像一下,體驗自己是源頭的感覺會是什麼樣子……全能、全然的愛、無所不包,始終如一。 讓你在那些時刻創造的東西來到身邊。這就是你與源頭對齊並與宇宙對齊的方式,也是從此過上幸福生活的方式。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”



傳導:Daniel Scranton


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